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Moritz Eggert

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Country Music (2016)

  Chamber music - Solo
also look at Solo
(suiteable for church)

  for discant zither solo
work list 245-NW-2016

completed 12/06/2026

duration 9'

special written for the 7th International Competition for Zither


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Haemmerklavier XXXI: Dual Band (2020)

  Chamber music - Duos

  For 2 pianists at one grand piano with special instruments
work list 278-HW-2020

completed 07/01/2020

instruments Piano, toy piano, bongos, paper

duration 8'

special one player at keyboard, the other with inside piano and special instruments

dedicated Dorrit Bauerecker


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EMC (2020)

  Chamber music - Duets
also look at Duos
(suiteable for church)

  for baroque harp and piano
work list 277-NW-2020

completed 05/18/2020

instruments baroque harp, piano

duration 2'

special Composed as Jingles for the podcast of the European Music Council (EMC)

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Haemmerklavier XXX: One Woman Band (2020)

  Chamber music - Solo
also look at Piano solo

  For piano solo, small instruments and sampler
work list 276-HW-2020

completed 05/08/2020

instruments Piano Solo, sampler, small instruments (1 player)

duration 6'


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Abendland (2019)
from Silly Symphony"

  Chamber music - Solo
also look at Piano solo
(suiteable for church)

  for toy piano solo
work list 271b-NW-2019

completed 12/01/2019

instruments Toy Piano

duration 4'

world premiere 11/28/2019
Moritz Eggert
Munich (Germany), Villa Stuck


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Mir mit dir (2019)
10 Pre- and Afterthoughts to the violin sonatas by Beethoven

  Chamber music - Solo
(suiteable for church)

  for violin solo
work list 268-HW-2019

completed 07/12/2019

instruments Violine

duration 34'

world premiere 09/27/2019
I Antje Weithaas II Nikita Boriso-Glebsky III Suyoen Kim IV Mihaela Martin V Alina Pogostkina VI Linus Roth VII Vadim Gluzman VIII Baiba Skride IX Hyeyoon Park X Stella Chen
Kronberg (Germany), Johanniskirche und Stadthalle, Kronberg Academy


texts Mir mit dir, Text zum Stück

Mir mit dir
10 Vor-und Nachgedanken zu den Beethovenschen Violinsonaten

„die Liebe fordert alles und ganz mit Recht, so ist es mir mit dir, dir mit mir.“
So schrieb Beethoven im berühmten „Brief an die Unsterbliche Geliebte“, der den Historikern bis heute Räts... [more]

[ Moritz Eggert , 16.7.2019 ]

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Haemmerklavier XXIX: No Replay (2019)

  Chamber music - Piano solo
also look at Singing with instruments

  for piano and screaming voice/s ad lib. (also from tape)
work list 267-NW-2019

completed 04/02/2019

text Winnie Karnofka

instruments piano

duration 4'

world premiere 05/04/2019
Julia Sontag, Philipp Zemmrich, Laura Hempel, Tom Smith, Lysann Schläfke
Leipzig (Germany), Theater der Jungen Welt


see also Maedchenmonstermusik

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Haemmerklavier XXVIII: Allemande (2019)

  Chamber music - Piano solo
also look at Stage music
(suiteable for church)

  for piano solo
work list 266-NW-2019

completed 03/22/2019

instruments piano

duration 3'


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To The Point (2018)
Piano Trio No. 3

  Chamber music - Trios

work list 258-18-NW

completed 09/07/2018

instruments vl., vc., pf.

duration 7'

world premiere 11/24/2018
Elisabeth Kufferath, vl., Jessica Kuhn, vl., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Sophiensaal, Munich (Germany), "Vom Phänomen der Zeit"

special uses 3 metronomes, independent rhythms


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It Takes Two (2018)
for flute and timpani

  Chamber music - Duos
(suiteable for church)

work list 256-HW-2018

completed 01/24/2018

instruments piccolo/flute/alto flute
5 timpanis

duration 16'

world premiere 04/15/2018
Martina Overloeper, fl., Arend Weitzel, timp.
Bochum (Germany), Anneliese-Brost-Musikforum Ruhr, Kleiner Saal

dedicated Martina Overlöper, Arend Weitzel


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The Collectors (2017)

  Chamber music - Duets
also look at Duos
(suiteable for church)

  for percussion and piano
work list 255-HW-2017

completed 12/19/2017

instruments percussion, piano

duration 26'

world premiere 04/22/2018
Eke Simons, Konstantyn Napolov
Dorpskerk Wilp (Netherlands), "Jonge Meesters"

special use of several small instruments and gadgets, also by pianist


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Haemmerklavier XXVII: Julieta's Sarabande (2017)

  Chamber music - Piano solo
also look at Solo
(suiteable for church)

  for harpsichord and piano (1 player)
work list 254-17-HW

completed 11/19/2017

instruments harpsichord/piano

duration 8'

dedicated in loving memory of Julieta Alvarado-Rieppel

publication Haemmerklavier XXVII: Julieta‘s Sarabande (Julietas Sarabande) (2017)
For piano solo
HV 254
8 Minutes
Sheet Music:

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Hämmerklavier XXVI: To be played after Mompous Cancion 6 (2017)

  Chamber music - Piano solo
also look at Solo
(suiteable for church)

  for piano solo
work list 250-17-HW

completed 04/18/2017

instruments piano

duration 6'

special freely relates to a piece by Frederic Mompou (see title)


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Fantasia in Stereo (2017)

  Chamber music - Solo
(suiteable for church)

  for recorders Solo (Alto G/F/Voice Flute)
work list 249-17-NW

completed 04/15/2017

instruments Alto G/F/Voice Flute

duration 5'

special Freely relates to Telemann Fantasia No.9 from „12 Fantasias“

dedicated Tabea Debus


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Tamam Shud (2016)

  Chamber music - Solo
(suiteable for church)

  for double bass solo
work list 243-HW-2016

completed 04/26/2016

instruments Double Bass

duration 8'

special Auftragswerk des Internationalen Musikwettbewerbs der ARD/ Commissioned by the ARD International Music Competition


texts Tamam Shud, english text about the piece

For contrabass Solo
Auftragswerk des Internationalen Musikwettbewerbs der ARD/ Commissioned by the ARD International Music Competition

“Tamam Shud” is a Persian phrase meaning (roughly) “it is ended” or “it is finished”.
But it is also the name of one ... [more]

[ Moritz Eggert , 29.04.2016 ]

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Les Temps Modernes (2015)

  Chamber music - Quintets
(suiteable for church)

  for 5 percussionists (mallets)
work list 240-HW-2015

completed 12/15/2015

instruments I Vibraphone, Xylophone, Glockenspiel, Kleine Trommel
II Vibraphone, Triangle
III Marimbaphone, Ratchet, Glockenspiel
IV Marimbaphone, Hi-Hat
V Bass Marimbaphone, Great Drum, Bass Drum with pedal, Siren (hand crank-)

duration 22'

world premiere 03/16/2016
Percussions Claviers de Lyon
Lyon (France), La Renaissance, Biennale Lyon

special Special: visual elements, singing/whistling


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PG Dada (2015)

  Chamber music - Octets
also look at Ensembles

  for octet
work list 237-HW-2015

completed 01/31/2015

instruments Fl., Ob, Cl. (Eb), Tr. (C), Hn., Ten.-tn., Bn., Cb. (conductor)

duration 17'

world premiere 06/07/2015
notabu-Ensemble, Mark-Andreas Schlingensiepen, conductor
Dusseldorf (Germany), Tonhalle, Großer Saal

special Instrumentation as in „Octandre“, theatrical elements

dedicated Mark-Andreas Schlingensiepen



texts PG Dada, Partiturvorwort und Text zum Stück

Moritz Eggert

Komponiert im Auftrag von notabu.ensemble neue musik

Für Oktett und 2 Pianisten ad lib.


Trompete (C)
Fago... [more]

[ PG Dada, score preface and text about the piece , 31.01.2015 ]

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Haemmerklavier XXV: Deviation (2014)

  Chamber music - Piano solo

  for piano solo
work list 232-NW-2014

completed 05/21/2014

instruments piano

duration 4'

world premiere 04/22/2015
Susanne Kessel, pf.
Bonn (Germany), Rheinhotel Dreesen, "250 Piano Pieces for Beethoven"

dedicated Susanne Kessel

�250 piano pieces for Beethoven�, ISMN 9790708147008, Editions Musica Ferrum


Shoko Kuroe, pf.

texts Hämmerklavier XXV, kurzer Text zum Stück

Für mich ist die Musik am interessantesten, die mit unserem Leben und den Umständen unseres Lebens zu tun hat und sich nicht allein in Kopfgeburten verliert. Insofern sind natürlich auch Freiheit und Frieden große Themen, die auf jeden Fall Platz in der Musik haben sollten. Ich ... [more]

[ Moritz Eggert , 16.08.2015 ]

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Aggro (2014)

  Chamber music - Duos
also look at Duets

  for alto saxophone and piano
work list 230-NW-2014

completed 05/08/2014

instruments alto saxophone, piano

duration 18'

dedicated Christian Segmehl


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man soll schwimmen (2013)
Cycle for Trio

  Chamber music - Trios
also look at Musiktheater und Performance
(suiteable for church)

  version 1: for Theremin, Cello and Harmonium
version 2: for violin, cello and harmonium
work list 217a-HW-2013

completed 04/01/2013

movements 1. Bleeding With Light
2. She Is A Snake
3. tief ergruendend
4. Do you Follow Me?
5. morgenlich leuchtend
6. Deep Down River Flow
7. man soll schwimmen

instruments Theremin, Cello, Harmonium

duration 1 h 5'

world premiere 10/02/2015
Version 2, No. 1,3,7 , Homburg,Homburger Kammermusiktage, Vogler-Quartett/Moritz Eggert
Version 1, No. 1,6,7, Leipzig, WGT, 15.5.2016, Lydia Kavina, ther., Lukas Dreyer, vc., Moritz Eggert, Harm.

special In Excerpts part of the Music Theatre “Tragedy Of A Friendship, thematically connected to „My Sleep Is A Dream“, cycle for orchestra


see also My Sleep Is A Dream
Tragedy Of A Friedship

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pong (version for 6 instruments) (2012)

  Chamber music - Sextets
(suiteable for church)

  for sextet
work list 2012-HW-125b

completed 11/11/2012

instruments flute, clarinet, violin, cello, marimbaphone, piano

duration 9'

world premiere 04/10/2013
Talea Ensemble
Seattle (USA), Town Hall


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Diversionary Tactics (2012)

  Chamber music - Duos
also look at Musiktheater und Performance

  instrumental theatre for bassoon and piano
work list 214-HW-2012

completed 10/29/2012

instruments Bassoon, Piano

duration 16'

world premiere 03/02/2013
Annette Winker, fg., Klaus Simon, pn.
Freiburg (Germany), Elisabeth-Schneider-Stiftung

dedicated Annette Winker


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P Is For Riot (2012)

