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Moritz Eggert

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der heckser

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  Vocal music - Vocal ensemble

  for vocal quartet
work list 117-01-HW

completed 08/19/2001

text text: vocalises

voices 2 tenors, 2 baritones

duration 8'

special many mouth noises, "harmonic" singing, experimental notation

dedicated four-hire-Vokalquartett


texts streaming, deutsch/englischer Text zum Stück


Pronunciation: (strE'ming), key
1. an act or instance of flowing.
2. Also called protoplasmic streaming. Biol.rapid flowing of cytoplasm within a cell; cyclosis.
(1. Ein Ereignis oder ein Vo... [more]

[ 28.09.2004 ]
streaming, english translation of performance instructions

Translations for streaming (Moritz Eggert)


1) falsetto, mostly used to have higher pitches sound more „effortless“
2) consonants without pitch, exaggerated and articulated molto marcato, like a rhythmic sound
3) formant changes (in this case o to &... [more]

[ 21.09.2004 ]

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Schhhhh ... (2000)

  Vocal music - Vocal ensemble

  for 6 or more performers
work list 99-99-NW

completed 11/23/1999

voices 6 or more performers (no singing, only mouth noises)

duration 5'

world premiere 03/11/2000
Barbara Sternberger, Brigitte Cuvelier, Vera Bilbija, Giuseppe and Michele de Filipis, Octavio Campos, Thomas Langkau, Mauricio Motta, Guido Markowitz, Sabine Lindlar
Darmstadt (Germany), Staatstheater, Kleines Haus

special uses only mouth noises


texts Schhh...english translations of performance notes

For 6 or more performers

English translations:

1) The piece can be performed by 6 or more people
2) Parts I and IV should be soloists – they are slightly more difficult than the other parts
3) Parts II, III, IV and VI can be done by ... [more]

[ 15.09.2004 ]


1) Das Stück kann von 6 oder mehr Performern aufgeführt werden.
2) Die Stimmen I und IV sollten solistisch besetzt sein. Sie sind etwas schwerer als die anderen Stimmen.
3) Die Stimmen II und III, sowie V und VI k&oum... [more]

[ 16.09.2004 ]

see also In the sandbox

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The gift from eternity (1999)

  Vocal music - Vocal ensemble

  for vocal quartet and "soundist"
work list 93-99-HW

completed 07/07/1999

text excerpts from the lecture "Time" by Jorge Luis Borges (German translation)

voices soprano, alto, tenor, bass

duration 8'

world premiere 11/19/1999
Hanna Sturludottir, sopr., Liat Himmelheber, alto, Markus Ullmann, ten., Yaron Windmüller, bass, Moritz Eggert, cond.
Saarbruecken (Germany), Funkhaus Halberg

special madrigal, the "soundist"conducts and plays small additional instruments, the piece is performed sitting at a large table


texts "Das Geschenk der Ewigkeit", kurzer Text zum Stück

Moritz Eggert
Das Geschenk der Ewigkeit

Madrigal für 4 Sänger und „Lautist“

Mein Stück wurde besonders durch die Madrigale der Renaissance inspiriert (komponiert von Komponisten wie Janequin, de Monte, Gomber... [more]

[ 09.07.2003 ]



Das Geschenk der Ewigkeit, kurzer Ausschnitt vom Anfang des Stückes

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The Sleeper Wakes (2000)

  Vocal music - Vocal ensemble

  for vocal octet
work list 92-99-HW

completed 05/25/1999

text text: vocalises

voices 2 sopranos, 2altos, 2 tenors, 2 basses

duration 8'

world premiere 07/25/2000
The Swingle Singers
Amsterdam (Netherlands), Concertgebouw

special commission by the "Swingle Singers" for the project "Bach 2000", based on "Sleepers Wake" by J.S.Bach

dedicated Swingle Singers


texts The Sleeper Wakes, short english text about the piece

The Sleeper Wakes
"Sleepers Wake" is one of Bach's weirdest but also most popular pieces. I think it's fascination comes from the meandering bass-line - which sounds as if it could go on forever - and it's haunting, yet uplifting melody with the memorable jump from the third to the suspended ... [more]

[ 17.11.2004 ]

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Bohemian Hymn (1997)

  Vocal music - Vocal ensemble
also look at Choir music for vocal ensemble

  for gurgling voices
work list 76-97-NW

completed 09/04/1997

text text: vocalises

voices solo voice and tutti voices (any number of performers)

duration 3'

world premiere 11/29/1997
Valentine Deschenaux, Siegfried Mauser, Moritz Eggert, voice
Munich (Germany), Haus der Kunst, "Amerikanische Nacht"

special sung while gurgling with water


see also "aural corridors"

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Winter songs
shortened version for different voices

  Vocal music - Vocal ensemble

  for male vocal quartet
work list 13b-94-BE

completed 05/29/1994

text text: vocalises

voices countertenor, 2 tenors, Bass

duration 11'

dedicated Wilhelm Killmayer


see also Winter songs

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Winter songs (1987)
original version

  Vocal music - Vocal ensemble

  for vocal quartet
work list 13a-87-HW

completed 04/28/1987

text text: vocalises

voices soprano, alto, tenor, bass

duration 17'

world premiere 06/24/1987
Moritz Eggert, cond., Sybille Plocher/Ulrike Simon, sopr., Silvia Fichtl, Mezzo, Thomas Mohrherr, Ten., Markus Hollop, bass
Munich (Germany), Musikhochschule, Grosser Saal

dedicated Wilhelm Killmayer

soundcarrier Porträt-CD Moritz Eggert



Die Hibernalischen Gesänge - das älteste Stück auf dieser CD, und überhaupt eines der ersten richtigen "Stücke" von mir - stellten in vielerlei Hinsicht einen kompositorischen Neubeginn für mich dar, nicht zuletzt verursacht durch den Beginn meines Studiums bei Wilhelm ... [more]

[ 1990 (rev. 02.10.1998) ]



short excerpt from the piece, Hibernalia Ensemble, Moritz Eggert conductor

see also Winter songs

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