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Moritz Eggert

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Breaking The Waves - Call (2010)

  Electronic music - Hörspiele

  prologue for open air project Breaking The Waves
completed 07/05/2010

text Moritz Eggert

voices 4 speakers

duration 11'

world premiere 07/10/2010
CBC Newfoundland (Canada), Radio

see also Breaking The Waves (Open Air Performance)
The eternal song
Number Nine VII: Mas

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The One Minute Piece That Took Me Ages To Do And Which Is Really Impressive (2004)

  Electronic music - Hörspiele

  Sound collage
work list 146-04-HW

completed 08/04/2004

instruments electronic music (tape)

duration 1'

world premiere 11/07/2004
2nd annual Vox Novus concert
New York (USA), UNDER St. Marks

special Composed for the 60x60 project by Vox Novus, New York

texts The One Minute Piece....short accompanying text

“It should be noted that my piece for 60x60 uses only “natural” sounds (produced by the mouth of the composer) without any electronic tinkering or modulation.”

[ 22.10.2004 ]
The One Minute Piece...short text about the piece

“It should be noted that my piece for 60x60 uses only “natural” sounds (produced by the mouth of the composer) without any electronic tinkering or modulation.”

[ 04.08.2004 ]



the complete piece

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Man in the Moon (2004)

  Electronic music

  Orchestration of a music from "The Meal of Mr. Orlong" for robot orchestra
work list 14b-04-HW

completed 05/30/2004

instruments robot orchestra

duration 4'

world premiere 08/02/2004

see also The meal of Mr. Orlong

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tango vacuo (from "Dr. Booger's Scary Scheme") (2004)

  Electronic music

  orchestration of a movement from "Dr. Booger's Scary Scheme" for robot orchestra
work list 115b-04-HW

completed 05/01/2004

instruments robot orchestra

duration 2'

world premiere 05/19/2004
Logos-Foundation, M&M Ensemble
Gent (Belgium)

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Tango Vacuo (2004)

  Electronic music

  instrumentation of a Tango from "Dr. Booger's scary scheme" for robot orchestra
work list 115b-04-HW

completed 03/26/2004

instruments robot orchestra (Logos-Foundation, Gent, Belgien)

duration 2'

see also Dr. Booger

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Sandbox - Variations (2000)
Klangcollagen für das Tanztheater "Im Sandkasten" von Birgitta Trommler

  Electronic music

  sound collages for the piece "In the sandbox" by Birgitta Trommler
work list 101-00-NW

completed 2000

instruments tape

duration 18'

world premiere 03/11/2000
Darmstadt (Germany), Staatstheater

texts Sandbox-Variations, kurzer Text über das Stück


These 5 short tape pieces/Sound collages were originally intended for the dance theatre piece „In the Sandbox“, but developed further to have a life of their own.
„In the Sandbox“ deals with a woman’s repressed sexuality, and the first 4 sandb... [more]

[ 03.09.2004 ]



Sandbox Variation 2 (complete)

see also In the sandbox
The search for the KlaNNg

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Encore (1998)
overture for "home sweet home" (new version)

  Electronic music

  für Tape
work list 79b-98-HW

completed 1998

instruments tape

duration 6'

world premiere 04/22/1998
Mannheim (Germany), "Schnawwl" (Nationaltheater)


This sound collage was originally part of my chamber opera "Wir sind Daheim"(We are at home). The opera is the story of three people (two men and a woman) finding shelter in some kind of underground bunker controlled by a mysterious "housekeeper". Outside some kind of catastrophe has taken place, bu... [more]

[ 22.07.1998 ]
Encore, short text about the piece


This sound collage was originally part of my chamber opera „Wir sind Daheim“(We are at home). The opera is the story of three people (two men and a woman) finding shelter in some kind of underground bunker controlled by a mysterious „housekeeper“. Outside some kind of ... [more]

[ 08.10.2003 ]

see also Home sweet home (new version)
Breaking The Waves - Call

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