  Chamber music - Duets
(suiteable for church)

  for clarinet and horn
work list 212-NW-2012

completed 09/09/2012

instruments Clarinet (Bb), Horn

duration 6'

world premiere 11/17/2012
Jean Johnson, clar., Andy Saunders, hn.
Migvie (Scotland/GB), Migvie Church

dedicated Jean Johnson and Andy Saunders


texts P Is For Riot - english text about the piece


The anti-Putin church performance of Russian feminist punk band „Pussy Riot“ and the following harsh trial against three of its members belong to the most internationally publicized events of the year 2012. Regardless of the stance one takes against or for such an act it... [more]

[ Moritz Eggert , 10.09.2012 ]

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Janus (2012)

  Chamber music - Duos
(suiteable for church)

  for 2 pianos
work list 210 - HW -2012

completed 06/09/2012

instruments 2 pianos

duration 33'

world premiere 07/22/2012
Daria Iossifova, Moritz Eggert, pf.
Passau (Germany), Europaeische Festwochen, Piano-Haus Mora

special The Pianists sit between the 2 pianos, one hand on each keyboard



texts Janus, short text about the piece

There are some pieces where the idea for a different kind of performance situation comes first: we have grown accustomed to two pianists sitting opposite each other or next to each other, each at his or her own piano. But what would happen, if the two pianists sat between the pianos, back to back, e... [more]

[ Moritz Eggert , 14.11.2012 ]
Janus, Text zum Stück


Für 2 Klaviere

Bei manchen Stücken ist die Idee einer besonderen Spielweise zuerst da: Wir haben uns daran gewöhnt, dass bei zwei Klavieren die Pianisten gegenüber, manchmal auch nebeneinander sitzen, jeder an seinem eigenen Klavier. Was wä... [more]

[ Janus, text about the piece , 9.6.2012 ]
Janus, Partiturvorwort

Moritz Eggert


Für 2 Klaviere (2012)

Die beiden Flügel werden mit den Tastaturen gegenüberliegend aufgestellt (siehe Skizze). Die Pianisten sitzen ZWISCHEN den Flügeln, Rücken an R&u... [more]

[ Janus, score preface , 09.06.2012 ]



Ausschnitt (Daria Iossifova, Moritz Eggert)

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Little Samba from the "Foot Ballet" (2011)

  Chamber music - Solo

  for bassoon solo
work list NW-172b-2011

completed 12/23/2011

instruments bassoon solo

duration 1'

special easy piece intended for young players

dedicated Olli Schlichtenberg


see also At The Ball

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3D Fountains (2011, rev. 207-NW_2011)

  Chamber music - Quintets
(suiteable for church)

  for 4 tenor recorders and Drumset or other percussion
completed 12/23/2011

instruments 4 tenor recorders, drumset

duration 2'

world premiere 01/26/2016
Laura Kieskalt, Tzu-Han Kao, Marita Gehrer, Friederike Klek, Philipp Lamprecht
Salzburg (Austria), Mozarteum

special based on the medieval "Tre Fontane" - melody

dedicated Ronald Brox

Edition Tre Fontane ETF 2177

texts Partiturvorwort

Moritz Eggert:
3D Fontane
Für 4 Tenorblockflöten und Drumset oder andere Percussion (2011)
Für Ronald Brox und den Tre Fontane Verlag

In meinem Stück wird das Tre Fontane – Thema quasi verräumlicht: nach einem traditionell sukzessiv-kanoni... [more]

[ Moritz Eggert , 23.12.2011 ]

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Haemmerklavier XXIV: Trigonometry (2011)

  Chamber music - Piano solo

  for piano solo
work list 206-NW-2011

completed 12/16/2011

instruments piano

duration 3'

world premiere 06/08/2012
Huw Watkins, pf.
London (GN), Schott London, Recital Room

dedicated Peter Hanser-Strecker

Schott ED 21470


Huw Watkins plays the piece for Schott's "Petrushka-Project"

texts Trigonometrie, kurzer Text zum Stück

Hämmerklavier XXIV: Trigonometrie
Eines der größten Talente von Peter (Hanser-Strecker) ist sicherlich, an fast allen Orten dieser Welt gleichzeitig sein zu können und immer wieder Bezüge zwischen Gegensätzen und den unterschiedlichsten Menschen herstellen zu k&... [more]

[ Moritz Eggert , 16.5.2012 ]

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Haemmerklavier XXIII: musica viva (2011)

  Chamber music - Solo
also look at Musiktheater und Performance

  for pianist/performer
work list 204-NW-2011

completed 07/05/2011

instruments piano and various materials

duration 4'

world premiere 07/08/2011
Moritz Eggert
Munich (Germany), Kaufmannscasino, reception of the musica viva

special musical realisation of all pieces that have been commissioned under Udo Zimmermann as artistic director (musica viva concert series, Munich)

dedicated Udo Zimmermann


texts Vorwort der Partitur

Hämmerklavier XXIII: musica viva
(für Udo Zimmermann)

Dieses Stück ist eine Hommage an den Komponisten Udo Zimmermann, der die Münchener Konzertreihe „musica viva“ von 1997 bis 2011 künstlerisch leitete. Ich habe versucht, die Titel aller 116 Stück... [more]

[ Moritz Eggert , 05.07.2011 ]

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Anchor Figure
musical sculpture on Bernhard Luginbuehl

  Chamber music - Septets
(suiteable for church)

  for septet
work list 201-NW-2011

completed 02/26/2011

instruments For brass sextet (2 Tr. (Bb), Horn, tbn., Bass-tbn.., Tuba) and accordion

duration 6'

world premiere 05/28/2011
Neue Pegnitzschaefer, Stefanie Schumacher, acc., Markus Elsner, cond.
Bamberg (Germany), Tage fuer Neue Musik, Open Air (Sculpture Path)

special written for the "Bamberger Sklulpturenweg"


texts Ankerfigur, kurzer Text zum Stück


Luginbühls Skulptur „Ankerfigur“, nach der mein Stück Musik entstand - ist ein manifestiertes Paradox, schon im Titel. Dieser Anker ist kein sicherer Halt, er befindet sich in Bewegung, ist ein Mechanismus aus sich umkreisenden Ebenen, der sich nur in einer lauern... [more]

[ Anchor Figure, short text about the piece , 28.11.2011 ]



Neue Pegnitzschäfer, Stefanie Schumacher, akk., Markus Elsner, Leitung

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Solfeggio (2011)

  Chamber music - Solo
(suiteable for church)

  for flute solo
work list 199-NW-2011

completed 01/11/2011

duration 2'

world premiere 05/25/2012
Carin Levine, fl.
Schloss Rheinsberg (Germany), Foyer des Schlosstheaters

dedicated Carin Levine


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Flea Walls (2010)

  Chamber music - Quartets
(suiteable for church)

  for recorder quartet
work list NW-192-10

completed 05/21/2010

instruments 1. soprano/soprano rec.
2. soprano/alto rec.
3. soprano/great bass rec.
4. soprano/ sub bass rec.

duration 3'

world premiere 06/27/2010
QNG (Quartet New Generation)
New York, NY (USA), Bang on a Can Marathon 2010, Winter Garden, Financial Centre

special based on "chopsticks"

dedicated QNG


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Haemmerklavier XXI: 3 Microludes (2010)

  Chamber music - Piano solo
also look at Solo

  for piano solo
work list 191-NW-2010

completed 03/30/2010

movements 1. Unnatural Selection
2. 2. Holly Golightly Is Surprised By A Thunderstorm On The Steps Of The Fire Exit Of Her New York Apartment
3. Variation upon a theme by Kai Schumacher

instruments piano solo (+moo box in third movement)

duration 3'

world premiere 10/04/2012
(all three movements in one concert):
Moritz Eggert, pf.
Guanajuato (Mexico); Festival Cervantino

dedicated diverse



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Processional: 2 Transfers (2009)

  Chamber music - Solo

  for solo trumpet
work list 137bb/cc-NW-09

completed 20/06/2009

movements 1.

instruments solo trumpet (Bb)

duration 6'

world premiere 07/25/2009
Bregenz (Austria), opening "Musik aus der Zeit" (Bregenzer Festspiele)

special Can only be performed as part of the larger work "Processional"

see also Processional

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Riffing (2009)

  Chamber music - Duos

  for 2 violins
work list 119b-NW-09

completed 20/06/2009

instruments 2 violins

duration 4'

special new instrumentation of the finale of „Riff“

see also Riff

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Processional: Evocation/Accord (2009)

  Chamber music - Quartets
(suiteable for church)

  for brass quartet
work list 137v/aa-NW-09

completed 19/06/2009

movements 1. Evocation
2. Accord

instruments bass trumpet, tenor trombone, bass trombone, bass tuba

duration 9'

world premiere 07/25/2009
Bregenz (Austria), opening "Musik aus der Zeit" (Bregenzer Festspiele)

special Can be performed alone or as part of the larger work "Processional"


see also Processional
Breaking The Waves (Open Air Performance)

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Processional: 2 Trilockes (2009)

  Chamber music - Trios

  for 3 percussionists
work list 137y/z-NW-09

completed 15/06/2009

movements 1.

instruments small drum, cymbals, bass drum

duration 6'

world premiere 07/25/2009
Bregenz (Austria), opening "Musik aus der Zeit" (Bregenzer Festspiele)

special Can only be performed as part of the larger work "Processional"

also published in: „Neue Töne - Musik für Percussion“, Verlag für Neue Musik ISBN

see also Processional
Breaking The Waves (Open Air Performance)

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Three Interludes (Auf dem Wasser zu singen) (2009)

  Chamber music - Solo
(suiteable for church)

  version 1: for accordion solo
version 2: for organ solo
work list NW-185a-09

completed 05/04/2009

instruments accordion solo or organ solo

duration 6'

world premiere 07/05/2009
Mateja Zenzerovic, Acc.
Erl (Austria), Staustufe, Tiroler Festspiele


see also Auf dem Wasser zu singen
Auf dem Wasser zu singen (theatrical concert)

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Haemmerklavier XXII: Kreislerianana (2009)

  Chamber music - Piano solo
also look at Solo
(suiteable for church)

  for piano solo
work list 184-HW-09

completed 04/15/2009

instruments piano solo

duration 14'

special Based on "Kreisleriana Nr.6" by Robert Schumann

dedicated Susanne Kessel

soundcarrier An Robert Schumann


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Industrial, solo version (2009)
for percussion solo

  Chamber music - Solo
(suiteable for church)

work list 181b-NW-09

completed 04/13/2009

instruments Percussion Solo

duration 16'

dedicated Peter Sadlo


see also Industrial
Industrial, solo version with obligatory synthesizer/sampler

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Industrial, solo version with obligatory synthesizer/sampler (2009)
for solo percussion and obligatory synthesizer/sampler

  Chamber music - Duos
(suiteable for church)

work list 181c-NW-09

completed 04/13/2009

instruments Percussion Solo, Synthesizer/Sampler

duration 16'

dedicated Peter Sadlo


see also Industrial
Industrial, solo version

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Haemmerklavier XX: One Man Band 2 (2009)

