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Werk |
Hämmerklavier XX: One Man Band 2
(2009) |
Kammermusik - Klavier solo () |
für Klavier und Nebeninstrumente | |
Werkeverzeichnis |
fertig gestellt |
Instrumente |
Klavier (mit Mundharmonika, Toy Piano, quietschendem Objekt, Pedal mit Woodblock)
Dauer |
Moritz Eggert, pf. Carl-Orff-Saal, Gasteig, München, Festkonzert "20 Jahre Winners&Masters" |
gewidmet |
Andreas Krause
Video |
Texte |
short text about the piece, English In 1994 I wrote the since then most performed piece of my „Haemmerklavier“ cycle: “One Man Band”. In this piece I tried to test the limits of normal piano playing – not with massed notes but with unusual actions performed in addition to the playing on the keys. So the pianist has to play with chin a... [mehr] [
Moritz Eggert , 13.7.2009
One Man Band 2, kurzer Text zum Stück HÄMMERKLAVIER XII: One Man Band 2 [
One Man Band 2, short text about the piece , 25.3.2009
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