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Moritz Eggert

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Der Klang der Worte (2007)

  Film music

  Documentary by Gerhard Schick
completed 03/25/2008

text uses music from: Haemmerklavier I, IV, Et in Arcadia Ego, The Eternal Song

duration 1 h 15'

world premiere 03/25/2008
Goethe-Institute Jerusalem (Israel), German Film Festival


see also Haemmerklavier IV
Haemmerklavier I
Et in Arcadia Ego
The eternal song

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Dialog im Dunkeln (2006)

  Film music

  Film by Andreas Simon for the „Infokanal ZDF“ (German TV) in the series „Die Aufbrecher“
work list 00-06-HW

completed 06/11/2006

duration 20'

world premiere 01/07/2006
ZDF Infokanal (German cable TV)

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Schlaflos in München (2006)

  Film music

  Film by Andreas Simon for the „Infokanal ZDF“ (German TV) in the series „Die Aufbrecher“
work list 00-06-HW

completed 06/11/2006

duration 20'

world premiere 05/06/2006
ZDF Infokanal (German cable TV)

texts Ballacj, du geile Schnitte, kompletter Gesangstext

Die folgenden Texte sind originale Beiträge aus dem Forum der Homepage von Michael Ballack, zwischen Weihnachten 2005 und Neujahr 2006. Die Rechtschreibung und Aussprache folgt der originalen Vorlage.

Hey Balle!!!
Ich will dir ja nicht in deine Entscheidung rein reden abe... [more]

[ 28.07.2006 ]

see also Ballack, du geile Schnitte (original version)

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puzzled (2004)

  Film music

  Short film by Andreas Simon, a BSB-film production, with Berry Manders, editing: André D Conrad, camera: Philp Flaemig, effects: Martin Gessner & Peter Renner, sound: Christiane Buchmann & Mischa Reisewitz, music: Moritz Eggert, production: Alfred Bayer & Tom Spalek, script and director: Andreas Simon
music from: „The Eternal Song“, „Croatoan II“ etc.
work list 00-04-HW

completed 03/15/2004

duration 9'

world premiere 03/13/2004
Frankfurt am Main (Germany), Royal-Cinema, 10 p.m.

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Haemmerklavier XVI (2004)
"Hellish Franz", Music for a silent movie by Jochen Kuhn

  Film music - Chamber music
also look at Piano solo

  for prepared piano
work list 142-04-HW

completed 01/14/2004

text commissioned by ECLAT-Festival 2004, Stuttgart

instruments prepared piano, film projection

duration 14'

world premiere 02/08/2004
Moritz Eggert, pf.
Stuttgart (Germany), ECLAT-Festival, Theaterhaus Pragsattel

special performance elements, small additional instruments

dedicated Hans-Peter Jahn


texts Der Höllenfranz, Textmaterialien

Materialien zu „Hämmerklavier XVI: Der Höllenfranz“ (2003/2004), zu einem Film von Jochen Kuhn

"One of (Orson Welles') main rules is that he never moved the camera when he was involved with exposition, Whenever you hear what's being explained, the camera's steady. In, say, T... [more]

[ 15.01.2004 ]
Hammerklavier XVI, short text about the piece

Haemmerklavier XVI:
Der Höllenfranz (Hellish Franz)

2003 I was commissioned by the Stuttgart “ECLAT” contemporary music festival to create live music for any short film by experimental German film maker Jochen Kuhn. I selected one of his less typical films, “Der Hölle... [more]

[ 05.11.2006 ]



Haemmerklavier XVI, excerpt from the piece (without film)

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Il mistero dei Dogon (2003)

  Film music

  Short film by Andreas Simon, commissioned by Pigini-Accordion factory, Italy
work list 00-04-HW

completed 06/06/2003

text Moritz Eggert

duration 8'

world premiere 06/06/2004

special Script: Moritz Eggert
speaker: Elsbeth Moser
language: italian
Music: Moritz Eggert (excerpts from „The Meal of Mr.Orlong“, „Croatoan III“)
with Elsbeth Moser, Nicolas Altstaedt, Moritz Eggert u.a.

publication Promotion-DVD, Pigini, s.r.l. via Carlo Marx, 127, PO Box 64, 60022 Castelfidardo (AN), Italy, tel. 071-7820301, fax 071-7823010, www.

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Der kaleidoskopische Dieb und sein Schatten (1988)
Film von Benedict Neuenfels

  Film music

  contains music from: "The meal of Mr. Orlong" and "star dog"
completed 1988

instruments various

duration 10'

world premiere 19880000

see also The meal of Mr. Orlong
Star dog

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Das Gehirn zu Pferde (1983)
Film von Hans Neuenfels ("Das kleine Fernsehspiel")

  Film music

  Film von Hans Neuenfels ("Das kleine Fernsehspiel")
work list 2-83-NW

completed 1983

text text: Hans Neuenfels, after Strindberg

instruments piano solo

duration 1 h 30'

world premiere 19830000
Moritz Eggert, pf.

special unter Verwendung von Musik von Schubert und Skrjabin

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