  Chamber music - Piano solo
(suiteable for church)

  for piano and small instruments
work list 183-HW-2009

completed 03/04/2009

instruments Piano (with harmonica, toy piano, squeaky object, foot pedal with woodblock)

duration 8'

world premiere 04/18/2009
Moritz Eggert, pf.
Carl-Orff-Saal, Gasteig, Munich (Germany), Festkonzert "20 Jahre Winners&Masters"

dedicated Andreas Krause


texts short text about the piece, English

In 1994 I wrote the since then most performed piece of my „Haemmerklavier“ cycle: “One Man Band”. In this piece I tried to test the limits of normal piano playing – not with massed notes but with unusual actions performed in addition to the playing on the keys. So the pianist has to play with chin a... [more]

[ Moritz Eggert , 13.7.2009 ]
One Man Band 2, kurzer Text zum Stück


1994 entstand das vielleicht am meisten gespielte Stück meines „Hämmerklavier“-Zyklus, „One Man Band“. In diesem Stück versuchte ich, den Pianisten komplett zu überfordern, allerdings nicht mit Massen von Tönen sondern mi... [more]

[ One Man Band 2, short text about the piece , 25.3.2009 ]

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Processional: Passages (2009)

  Chamber music - Trios
(suiteable for church)

  for 3 trumpets
work list 137u-NW-09

completed 01/06/2009

instruments 3 trumpets (in Bb)

duration 3'

world premiere 07/25/2009
Bregenz (Austria), opening "Musik aus der Zeit" (Bregenzer Festspiele)

special can be performed on it's own or as part of the larger work PROCESSIONAL



see also Processional
Breaking The Waves (Open Air Performance)

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Souvenir du Japon (2008)

  Chamber music - Duos

  for Koto and Recorder
work list 178-08-HW

completed 07/14/2008

instruments Koto (with voice), Recorder (Tenor and sopranino)

duration 6' 30''

world premiere 08/29/2008
Makiko Goto, Koto, Jeremias Schwarzer, rec.
Fuerth (Germany), Logensaal, Fraenkischer Sommer

special additional accessories and theatrical elements

dedicated Makiko Goto, Jeremias Schwarzer



Makiko Goto, Koto, Jeremias Schwarzer, rec., Liveaufnahme vom Fränkischen Sommer

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freaks (2003/2008)

  Chamber music - Sextets

  für 4 Schlagzeuger und 2 Pianisten
completed 05/20/2008


texts Partiturvorwort (enthält detaillierte Besetzung)

Für 4 Schlagzeuger und 2 Pianisten

Besetzung: (unterstrichene Instrumente sollten leicht verstärkt werden, ein Mikro pro Spieler für Stimme und Kleininstrumente sollte reichen)

Schlagzeug I: Stimme, Marimbaphon (auch Kalimba ad lib.), Darab... [more]

[ Foreword Score (contains detailed instrumentation) , 20.5.2008 ]



Freaks, Premiere at the anniversary of the Bavarian Academy

see also freaks

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Idyl (2006)

  Chamber music - Solo

  for violin solo
work list 167-06-HW

completed 10/05/2006

instruments violin solo

duration 4'

world premiere 11/13/2006
Piotr Szewczyk, vl.
Miami, FL (USA), New World Symphony, Forum Concert
Video (WMV)

special performance elements (reading from newspaper), light scordatura

dedicated Piotr Szewczyk

publication Sikorski


Live performance des Geigers Piotr Szewczyk beim Spoleto Music Festival USA
Live performance of violinist Piotr Szewczyk at the Spoleto Music Festival USA

texts Idyl, short text about the piece


Writing for any solo instrument is always a difficult task for a composer. With the piano it’s the enormous amount of classic pieces already in existence that weigh down on you. With most other solo instruments it’s the limitations in polyphonic writing and the difficulty to defi... [more]

[ Moritz Eggert , 3.5.2007 ]

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Haemmerklavier XIX: Anthems Of The World (Afghanistan To Zimbabwe) (2006)
for piano solo

  Chamber music - Piano solo

work list 166-06-HW

completed 09/12/2006

duration 11'

world premiere 09/12/2006

special Contains nearly all current national anthems (from 2006)

dedicated Shiau-uen Ding

publication Sikorski

texts Hymnen der Welt, kurzer Text zum Stück

Ich hatte schon immer ein perverses Interesse für Nationalhymnen, das auf dem Fund einer Ausgabe mit Nationalhymnen der Olympischen Spiele von 1936 aus dem Nachlass meines Großvaters beruht.
Nationalhymnen sind – entgegen landläufiger Meinung – selten gute Kompositionen. Die w... [more]

[ Moritz Eggert , 19.10.2010 ]
Haemmerklavier XIX, short text about the piece

Hämmerklavier XIX: Anthems of the World (Afghanistan to Zimbabwe)

I always had a perverse fascination with national anthems dating back to my childhood when I found – among my grandfathers sheet music – an anthology of national anthems from the Olympic Games from 1936.
Ant... [more]

[ 20.09.2006 ]



Excerpt from the beginning of the piece, played live by Moritz Eggert

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Haemmerklavier XVIII: 3 Miniatures (2006)
for piano solo

  Chamber music - Piano solo

  I Sketch (Skizze) (for Louisa Gustafsson)
II Four-Dimensional Object Useful As A Souvenir (Vierdimensionales Objekt mit Souvenircharakter) (for Marianne Augustin)
III For A Waltz (from Shostakovitch) / An einen Walzer (von Schostakowitsch)
work list 165-06-HW

completed 08/06/2006

instruments piano solo

duration 5'

world premiere 10/14/2006
Francesco Piemontesi, pf.
Munich (Germany), Gasteig, Kleiner Konzertsaal, "Winners and Masters"

special Unusual playing techniques, clapping, snapping

dedicated Louisa Gustafsson, Marianne Augustin

publication Sikorski

texts Hämmerklavier XVIII, kurzer Text zum Stück

Hämmerklavier XVIII: 3 Miniaturen

…besteht aus 3 kurzen Widmungsstücken.
Das erste, „Skizze“, beschäftigt sich mit dem Prozess des Verschwindens von musikalischem Material (in nur 40 Sekunden).
Im 2. Stück, „Vierdimensionales Objekt mit Souve... [more]

[ 28.09.2006 ]

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Haemmerklavier II: Upon the first 4 notes of "Lulu" (2006)

  Chamber music - Quartets

  for quartet
work list 48b-06-NW

completed 02/28/2006

instruments alto/bass recorder, bass/great bass recorder, bass clarinet, percussion (vibraphone/glockenspiel)

duration 6'

world premiere 03/01/2006

dedicated for the Abash Ensemble

see also Haemmerklavier II

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Amadé, Amadé (2006)

  Chamber music - Quintets

  for quintet
work list 162-06-HW

completed 02/28/2006

instruments oboe, clarinet, horn, bassoon, piano

duration 22'

world premiere 05/21/2006
Zephyr-Ensemble (Manuel Bilz, ob., Thorsten Johanns, clar., Ole Kristian Dahl, bn., Luiz Garcia, hn.) Moritz Eggert, pf.
Augsburg (Germany), Mozartfest, "Mozart der Fortschrittliche", Schaezler Palais

special commission for the Mozart year 2006, same instrumentation as Mozart KV 452



Ausschnitt aus dem Stück, gespielt von Ensemble piano possibile und dem Komponisten im Münchener icamp beim "Newmusix"-Projekt.
Excerpt from the piece, played by ensemble piano possibile and the composer in the icamp, Munich, during the "Newmusix"-project.

texts Programmhefttext der UA

„Jeder Komponist hält das, was er gerade geschrieben hat, für sein bestes“, kommentiert Moritz Eggert den berühmten Ausspruch Mozarts relativierend. Er muss es wissen. Denn der gebürtige Heidelberger, der im Alter von 15 Jahren zu komponieren begann, gilt heute als einer der meis... [more]

[ Nicole Restle , 14.06.2006 ]



Excerpt from the piece, played live by the Zephyr-Ensemble and Moritz Eggert

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The Game Of The Century (2006)

  Chamber music - Quintets

  For quintet and speaker or tape/samples ad lib.
work list 161-06-HW

completed 01/31/2006

text text: Moritz Eggert

voices speaker

world premiere 05/01/2006
Ensemble TrioLog
Munich (Germany), Fussballglobus, Globusklaenge

special Flute (also picc.), Oboe, Bass Clarinet, percussion (1 player), Cello


texts Das Jahrhundertspiel, detaillierte Besetzung

Moritz Eggert

Das Jahrhundertspiel

Für Quintett und Sprecher (oder Quintett und Samples/Tonband)

Flöte (wechselt zu Piccolo)

Schlagzeug (1 Spieler):
Maraca (1)

[ 31.01.2006 ]
Das Jahrhundertspiel, kompletter Text

Das Jahrhundertspiel

(mit blonder Netzerperücke zu lesen)

Vielleicht interessiert es Sie, was ich hier zu erzählen habe. Es hat sich alles ergeben, so wie es ist. …
Noch schlafe ich. Noch wallen meine langen blonden Haare über den rot-geblümte... [more]

[ 31.01.2006 ]

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alien (2005)

  Chamber music - Solo

  for recorder (1 player plays Garklein, sopranino, soprano and renaissance-alto) and live electronics
work list 157-05-HW

completed 12/21/2005

instruments Garklein, sopranino, soprano, renaissance-alto recorder (1 player), effects (Harmonizer, Chorus, Octaver), Sampler, 3 microphones

duration 12'

world premiere 12/21/2005

dedicated Genevieve Lacey

soundcarrier Weaver Of Fictions


texts alien, short english text about the piece


I have always been fascinated with concepts of a totally „alien“ music, whose laws are different from the one’s that we know and accept. Even though there are always people who try to formulate “generic” laws how music should function and who try to explain concepts of beauty wi... [more]

[ Moritz Eggert , 2.7.2007 ]
alien, performance notes in english

Moritz Eggert:

alien (2005)

For Genevieve Lacey

some performance notes:

- The player uses three different microphones. These microphones should be placed in a way that they are a) close to each other b) don’t interfer with each other (altho... [more]

[ 17.07.2006 ]



alien, Ausschnitt/excerpt, performed by Genevieve Lacey

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Sanctus (2nd version) (2005)
2nd version for trombone and accordion

  Chamber music - Duos

work list 50b-05-HW

completed 10/27/2005

instruments trombone and accordion

duration 13'

world premiere 12/07/2005
Mateja Zenzerovic, accordion, Mateusz Dwulecki, trombone
Hanover (Germany), Musikhochschule, Brass Micro Festival

dedicated Mateja Zenzerovic und Mateusz Dwulecki

publication Sikorski



Ecerpt from the piece

see also Sanctus

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Interior At Petworth (2005)
8 variations on a picture by William Turner

  Chamber music - Septets

  for septet
work list 156-05-HW

completed 10/09/2005

instruments Flute (also picc.), clarinet (also bass clar.), perc.., piano, violin, viola, violoncello

duration 16'

world premiere 11/13/2005
ars nova - Ensemble Nuremberg, conductor: Werner Heider
Erlangen (Germany). Musikinstitut

special Based on a picture William Turner, performance elements, various small instruments

dedicated Werner Heider und dem ars-nova-Ensemble N�rnberg

publication Sikorski,


Ausschnitt aus dem St�ck bei youtube
Excerpt from te piece at youtube

ensemble oktopus für musik der moderne

Konstantia Gourzi, conductor

23.01.2019, Reaktorhalle, Munich



excerpt, played by the ars nova ensemble (studio)

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Narcissus (2004)
alternative version of "Narcissus" for recorder and percussion

  Chamber music - Duos

  for recorder and prepared piano
work list 106b-04-HW

completed 12/13/2004

voices Sopranblockflöte, präpariertes Klavie

instruments soprano recorder, prepared piano

duration 12'

world premiere 05/27/2004
Tomma Wessel, soprano recorder, Frederick Croene, pf.
Gent (Belgium), De Handelsbeurs

special various advanced playing techniques

see also Narcissus

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The Son Of The Daughter Of Dracula Versus The Incredible Frankenstein Monster (From Outer Space) (2004)

  Chamber music - Sextets
also look at Electronic music

  for 2 Theremins (+MIDI-Theremin), percussion, violin, cello, piano/sampler
work list 149-04-NW

completed 11/28/2004

instruments 2 Theremins (+MIDI-Theremin), percussion, violin, cello, piano/sampler

duration 8'

world premiere 03/30/2005
Barbara Buchholz, Lydia Kavina, theremin, Ensemble f�r Neue Kammermusik Berlin: Tobias Rempe, vl., Ringela Riemke, vc., Heather O�Donnell, pf., Dirk Rothbrust, perc.
Weimar (Germany), "Fr�hjahrstage f�r Neue Musik", mon ami

special parody of horror film music from the 50�s

dedicated Barbara Buchholz, Lydia Kavina

soundcarrier touch! - don't touch!



