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Moritz Eggert

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der heckser

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pong (version for 6 instruments) (2012)

  Chamber music - Sextets
(suiteable for church)

  for sextet
work list 2012-HW-125b

completed 11/11/2012

instruments flute, clarinet, violin, cello, marimbaphone, piano

duration 9'

world premiere 04/10/2013
Talea Ensemble
Seattle (USA), Town Hall


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freaks (2003/2008)

  Chamber music - Sextets

  für 4 Schlagzeuger und 2 Pianisten
completed 05/20/2008


texts Partiturvorwort (enthält detaillierte Besetzung)

Für 4 Schlagzeuger und 2 Pianisten

Besetzung: (unterstrichene Instrumente sollten leicht verstärkt werden, ein Mikro pro Spieler für Stimme und Kleininstrumente sollte reichen)

Schlagzeug I: Stimme, Marimbaphon (auch Kalimba ad lib.), Darab... [more]

[ Foreword Score (contains detailed instrumentation) , 20.5.2008 ]



Freaks, Premiere at the anniversary of the Bavarian Academy

see also freaks

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The Son Of The Daughter Of Dracula Versus The Incredible Frankenstein Monster (From Outer Space) (2004)

  Chamber music - Sextets
also look at Electronic music

  for 2 Theremins (+MIDI-Theremin), percussion, violin, cello, piano/sampler
work list 149-04-NW

completed 11/28/2004

instruments 2 Theremins (+MIDI-Theremin), percussion, violin, cello, piano/sampler

duration 8'

world premiere 03/30/2005
Barbara Buchholz, Lydia Kavina, theremin, Ensemble f�r Neue Kammermusik Berlin: Tobias Rempe, vl., Ringela Riemke, vc., Heather O�Donnell, pf., Dirk Rothbrust, perc.
Weimar (Germany), "Fr�hjahrstage f�r Neue Musik", mon ami

special parody of horror film music from the 50�s

dedicated Barbara Buchholz, Lydia Kavina

soundcarrier touch! - don't touch!



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morphing (2004)

  Chamber music - Sextets

  for brass quintet and accordion (bajan)
work list 147-04-HW

completed 09/03/2004

instruments 2 trumpets (in Bb), horn, trombone, tuba, accordion (bajan)

duration 17'

world premiere 12/07/2005
Stockholm Brass, Elsbeth Moser, Bajan
Hanover (Germany), Musikhochschule, Brass Micro Festival

dedicated Elsbeth Moser, Stockholm Brass

publication Sikorski


Ausschnitt aus dem Stück, mit Elsbeth Moser und Stockholm Brass
Excerpt from the piece with Elsbeth Moser and Stockholm Brass

texts morphing, kurzer Text zum Stück

"morphing" ist ein Stück in dem mit der unerwarteten Verwandlung gespielt wird. Im Film nennt man "morphing" die visuelle Verwandlung von Objekten mittels CGI (computer generated images), eine relativ neue Technik die erst durch den Einsatz von Computern möglich wird. Aber auch in der Musi... [more]

[ 18.11.2005 ]

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Symphony 3.0 (2002)

  Chamber music - Sextets

  for 6 or more ships horns, car horns or gas horns
work list 128-02-NW

completed 07/09/2002

movements I. leak
II. wawltz


instruments 6 or more ships horns, car horns or gas horns

duration 6'

world premiere 07/12/2002
"The Scruncheons"
St. John's (Newfoundland/Canada), Sound Symposium

special written for the "harbour symphony" series

dedicated Paul Steffler (I) Kate Wherry (II)



Ausschnitt aus einer Aufführung in Ghana, Afrika (mit 6 Autos)
Excerpt from a performance in Ghana, Africa (with 6 cars)

Jobst Liebrecht dirigiert "Symphonie 3.0" in Berlin/ Jobst Liebrecht conducts "Symphony 3.0" in Berlin

texts Symphony 3.0, english performance instructions

Moritz Eggert
Symphonie 3.0

I: leak for 6 or more ship’s horns, car horns or gas horns
II: wawltz for 6 ship’s horns, car horns or gas horns

Created for the harbour symphony, St. John’s, Sound Symposium


... [more]

[ 12.10.2004 ]

see also Breaking The Waves (Open Air Performance)
Symphony 3.0 (extended version)

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Departure (1986)

  Chamber music - Sextets

  for sextet, originally planned as prologue to "Das Licht am Ende des Tunnels" (unfinished)
work list 12-86-HW

completed 10/13/1986

instruments Fl./picc., Clar. (Bb/Eb), Hn., Vl., Vc., Pf.

duration 9'

world premiere 11/15/1986
Annegret Lucke, Fl., Udo Schmitt, clar., Siochiro Ono, Hn., Johannes Blumenroether, Vl., Maike Bittner-Kunstreich, Vc., Gottfried Bittner, pf.
Frankfurt am Main (Germany), Heussenstamm-Stiftung

special echo effects - french horn plays into the piano

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