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Haemmerklavier XVII (2004)
Advanced Kabuki

  Chamber music - Piano solo
also look at Musiktheater und Performance

  for piano solo
work list 150-04-HW

completed 10/28/2004

instruments piano solo

duration 7'

world premiere 07/02/2005
Moritz Eggert, pf.
Bad Kissingen (Germany), Kissinger Sommer, "Lange Nacht der Neuen Musik", Rossini-Saal

special nearly completely theatrical, music comes second place to visual actions by the pianist

dedicated Siegfried Mauser

publication Sikorski,


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morphing (2004)

  Chamber music - Sextets

  for brass quintet and accordion (bajan)
work list 147-04-HW

completed 09/03/2004

instruments 2 trumpets (in Bb), horn, trombone, tuba, accordion (bajan)

duration 17'

world premiere 12/07/2005
Stockholm Brass, Elsbeth Moser, Bajan
Hanover (Germany), Musikhochschule, Brass Micro Festival

dedicated Elsbeth Moser, Stockholm Brass

publication Sikorski


Ausschnitt aus dem Stück, mit Elsbeth Moser und Stockholm Brass
Excerpt from the piece with Elsbeth Moser and Stockholm Brass

texts morphing, kurzer Text zum Stück

"morphing" ist ein Stück in dem mit der unerwarteten Verwandlung gespielt wird. Im Film nennt man "morphing" die visuelle Verwandlung von Objekten mittels CGI (computer generated images), eine relativ neue Technik die erst durch den Einsatz von Computern möglich wird. Aber auch in der Musi... [more]

[ 18.11.2005 ]

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Iron Curtain (2004)

  Chamber music - Quartets

  for percussion quartet
work list 144-04-HW

completed 06/27/2004

duration 16'

world premiere 10/02/2004
Perkussionsensemble Freiburg
Dresden (Germany), Hellerau, Dresdner Tage für Zeitgenössische Muksik

special „situational“ composition, movements of musicians, compact instrumentation

dedicated Bernhard Wulff, Perkussionsensemble Freiburg





Excerpt from the piece (beginning)

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Symphony 2.0, version for any 4 instruments (without Kazoo) (2003)
2nd version

  Chamber music - Quartets

  for any 4 instruments
work list 121a-03-HW

completed 12/29/2003

instruments ad libitum

duration 7'

world premiere 0

special general effect descriptions

see also Symphony 2.0

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freaks (2003)

  Chamber music - Quintets

  for recorder quartet and percussion
work list 140-03-HW

completed 08/04/2003

instruments I soprano (2x), sopranino, tenor, ren.alto, garklein, lotos flute, crotales (b'), high horn II shell chimes, nose flute, birdnoise, squeaky duck, bass (paetzold), soprano, tenor, prepared alto, jew's harp in A III lotos flute, soprano, flexatone, ren.alto, great bass, prepared alto, jew's harp in G, balloon, sub bass IV bass (paetzold), alto, sub bass, small bell tree, prepared garklein, double bass, jew's harp in G V percussion

duration 21'

world premiere 10/25/2003
Apsara-quartet (Natalie Houtman, Inse Rasbach, Tomma Wessel, Julia Whybrow), Wim Konink, percussion
Leuven (Belgium), transit-Festival, Stuk (Labozaal)

special use of small additional instruments, aulos-playing, singing and playing combinations, advanced playing techniques

dedicated Apsara-Ensemble



QNG - Quartet New Generation (recorders) and Tobias Guttmann (percussion) performing "Freaks" by Moritz Eggert at Hallein Festival 2013, 28.6., Ziegelstadel

texts freaks, detailed instrumentation with remarks


Recorder I: soprano (x2), sopranino, tenor, renaissance alto, garklein, lotos flute
small percussion: crotales (b ‘’’’) , high (small) horn (bicycle/car)

Recorder II: bass (paetzold), soprano, tenor, alto (prepared) , nose fl... [more]

[ 10.12.2003 ]
Freaks, english text about the piece


The term „freaks“ dates back to the old circus sideshows, when it was common to exhibit “freaks of nature”: dwarves, bearded women, pinheads, living torsos, siamese shock the audience for a few bucks.
The protagonists of these shows were usuall... [more]

[ 09.12.2003 ]
Freaks, ursprünglicher Gedankenentwurf des Stückes


Für 3 Blockflöten, von Moritz Eggert

Kaum ein Instrument ist so potentiell für die Spieler komplexerzeugend wie die Blockflöte...“immer zu tief“, „Kinderinstrument“, „tut mir in den Ohren weh“ sind häufig gehörte Kommentare zur Blo... [more]

[ 11.12.2003 ]

see also freaks (2003/2008)

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The Wild Years (2003)
piano trio no.3

  Chamber music - Trios

  for piano trio
work list 139-03-NW

completed 07/25/2003

instruments violin, cello, piano

duration 5' 30''

world premiere 06/26/2004
Carolin Widmann, vl., Sebastian Hess, vc., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Munich (Germany), "Nacht der 5 Hoefe"

dedicated Lothar Voigtländer


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Haemmerklavier XV (2003)
Nose Dance

  Chamber music - Piano solo

  für Klavier Solo
work list 139-03-HW

completed 05/23/2003

instruments Klavier

duration 3'

world premiere 10/16/2003
Moritz Eggert, pf.
Munich (Germany); Bayerische Akademie der Schoenen Kuenste

special Middle voice is played by nose or object


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Processional: Cryptic Chorale II (2003)

  Chamber music - Quartets

  for brass quartet
work list 137o-03-HW

completed 04/17/2003

instruments 2 trombones, bass trumpet, tuba

duration 2'

world premiere 06/19/2003
Mnozil Brass
Graz (Austria), Styriarte, opening concert

special Can be performed alone or as part of the large work PROCESSIONAL


see also Processional

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Processional: Cryptic Chorale I (2003)

  Chamber music - Quartets

  for brass quartet
work list 137m-03-HW

completed 04/14/2003

instruments 2 trombones, bass trumpet, tuba

duration 1' 30''

world premiere 06/19/2003
Mnozil Brass
Graz (Austria), Styriarte, opening concert

special can be performed alone or as part of the large work PROCESSIONAL


see also Processional

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Processional: Fanfares/Signals (2003)

  Chamber music - Solo

  for trumpet solo
work list 137k-03-HW

completed 04/08/2003

movements I. I
V. V

instruments trumpet (Bb) solo

duration 11'

world premiere 06/19/2003
Mnozil Brass
Graz (Austria), Styriarte, opening concert

special can be performed on it's own or as part of the larger work PROCESSIONAL


see also Processional

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Processional: Mnozil (2003)

  Chamber music

  for brass septet
work list 137a-03-HW

completed 03/17/2003

instruments 3 trumpets in Bb, bass trumpet in Bb, 2 trombones and Tuba

duration 3'

world premiere 06/19/2003
Mnozil Brass
Graz (Austria), Styriarte, opening concert

special can be performed alone or as part of the large work PROCESSIONAL


see also Processional

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Ostinato (2003)

  Chamber music - Solo

  für Orgel Solo (and registrant)
work list 116/bII-03-NW

completed 01/03/2003

instruments organ solo

duration 2' 30''

world premiere 08/27/2003
Michaela Aigner, organ
Salzburg (Austria), Kajetanerkirche, Georg-Muffat-Orgelwettbewerb

special written for single manual organ with connected pedal


see also Haemmerklavier XIII

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Haemmerklavier XIV (2003)
The trouble with trills

  Chamber music - Solo
also look at Electronic music

  for player piano/MIDI
work list 136-03-HW

completed 12/19/2002

instruments (player) piano solo

duration 9'

world premiere 03/13/2003
Gent (Belgium), LOGOS-Foundation, "Man&Machine" concert

special Practically throughout: 44-part writing, all 88 keys are active most of the time

(this is a link to a radio show by Alejandro Vinao which contains a long excerpt of the piece)

texts Haemmerklavier XIV, short english program note

Hämmerklavier XIV: The trouble with trills

I always wanted to work with textures where all the notes are played at once, quasi a "Black on Maroon"-like sound. I am also contemplating a huge orchestra piece where all players play all the time. It is simply the excessivity that int... [more]

[ 10.01.2004 ]

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Behr-Khyrsh-Interludes (2002)

  Chamber music - Quintets
also look at Stage music

  for quintet
work list 132b-02-NW

completed 10/28/2002

movements I. Prélude
II. Theme
III. premonitions (Zukunftsahnungen)
IV. alla Marcia
IX. static sounds (Statische Klaenge)
V. Improvisation
VI. soft, with melancholy (leise, melancholisch)
VII. soft, ominous (leise, draeuend)
VIII. "play it again"

instruments trumpet (Bb), guitar, percussion, violin, double bass

duration 14'

world premiere 09/21/2003
Florian Zeh, tr., Anika Hutschreuther, git., Stefan J. Walter, perc., Pius Strugalla, vl., Nicholas Baldock, cb.
Schweinfurt (Germany), Rathaus, „Schweinfurter Kompositionswettbewerb, Preistraegerkonzert“

special part of the music theatre "The Behr-Khyrsh-project"

see also The Behr-Khyrsh project
Das Behr-Khyrsh-Projekt (textbook)

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XeroX (2002)

  Chamber music - Duets

  original version: for soprano saxophone and harp
2nd version: for flute and harp
work list 131-02-NW

completed 09/30/2002

instruments 1. soprano saxophone, harp
2. flute or harp

duration 9' 30''

world premiere 04/08/2013
Camilla Hoitenga, fl., Xenia Narati, hp.
Basle (Switzerland), Gare du Nord

dedicated Xenia Narati


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Symphony 3.0 (2002)

  Chamber music - Sextets

  for 6 or more ships horns, car horns or gas horns
work list 128-02-NW

completed 07/09/2002

movements I. leak
II. wawltz


instruments 6 or more ships horns, car horns or gas horns

duration 6'

world premiere 07/12/2002
"The Scruncheons"
St. John's (Newfoundland/Canada), Sound Symposium

special written for the "harbour symphony" series

dedicated Paul Steffler (I) Kate Wherry (II)



Ausschnitt aus einer Aufführung in Ghana, Afrika (mit 6 Autos)
Excerpt from a performance in Ghana, Africa (with 6 cars)

Jobst Liebrecht dirigiert "Symphonie 3.0" in Berlin/ Jobst Liebrecht conducts "Symphony 3.0" in Berlin

texts Symphony 3.0, english performance instructions

Moritz Eggert
Symphonie 3.0

I: leak for 6 or more ship’s horns, car horns or gas horns
II: wawltz for 6 ship’s horns, car horns or gas horns

Created for the harbour symphony, St. John’s, Sound Symposium


... [more]

[ 12.10.2004 ]

see also Breaking The Waves (Open Air Performance)
Symphony 3.0 (extended version)

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Three Souls (2002)
I, II (Nouvelle Etude Blanche), III (Etude de Yolimba)

  Chamber music - Duos

  for violin and piano, based on "Oh wie schoen ist der Mai" from the opera "Yolimba" by Wilhelm Killmayer
work list 126-02-HW

completed 06/30/2002

instruments violin and piano

duration 8'

world premiere 11/20/2002
Gottfried Schneider, violin, Moritz Eggert, pf.
München, Bayerische Akademie der Schönen Künste

special written for the 75th birthday of Wilhelm Killmayer

dedicated Wilhelm Killmayer


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pong (2002)

  Chamber music - Septets

  for septet
work list 125-02-HW

completed 03/30/2002

instruments fl./picc., cl. (Bb), string quartet, pf.

duration 8'

world premiere 08/29/2002
Anne-Laure Martin, Olga Pecherskaja, violin, Marie-Florence Ricard, viola, Sebastian Kraus, cello, Caroline Kocak, flute, Joris Ruehl, clarinet, Yannick Wirner, piano, Moritz Eggert, conductor
Lyon (France), Conservatoire Nationale superieur Musique, Salle Varése, "Jeunesse Moderne"

special unusual setup, ping-pong effects (hocket), various special playing techniques

soundcarrier Jeunesse Moderne



Left Coast Chamber Ensemble plays "pong"

texts pong, kurzer deutscher Text zum Stück


“Pong” (auch bekannt als „Computertennis“) war das erste richtige Computerspiel mit Breitenwirkung und hat immer noch einen legendären Ruf als das Spiel, das eine Milliarden Dollar schwere Computerspielindustrie ins Leben rief. Obwohl die Technik und Graphik heutiger Spiele ... [more]

[ Moritz Eggert , 22.5.2009 ]
pong shorter english text about the piece


“Pong” was the first ever computer game, and still has a kind of legendary reputation as the game that spawned the billion dollar computer game industry. Although on the surface there seems to be a development in graphics and presentation, the basis of all these games is found in... [more]

[ 26.08.2004 ]
Pongm short english text about the piece


“Pong” was the first ever computer game, and still has a kind of legendary reputation.
“Although not a video game, Willy Higinbotham built it in 1958 as the very first game based around a computer and a CRT at Brookhaven National Laboratory (Upton, New-York, USA). The gam... [more]

[ 25.08.2004 ]



excerpt from the piece (beginning), Jeuness Moderne Ensemble, conductor: Moritz Eggert

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La Risposta (2002)
for cello and bajan /accordion

  Chamber music - Duos

  for cello and bajan / accordion
work list 123b-02-HW

completed 03/13/2002

instruments cello, bajan or accordion

duration 14'

world premiere 07/06/2002
Elsbeth Moser, Bajan, Nicolas Altstaedt, cello
Bebersee-Festival (Germany)

special partly free, graphic notation, thatrical actions, cello scordatura, various unusual effects

dedicated Elsbeth Moser, Nicolas Altstaedt

texts La Risposta, Text zum Stück


Kommunikation ist – wenn Sie im besten Sinne funktioniert - ein Schenken und Geben gleichzeitig. Wörter werden Sätze werden Ideen werden Angebote an den Zuhörer, die dieser von nun an mit sich trägt. Jeder von uns kennt bestimmte Sätze, ich nenne s... [more]

[ 18.03.2004 ]

see also La Risposta

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La Risposta (2002)
for cello and piano

  Chamber music - Duos

  for cello and piano
work list 123a-02-HW

completed 02/25/2002

instruments cello, piano

duration 14'

world premiere 11/07/2004
Nicolas Altstaedt, vc., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Mannheim (Germany), Reiss-Engelhorn-Museum, Robert Haeusser 80th birthday, Vernissage

special partly free, graphic notation, thatrical actions, cello scordatura, various unusual effects

dedicated Robert Häusser

publication Sikorski,



excerpt from the piece, played by Elsbeth Moser and Nicolas Altstaedt

see also La Risposta

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organ (2002)

  Chamber music - Solo

  for organ solo
work list 122-01-HW

completed 12/21/2001

instruments organ

duration 12'

world premiere 11/09/2002
Joerg Abbing, organ
Saarbruecken (Germany), Electricity-Festival, Johanneskirche

special weights on keys, rhythmical playing of registers

dedicated Jörg Abbing


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Symphony 2.0 (2002)
original version

  Chamber music - Quartets

  for 4 kazoos, solo, doubled or in combination with any instrument
work list 121-01-NW

completed 12/19/2001

text Text: ---

instruments 4 kazoos solo, doubled, or in combination with any instrument

duration 7'

world premiere 01/13/2002
Stefan Eblenkamp, Markus Verna, Anno Kesting (vibraphone/Kazoo), Moritz Eggert (Kazoo/conductor)
Nuremberg (Germany), Neues Museum, Vortragssaal

special blowing into water glasses at one point


texts symphony 2.0, short english text about the piece

Symphony 2.0
For any 4 instruments

This piece is part of my ongoing series of „Domestic Symphonies“, the first (“Symphony 1.0”) is a concerto for 12 typewriters, and the third (“Symphony 3.0”) a piece for 6 ship, car or bicycle horns.
“Symphony 2.0” consists of t... [more]

[ 18.10.2004 ]

see also Symphony 2.0, version for any 4 instruments (without Kazoo)

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Haemmerklavier XIII (2002)
highway 61

  Chamber music - Solo
also look at Piano solo

  for piano, kazoo and mouth organ (1 player)
work list 120-01-HW

completed 11/28/2001

instruments piano, kazoo, mouth organ (1 player)

duration 16'

world premiere 04/14/2002
Marcel Worms, piano
Mexico city (Mexico) Centro Nacional de Las Artes

special additional instruments Kazoo and harmonica (played by the pianist), frisbee and bottleneck on strings, slight preparation, singing, stomping, actions

dedicated Marcel Worms

publication Schott, ED 9520

texts highway 61, english text of original blues

Hämmerklavier XII:
Highway 61: (Memphis – Cleveland – Tallulah – Natchez - Baton Rouge)

Well down 61 highway
I belong this road I know

You know that 61 highway
We belong this road I know

She ran from New York city... [more]

[ traditional , 16.01.2004 ]
highway 61, english translation of performance notes

For this piece the piano has to be prepared in the following way:
1) place a (drinking) glass lying down on the indicated strings (close to the far bridge). The glass should be as cylindrical as possible (having no extensions of any kind), i.e. a cocktail glass or a thin b... [more]

[ 12.01.2004 ]



Excerpt from the piece (beginning)

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Riff (2002)

  Chamber music - Duos

  for 2 electric guitars with effects
work list 119-01-HW

completed 11/03/2001

instruments 2 electric guitars

duration 24'

world premiere 03/17/2002
Duo shraeng (Ralph Beerkircher, Frank Wingold)
Nuremberg (Germany), Neues Museum, Vortragssaal

special uses several effects, including them in the compositional structure (especially samples)

dedicated Ralph Beerkircher, Frank Wingold



texts Riff, Text zum Stück

Riff (engl.), Art des Background im Jazz: eine rhythmisch und melodisch markante, 2- oder 4-taktige Wendung wird über den Harmonien des Chorus auf verschiedene Stufen versetzt und von der Bläser – und Rhythmusgruppe über ganze Abschnitte hin – oft als Ant... [more]

[ 01.09.2004 ]



riff, excerpt, played by shraeng

see also Riffing

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lullaby (for Nicola)

  Chamber music - Ensembles
also look at Quartets

  for string quartet
work list 118-01-NW

completed 10/2001

instruments string quartet, Glockenspiel (perc.)

duration 45''

special postcard piece II

dedicated Nicola Kremer

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Haemmerklavier XIII (2002)
2 Ostinati: ostinato 12.8.2001, ostinato 5.9.2001

  Chamber music - Piano solo

  for piano, toy piano or celesta
work list 116a-01-HW

completed 09/05/2001

movements I. ostinato 5.9.2001
II. ostinato 12.8.2001

instruments piano or celesta solo

duration 6'

world premiere 09/20/2002
Moritz Eggert, pf./celesta
Biel (Switzerland), Tonkuenstlerfest, Salle de Peuple (ostinato 12.8.2001)/ Gent (Belgien) (ostinato 5.9.2001), Logos-Tetraeder, pian-OH Festival, 6/4/2003

special formerly postcard piece IV and V

also published in "Muenchner Klavierbuch - Neue Klaviermusik fuer den Unterricht"
Vogt&Fritz, VF 755

texts Hämmerklavier XIII: short text about the piece

Hämmerklavier XIII: 2 Ostinati

These short pieces were originally written as “postcard pieces”, although I have to admit that the postcards were rather large.
The first, 12.8.2001, was written for the birth of my second niece, Vera. The second, 5.9.2001, was written for Fr... [more]

[ Haemmerklavier XIII: short text about the piece , 25.04.2003 ]

see also Ostinato

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peace (2001)

  Chamber music - Graphical scores

  for any number of performers
work list 111a-01-NW

completed 06/2001

instruments any

world premiere 06/23/2001
FM Einheit, percussion, Sebastian Hess, Vc.
Munich (Germany), tube, 6th A*Devantgarde festival

see also Variations IV.XX

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KlaNNgggeläut (2001)

  Chamber music - Graphical scores

  for any number of performers
work list 111b-01-NW

completed 06/2001

instruments any

world premiere 06/23/2001
FM Einheit, percussion, Sebastian Hess, Vc.
Munich (Germany), tube, 6th A*Devantgarde festival

special "von Atanasio Khyrsh"

see also Variations IV.XX

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Melody 1.0 (2001)
version for clarinet, cello and typewriter

  Chamber music - Trios

  for clarinet, cello and typewriter
work list 85e-01-BE

completed 2001

instruments clarinet, cello, typewriter

duration 4'

world premiere 06/16/2001
Joerg Widmann, clarinet, Sebastian Hess, Vc., Moritz Eggert, Pf.
Holzhausen (Germany), Reithalle Gutried, Holzhausener Musiktage

special basis for "Number Nine II: Melody 1.0"


texts melody 1.0 short english text


This piece is the only one of my pieces which exists in five different versions....
The first four versions use a typewriter as the solo instrument. I had used a whole orchestra of (mechanical) typewriters for my „Symphony 1.0“ (1997), and it seemed l... [more]

[ 22.03.2004 ]

see also Melody 1.0
Melody 1.0
Melody 1.0
Number Nine II

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Vexations II

  Chamber music - Duos

  for 2 pianists
work list 113-01-NW

completed 2001

instruments 2 pianos

duration 2'

world premiere 02/25/2008
La Forge Trio
Manitoba (CA), Brandon University, Lorne Watson Recital Hall

special postcard piece III, theatrical elements

dedicated Eberhard Kloke


texts vexations II english translations

VEXATIONS II english translations:

Stehenbleiben: stand still
Pianist 1, durch Pianist 2 vertrieben, geht beleidigt zu Klavier II: pianist 1, shooed away by pianist 2, goes indignatedly to piano II
Zwischen den beiden Klavieren hin- und herlaufend, in m&aum... [more]

[ 05.04.2004 ]

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senza perturbazione

  Chamber music - Trios

  for Garklein, clarinet and trombone
work list 112-01-NW

completed 2001

instruments Garklein, clarinet (Bb), bass trombone

duration 30''

special postcard piece I

dedicated Winrich Hopp

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Narcissus (2001)

  Chamber music - Duos

  for soprano recorder and percussion
work list 106a-00-HW

completed 11/15/2000

instruments soprano recorder, percussion

duration 12'

world premiere 05/08/2001
Petra de Gans, recorder, Thomas Meixner, percussion
Siegen (Germany) , musica viva, Rudolf-Steiner-Schule

special role-exchange at the end of the piece, partly unusual percussion instruments (bottles etc.)

dedicated Petra de Gans und Thomas Meixner

scores Schott OFB 199

texts NARZISS der schöne Sohn der Flussgottes Kephisos, der unglücklich ist, da er in sein eigenes Spiegelbild, das er im Wasser erblickt hat, verliebt ist. Ovid führt die Legende in seinen "Metamorphosen" weiter aus: Da Narziss die Liebe zur Nymphe Echo (die wiederum dazu verdammt ist, sich... [more]

[ 16.11.2000 ]
Narziss, Spielanweisungen

NARZISS (2000)


1) Die Blockflötistin/ der Blockflötist braucht einen Ring (Ringfinger rechte oder linke Hand) für ein perkussives Klickgeräusch während der Schlußpassage (alternierend mi... [more]

[ 10.04.2004 ]



short excerpt from the piece, played by Petra de Gans and Thomas Meixner

see also Narcissus

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Croatoan III (2000)
Perpetuum mobile

  Chamber music - Duos

  for great drum and string quartet
work list 103-00-HW

completed 05/13/2000

instruments great drum, string quartet

duration 10'

world premiere 07/07/2000
Peter Sadlo, great drum, Vogler-quartet
Hanover (Expo 2000/ Germany), German pavillon

special advanced great drum notation, various effects

dedicated Peter Sadlo und das Vogler-Quartett


texts Croatoan III: short text about the piece


In the year 1587 114 english colonists under their leader John White founded a colony on Roanoake Island, on the east coast of America in what is today the state of Carolina. They belonged to the very first wave of english settlers of the New World. Shortly after their arriva... [more]

[ 04.05.2003 ]
Kurzer Text zu allen "Croatoan"-Stücken


Im Jahre 1587 gründeten 114 englische Kolonisten unter ihrem Anführer John White eine Kolonie auf Roanoake Island, an der Ostküste Amerikas, im heutigen Staate Carolina. Sie gehörten zu den ersten englischen Siedlern der Neuen Welt. Kurz nach ihrer Ankunf... [more]

[ 09.05.2003 ]



Excerpt from the piece (beginning)

see also Croatoan I
Croatoan II

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Croatoan I (2000)
angelic voices

  Chamber music - Ensembles

  for glockenspiel and string quartet
work list 102-00-HW

completed 03/01/2000

instruments string quartet, Glockenspiel (perc.)

duration 8'

world premiere 07/07/2000
Peter Sadlo, Glockenspiel, Vogler-quartet
Hanover (Expo 2000/ Germany), German pavillon

special Various advanced playing techniques, ping-pong balls/metal balls on Glockenspiel, etc.

dedicated Peter Sadlo und das Vogler-Quartett

soundcarrier Contemporanea 2000 (Quarta Rassegna di "Nuova Musica"
Bridges into the future


texts CROATOAN I: english translation of score notes

English Translation

Glockenspiel (also: several Table Tennis balls, metal balls, metal ruler, Glockenspiel beater, Triangle beater, Drumsticks)

Violin I (uses sordino)
Violin II (uses sordino)
Viola (uses s... [more]

[ 08.05.2003 ]
Kurzer Text zu allen "Croatoan"-Stücken


Im Jahre 1587 gründeten 114 englische Kolonisten unter ihrem Anführer John White eine Kolonie auf Roanoake Island, an der Ostküste Amerikas, im heutigen Staate Carolina. Sie gehörten zu den ersten englischen Siedlern der Neuen Welt. Kurz nach ihrer Ankunf... [more]

[ 09.05.2003 ]
short text for all the "Croatoan" pieces


In the year 1587 114 english colonists under their leader John White founded a colony on Roanoake Island, on the east coast of America in what is today the state of Carolina. They belonged to the very first wave of english settlers of the New World. Shortly after their arriva... [more]

[ 08.05.2003 ]



Excerpt from the piece (end)

see also Croatoan III
Croatoan II

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Vermilion Sands (2000)
für einen Gitarristen und 2 Gitarren

  Chamber music - Solo

  für einen Gitarristen und 2 Gitarren
work list 100-99-HW

completed 11/30/1999

instruments guitar (2 guitars played by 1 player)

duration 16'

world premiere 02/27/2000
Stephan Stiens, guitars
Munich (Germany), Musikhochschule, Grosser Saal

special scordatura, many special effects, is played partly on 2 guitars simultaneously

dedicated Stephan Stiens

publication Vogt & Fritz, VF 533


Ausschnitte aus dem Stück, gespielt von Stephan Stiens

texts Link zu einem Video einer Aufführung von "Vermilion Sands"

[ Link to a video of a performance of "Vermilion Sands" , 18.10.2004 ]
Vermilion Sands

Der Titel meines Stückes bezieht sich auf die gleichnamige Sammlung von Erzählungen (Deutscher Titel: „Die Tausend Träume von Stellavista“, Suhrkamp) des englischen Autors J.G. Ballard.
„Vermilion Sands“ (zu deutsch etwa: „Zinnoberrote Dünen“) ist eine seltsame Stadt in e... [more]

[ 03.03.2003 ]
Vermilion Sands

The title of my piece refers to the story collection by the english author J.G. Ballard of the same name (also published as „The 1000 dreams of Stellavista“).
„Vermilion Sands“ is a weird city in an undefined desert, a kind of imaginary Palm Springs, in which a mixture of bored and decadent ... [more]

[ 03.03.2003 ]
Vermilion Sands, English Translations of performance notes


1) There are TWO guitars needed for this piece: one with ordinary (natural) strings (Guitar I) and one with steel strings (Guitar II).
2) Guitar I is played ordinarily. Guitar II is placed flat in front of the gui... [more]

[ 18.12.2004 ]
Vermilion Sands, technische Erläuterungen


1) Für dieses Stück werden zwei Gitarren benötigt: Eine mit Darmsaiten (Gitarre I) und eine mit Stahlsaiten (Gitarre II)
2) Die Gitarre I wird normal gespielt. Die Gitarre II liegt vor dem Gitarriste... [more]

[ 16.12.2004 ]

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Croatoan II (1999)
In the sandbox

  Chamber music - Ensembles

  for string quartet and percussion
work list 95-99-HW

completed 08/30/1999

instruments percussion and string quartet

duration 12'

world premiere 11/23/1999
Peter Sadlo, perc., Vogler-quartet
Munich (Germany), Festival provocazione, Reithalle

special percussionist exclusively plays "small instruments" like table-bell, bongos and castagnettes, various modern playing techniques, stomping and shuffling

dedicated Peter Sadlo und das Vogler-Quartett



texts short text for all the "Croatoan" pieces


In the year 1587 114 english colonists under their leader John White founded a colony on Roanoake Island, on the east coast of America in what is today the state of Carolina. They belonged to the very first wave of english settlers of the New World. Shortly after their arriva... [more]

[ 08.05.2003 ]
"Croatoan II" Detaillierte Besetzungsangaben

Moritz Eggert

Croatoan II


Violine I (auch: Glöckchen in g)
Violine II (auch: Glöckchen in g)
Viola (auch: Glöckchen in h )
Violoncello (auch: Glöckchen in h )

Schlagzeug:... [more]

[ "Croatoan II" detailed instruments description (German/English) , 02.05.2003 ]
"Croatoan II" Text zum Stück

Im Jahre 1587 gründeten 114 englische Kolonisten unter ihrem Anführer John White eine Kolonie auf Roanoake Island, an der Ostküste Amerikas, im heutigen Staate Carolina. Sie gehörten zu den ersten englischen Siedlern der Neuen Welt. Kurz nach ihrer Ankunft wurde Virginia, die Enk... [more]

[ 30.08.1999 ]



Croatoan II, excerpt (finale)

see also In the sandbox
Croatoan I
Croatoan III

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Continuum (2000)

  Chamber music - Duos

  for cello and piano
work list 94-99-NW

completed 08/11/1999

instruments cello and piano

duration 6'

world premiere 07/01/2000
Sebastian Hess, Vc., Moritz Eggert, Pf.
Bad Kissingen (Germany), Kissinger Sommer, Rossini-Saal, "Nacht der Neuen Musik"

special the cello bow never leaves the strings

dedicated Sebastian und Kate Hess


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Fast Forward (1999)

  Chamber music - Duos

  for cello and piano
work list 90-99-HW

completed 01/21/1999

instruments cello and piano

duration 6'

world premiere 05/02/1999
Nicolas Altstaedt, Vc., Christoph Altstaedt, Pf.
Duesseldorf (Germany), Tonhalle, prize winner concert "Jugend musiziert"

special playing inside the piano, various effects on the cello

dedicated Nicolas und Christoph Altstaedt

publication Sikorski,

texts Fast Forward, english translation of effect descriptions



GENERAL SUGGESTION: The effect of this piece largely depends on the musical diversity of the „wound forward“ parts – the more different from each other they are, the better the performance will be. It helps if one imagines a muc... [more]

[ 27.11.2003 ]
Fast Forward, kurzer Text zum Stück


Für Cello und Klavier (1999)

Fast Forward, auch FF(engl.): Vorspultaste bei Abspielgeräten

Dieses ca. 6-minütige Stück muß man sich als ein wesentlich längeres vorstellen: Ein ca. 30-minütig... [more]

[ 28.11.2003 ]

see also "aural corridors"

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Aboriginal / Millennium Dance (1998)

  Chamber music - Duos

  for 2 singing and beating pianists
work list 89a-98-HW

completed 10/24/1998

instruments piano 4 hands

duration 22'

world premiere 11/21/1998
Sigi Mauser, Moritz Eggert, pno.
Munich (Germany), "Killmayer-Nacht", Bavarian Radio

special knocking, singing, 2nd movement was the basis for "Number Nine III: Millennium Dance", movements can also be performed alone

dedicated Klaus Voswinckel (Aboriginal), Sigi Mauser (Millennium Dance)


texts millennium dance short english text

„No! No! There are only 10 of us and there are 10.000.000 fighting somewhere in front of you, so get your onions up and we will throw up the truce flag“ (The last words of Dutch Schultz)

Millenium Dance is very fast throughout, a piece in which I throw a very sarcastic glance at our b... [more]

[ 06.04.2004 ]
zu: "Aboriginal/ Millennium Dance"

Für 4-händiges Klavier
Moritz Eggert

Der berüchtigte Chicagoer Gangster Dutch Schultz stammte aus dem Kreis der Männer um Al Capone. Nachdem er von Unbekannten in einer Herrentoilette angeschossen wurde, bra... [more]

[ 16.04.2003 ]



Aboriginal, gespielt von Martin Zehn und Moritz Eggert


Ausschnitt (Excerpt) Millennium Dance, Martin Zehn, Moritz Eggert, pf.

see also Milennium Shuffle
Millennium Dance Shuffle
Number Nine III

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Melody 1.0
version for vibraphone and typewriter

  Chamber music - Duos

  for vibraphone and typewriter
work list 85c-98-BE

completed 09/18/1998

instruments vibraphone and typewriter

duration 4'

special basis for "Number Nine II: Melody 1.0"


texts melody 1.0 short english text


This piece is the only one of my pieces which exists in five different versions....
The first four versions use a typewriter as the solo instrument. I had used a whole orchestra of (mechanical) typewriters for my „Symphony 1.0“ (1997), and it seemed l... [more]

[ 22.03.2004 ]

see also Melody 1.0
Melody 1.0
Number Nine II
Melody 1.0

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Melody 1.0 (1998)

  Chamber music - Trios

  for violin, cello and typewriter
work list 85a-98-NW

completed 08/28/1998

instruments violin, cello, typewriter

duration 4'

world premiere 08/23/1998
Muriel Cantoreggi, vl. Sebastian Hes, vc., Moritz Eggert, typewriter
Schloss Elmau (Germany), Grosser Saal

special basis for "Number Nine II: Melody 1.0"



This piece is the only one of my pieces which exists in three different versions ... and a fourth one is still to come!
All the first three versions use a typewriter as the solo instrument. I had used a whole orchestra of (mechanical) typewriters for my "Symphony 1.0" (1997), and it seemed lo... [more]

[ 14.10.1998 ]

see also Melody 1.0
Melody 1.0
Number Nine II
Melody 1.0

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Nemesis (1998)

  Chamber music - Solo

  for drumset solo
work list 84-98-HW

completed 08/27/1998

instruments 23-part rock drumset

duration 16'

world premiere 11/18/1998
Richard Moore, perc.
Toronto (Canada), Music Gallery

special geschrieben für 23-teiliges Rockschlagzeug

dedicated Richard Moore



The drumset is quite rarely used in contemporary composition. It still seems to be deeply rooted in popular music, and is mostly identified with the various forms of rock music.
I have listened to and played a lot of rock music - something that seems to be a common factor for all composers of... [more]

[ 13.08.1998 ]
Nemesis, kurzer deutscher Text zum Stück


Das „Drum-Set“, also Jazz- oder Rockschlagzeug, wird in Neuer Musik selten verwendet. Es scheint immer noch fest in der populären Musik verwurzelt zu sein, und wird vornehmlich mit den verschiedenen Formen der Rock-Musik identifiziert.
Ich habe viel Rock-Mu... [more]

[ 05.08.2004 ]



excerpt from the piece, played by Richard Moore

see also The search for the KlaNNg

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Sea/desert (1998)

  Chamber music - Ensembles

  for 2 pianists and 2 percussionists
work list 80-98-HW

completed 01/10/1998

movements I. See
II. Desert

instruments 2 percussionists, 2 pianists (piano 4-handed)

duration 14'

world premiere 04/30/1998
Marta Klimasara, Jürgen Spitschka, perc., Siegfried Mauser, Moritz Eggert, pf.
Munich (Germany), Biennale, Weltmusiknacht, Carl-Orff-Saal

special 1st movement: two percussionists play 1 vibraphone, two pianists play 1 piano 2nd movement: the two pianists perform various rhythmic actions inside 1 piano, rhythmic model of the 2nd movement equals the piece "fleeting encounter"



mehr meer bitte, bitte mehr meer (Ingeborg Bachmann)

Diese beiden Stücke beschäftigen sich mehr mit einer imaginären Fremde, als mit konkretem exotischen Material.
"Meer" ist ein kontinuierlicher "stream of consciousness". Die Musik befindet sich st&... [more]

Erläuterungen zu "Wüste"


1) Der Deckel des Flügels ist abgenommen.
2) Die Musiker stehen wie in der Zeichnung angegeben. Pianist I steht in der Beuge des Flügels. Er spielt (mit zwei Trommelstöcken) im Flügel, sowie die Agogos (siehe Anmerkung unten). Pianist II s... [more]

[ 17.01.2005 ]



Wueste (Desert), complete movement

see also now - I need now
Fleeting Encounter

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Haemmerklavier XI (1998)
What if 1 composer from 1 country wrote 60 pieces under a second for solo piano

  Chamber music - Piano solo
also look at Musiktheater und Performance

  for piano solo
work list 81-98-HW

completed 1998

instruments piano solo

duration 1'

world premiere 02/11/1998
Guy Livingston, pf.
Cape Town (South Africa)

special 60 single pieces each lasting one second, played quickly in a row, mouth-siren and moo-box needed

dedicated Guy Livingston

soundcarrier das ist taktlos
Don't panic!

scores Schott ED 9137

texts Hämmerklavier Xi, Einleitungstext

Moritz Eggert

Hämmerklavier XI

What if 1 composer from 1 country wrote 60 pieces under a second for solo piano?

Klavier solo



Dieses Stück be... [more]

[ 30.12.2003 ]

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Melody 1.0
version for clarinet, piano and typewriter

  Chamber music - Trios

  for clarinet, piano and typewriter
work list 85b-98-BE

completed 1998

instruments clarinet, piano, typewriter

duration 4'

special basis for "Number Nine II: Melody 1.0"

dedicated Nicola und Andreas Schindhelm


texts melodie 1.0 short english text


This piece is the only one of my pieces which exists in five different versions....
The first four versions use a typewriter as the solo instrument. I had used a whole orchestra of (mechanical) typewriters for my „Symphony 1.0“ (1997), and it seemed l... [more]

[ 22.03.2004 ]

see also Melody 1.0
Melody 1.0
Number Nine II
Melody 1.0

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  Chamber music - Ensembles

  for saxophone quartet
work list 78-97-HW

completed 11/14/1997

instruments saxophone quartet (2 alto, 2 baritone)

duration 9'

special refers to "Helter Skelter" by the Beatles , some multiphonics

dedicated art-core-sax-Quartett

soundcarrier Porträt-CD Moritz Eggert



Ein längerer Ausschnitt aus einem Konzert in 2009/
a longer excerpt from a concert in 2009


Erinnerte Musik ist anders als gehörte Musik: manchmal dehnen sich einzelne Passagen im Geiste zu einer endlosen Klangcollage, manchmal schrumpfen sie auch zu einem allgemeinen "Sound" zusammen.
"Skelter" ist der Versuch, den Song "Helter Skelter" aus dem berühmten "we... [more]

[ 02.06.1998 ]
Skelter, short english text about the piece


Remembered Music is different from experienced music: sometimes several passages become one single collage in memory, sometimes only a general „sound“ is remembered, without any details.
„Skelter“ is a composed remembering of the song „Helter Skelter“ fr... [more]

[ 20.09.2004 ]



Skelter excerpt beginning, played by Art Core Sax

see also The Trap
now - I need now

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Et in Arcadia Ego (1997)
Streichquartett Nr. 2

  Chamber music - Quartets
also look at Ensembles

  for string quartet
work list 72-97-HW

completed 05/14/1997

instruments string quartet

duration 16'

world premiere 07/19/1997
Pescocostanzo (Italy), "Moto Perpetuo"-Festival, Auditorium Comunale S. Nicola

special re-tuning, knocking sounds (both at the end of the piece)

dedicated Peter Ruzicka

soundcarrier Et in Arcadia Ego



... "und in Arkadien ich" ist ein Satz der einem oft beim Studium von Renaissance-Gemälden ins Auge fällt. In der symbolgeladenen Kunstsprache dieser Epoche wurde dieser Satz als eine Art "memento mori" gebraucht, also "auch in Arkadien existiere ich (der Tod)". Eine der berühmtesten ... [more]

[ 05.07.1997 (dt. Übersetzung 02.02.1999) ]
Et in Arcadia Ego short english text

Et in Arcadia Ego
...“and in Arcadia I“ is a sentence which has fascinated scholars for a long time. In renaissance symbolism it is supposed to mean „and also in Arcadia, death exists“, a sort of „memento mori“. It famously appears on a picture by the french painter Nicolas Poussin, „The shep... [more]

[ 21.10.2003 ]

see also now - I need now

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Tableau (1997)

  Chamber music - Duos

  for clarinet and piano (with melodica)
work list 68-97-HW

completed 01/09/1997

instruments clarinet and piano (with melodica)

duration 10'

world premiere 04/10/1997
Joerg Widmann, clarinet, Moritz Eggert, pf.
Munich (Germany), Siemens-Preis, Cuvilliés-Theater

special many theatrical elements, pianist and clarinetist move while playing, piano lid has to be removed completely, playing under and in the piano

dedicated Jörg Widmann



Ausschnitt aus dem Stück, gespielt von Jörg Widmann und Moritz Eggert, aus dem Film "One Man Band" von Klaus Voswinckel
Excerpt from the piece, played by Joerg Widmann and Moritz Eggert, from the film "One Man Band" by Klaus Voswinckel

Duo Luxa in Chengdu:
complete performance (with DUO LUXA)


I always liked the contradictory title of Lachenmann's chamber orchestra piece "Mouvement (vor der Erstarrung)" ("vor der Erstarrung" is difficult to translate in English - the most similar translation would be "before freezing").
A "Tableau" is a frozen picture, or a still-life. And as contr... [more]

tableau, english translations of performance instructions

Movement for clarinetist and pianist
English Translation of notes in the score:

Instruments: Player 1) Clarinet in Bb
Player 2) Piano, Soprano-Melodica, Jazz-brush*, hard mallet *
• for playing inside the piano

T... [more]

[ 19.10.2004 ]
Tableau, short text about the piece


I always liked the contradictory title of Lachenmann’s chamber orchestra piece „Mouvement (vor der Erstarrung)“ („vor der Erstarrung“ is difficult to translate in English – the most similar translation would be „before freezing“).
A „Tableau“ is a frozen picture... [more]

[ 21.10.2004 ]

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Haemmerklavier X: Mouth Organ (1995)
Mouth Organ

  Chamber music - Piano solo

  for performer solo
work list 64-95-HW

completed 09/10/1995

text Love poem from "Arabian Nights", translated by Enno Littmann

instruments performer/piano solo

duration 9'

world premiere 09/23/1995
Moritz Eggert, voice
Starnberg (Germany), Seenmusik-Festival, Schlossberghalle

special no instrument of any kind is needed - all the music is produced with the mouth only, amplification needed in larger halls, spoken text passages

dedicated Helmut Lachenmann

soundcarrier Haemmerklavier I-X


Video mit kurzem Ausschnitt aus dem Stück vorgetragen von Moritz Eggert, aus dem Film "One Man Band" von Klaus Voswinckel
Video with short excerpt from the piece performed by Moritz Eggert, from the film "One Man Band" by Klaus Voswinckel

und hier eine komplette Aufführung mit dem phantastischen Daniel Agi:
and here a complete performance with the fantastic Daniel Agi:


Dieses Stück wird gänzlich (und ohne elektronische Unterstützung) mit dem Mund produziert.
Es besteht aus einem Präludium, einem Lied, einem Trio, Variationen, und einem Finale. Der verwendete Text stammt aus einem Liebesgedicht aus den Erzählungen aus tausendundeiner... [more]

Haemmerklavier X mouth effect descriptions, english translation

Hämmerklavier X „Mouth Organ“

1. The Music of this piece is created solely with the mouth. It might be necessary to amplify the performance in larger halls. If this is done, care should be taken that the sound is „acoustic“ as possible, without the addition of effects or strong b... [more]

[ 15.09.2003 ]
Mouth Organ, English translation of performance notes

Hämmerklavier X „Mouth Organ“

1. The Music of this piece is created solely with the mouth. It might be necessary to amplify the performance in larger halls. If this is done, care should be taken that the sound is „acoustic“ as possible, without the addition of effects or strong b... [more]

[ 13.01.2004 ]


DOCKritik einer Aufführung mit Daniel Agi, 2007

see also Querverbindungen

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Haemmerklavier VIII (1995)

  Chamber music - Piano solo

  for piano solo

Konzert in der Klavierfabrik Steingraber, Bayreuth
Konzert in der Klavierfabrik Steingraber, Bayreuth
© 1997 by Jan Erik Hauber

work list 62-95-HW

completed 05/24/1995

instruments piano solo

duration 8'

world premiere 06/10/1995
Moritz Eggert, pf.
Munich (Germany), A*Devantgarde, Neues Theater

special Use of sirens fastened under the piano, middle pedal, playing while half sitting under the piano, performance elements

dedicated Wolfgang Rihm

soundcarrier Haemmerklavier I-X

scores Schott ED 9137


Dieses Stück, eine sture Akkordetüde, die Hämmerklavier II nicht unähnlich ist, erfährt eine Art Bedrohung oder Störung von unten. Unter dem Flügel sind Sirenen angebracht, die mit der jeweils beim Spielen freien Hand ein- und ausgeschaltet werden. Am Schluß ... [more]

Hämmerklavier VIII, english translations of performance notes

Hämmerklavier VIII „Underground“

1. For this piece you’ll need loud 4 electrical sirens. They can be of any type, even different fabrications. Their signal should be strong and high-pitched.
2. The pianist has to be able to access the sirens through switches hidden under t... [more]

[ 06.12.2004 ]

see also Querverbindungen

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Haemmerklavier IX (1995)

  Chamber music - Piano solo
also look at Musiktheater und Performance

  for piano solo

aus dem Film von Klaus Voswinckel:
aus dem Film von Klaus Voswinckel: "One Man Band"
© by Klaus Voswinckel

work list 61-95-HW

completed 05/16/1995

instruments piano solo

duration 8'

world premiere 06/10/1995
Moritz Eggert, pf.
Munich (Germany), A*Devantgarde, Neues Theater

special pianist moves around the (grand-)piano (the lid has to be removed completely) and performs various actions, additional materials: sound metals, Blue-Tac, plastic disks, brush, pedal has to be fastened, performance elements

dedicated Claus K�hnl

soundcarrier Haemmerklavier I-X

scores Schott ED 9137



In dem Gesellschaftsspiel "Die Reise nach Jerusalem" werden die Sitzmöglichkeiten der Spieler nach und nach reduziert (und damit die Spieler selber).
In "Jerusalem" gibt es 20 verschiedene "Musiken" (auf einer einzigen Melodie basierend) die alle an verschiedenen Orten um und im Flü... [more]

Haemmerklavier IX, english translations of performance notes

IX Jerusalem

1: The piano lid and note stand have to be removed completely for this piece. There has to be enough room around the piano for the pianist to move along the rim of the piano (see notes). There is no need for a piano stool.

2: The right peda... [more]

[ 17.02.2004 ]

see also "aural corridors"
The search for the KlaNNg
The Trap
Weird Actions

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Bad Attitude (1995)

  Chamber music - Duos

  for cello and piano (with melodica and kazoo)

Privatphoto der UA 1995 in Salzburg mit Sebastian Hess (Vc.)
Privatphoto der UA 1995 in Salzburg mit Sebastian Hess (Vc.)
© World Premiere at the Salzburger Osterfestspiele 1995

work list 60-95-HW

completed 03/15/1995

movements I. Bad Vibes
II. Bad Taste
III. Bad Attitude

instruments cello and piano (with melodica and kazoo)

duration 12'

world premiere 04/16/1995
Sebastian Hess, cello, Moritz Eggert, pf.
Salzburg (Austria), Salzburger Osterfestspiele, Mozarteum

special additional soprano-melodica and kazoo for the pianist, stomping, knocking, various advanced playing techniques, cellist sings one note

dedicated Sebastian Hess

soundcarrier Porträt-CD Moritz Eggert
WERGO collection 2

publication Sikorski,


Dieses Stück hat viele ästhetische Parallelen zu meinem "Hämmerklavier" - Zyklus für Solo-Klavier, den ich kurz zuvor beendet hatte - auch hier geht es um die Umsetzung von Intensität. Mehr als in anderen meiner Stücke aber wird hier Übertriebenes, Triviales oder A... [more]

Bad Attitude - Kurzer Text zum Stück


Dieses Stück hat viele ästhetische Parallelen zu meinem "Hämmerklavier" - Zyklus für Solo-Klavier, den ich kurz zuvor beendet hatte - auch hier geht es um die Umsetzung von Intensität. Mehr als in anderen meiner Stücke aber wird hier Übe... [more]

[ 27.04.2003 ]



Bad Attitude Third Movement, played by Sebastian Hess and Moritz Eggert

see also In the sandbox

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Haemmerklavier VII (1995)
Secret desires

  Chamber music - Piano solo

  for piano solo
work list 59-95-HW

completed 02/11/1995

instruments piano solo

duration 8'

world premiere 03/28/1995
Moritz Eggert, pf.
Paris, Cité des Arts

special playing of additional notes with eraser in mouth

dedicated Louis Andriessen

soundcarrier Haemmerklavier I-X

scores Schott ED 9137



Das "Geheime Verlangen" dieses Stückes ist eine kurze Melodie die zweimal im Stück vorkommt: zum erstenmal, fast unbemerkt, am Anfang des Stückes; zum zweitenmal am Ende, wobei ein mit dem Mund gehaltener Radiergummi zum Spielen dieser Melodie benutzt werden muß (denn die restli... [more]

see also Querverbindungen
In the sandbox
Weird Actions

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Breathless (1995)

  Chamber music - Solo

  for 4 recorders and 1 player
work list 57-94-HW

completed 11/13/1994

instruments 1 soprano-, 2 alto-, 1 renaissance-alto recorder

duration 8'

world premiere 10/22/1995
Naomi Graham, recorders
London (GB), Moeck-recorder-competition finals, Royal college of music

special two recorders are played at the same time throughout most of the piece, various modern playing techniques

dedicated Naomi Graham

soundcarrier Ausser Atem
Porträt-CD Moritz Eggert
Blockflute Short Cuts

scores Schott OFB 1920


Ausschnitt aus dem St�ck in dem Film "One Man Band" von Klaus Voswinckel, Naomi Graham, Blockfl�te
Excerpt from the piece from the film "One Mand Band" by Klaus Voswinckel, Naomi Graham, recorder

texts short text about the piece in English

In this piece the player uses three different types of recorders: soprano, alto (in F) and alto (in G). Inspired by the ancient Greek “aylos”-playing techniques these recorders are very often played in pairs at the same time, in different combinations. Sometimes the vocal element (... [more]

[ Moritz Eggert , 24.04.2016 ]

The possibility of having one performer play two recorders at the same time has always held a fascination for me. Not only did I feel that this technique had not been fully explored - I was also drawn to the intensity that a playing technique like this automatically demands by a performer(especially... [more]

[ 1994/95 ]
Ausser Atem - kurzer Text zum Stück


In diesem Stück werden drei verschiedene Blockflöten benutzt, Sopran-, Alt in F- und Alt in G- Blockflöte. Das Besondere ist, daß über weite Strecken des Stückes zwei Flöten auf einmal gespielt werden, in verschiedensten Kombinationen. G... [more]

[ 23.04.2003 ]

see also The search for the KlaNNg
In the sandbox

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Haemmerklavier VI (1994)
Variations upon Teba Ini Leh

  Chamber music - Piano solo

  for singing pianist
work list 56-94-HW

completed 10/26/1994

instruments piano solo

duration 14'

world premiere 11/08/1994
Moritz Eggert, pf.
Munich (Germany), Gasteig, "Klangspuren", Carl-Orff-Saal

special singing, stomping, middle pedal, whistling, beating on the wooden frame, various modern playing techniques

dedicated Raymund Havenith

soundcarrier Haemmerklavier I-X

scores Schott ED 8622


Dieses Stück ist eines der längsten des "Hämmerklavier"-Zyklus und basiert auf einer Melodie der berühmten arabischen Sängerin Oum Kalsoum. Der Gesangspart, vom Pianisten während des Spiels auszuführen, ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Komposition, ebenso eine ... [more]

Haemmerklavier VI, short english text

Oum Kalsoum ist considered to be „the“ singer of arabian music. She became famous in the 30’s of the last century, and her famous singing style is imitated up to the finest embellishments by young singers until today.
I have purposefully selected a chanson by her as a theme for a cycle of var... [more]

[ 07.01.2004 ]

see also Querverbindungen

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Mystic page (2001)

  Chamber music - Solo

  for harp solo
work list 54-94-NW

completed 09/20/1994

instruments harp solo

duration 1' 30''

world premiere 11/03/2001
Marlis Neumann, harp
Gauting (Germany), Gautinger Schlosskonzerte

dedicated Marlis Neumann

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Haemmerklavier V (1994)
study in fall

  Chamber music - Piano solo

  for piano solo
work list 52-94-HW

completed 07/18/1994

instruments piano solo

duration 5'

world premiere 07/29/1994
Moritz Eggert, pf.
Montepulciano (Italy), Cantiere d'Arte, chiostro della fortezza

special rhythmical moaning

dedicated David Lang

soundcarrier Haemmerklavier I-X

scores Schott ED 8622


Ein prozesshaftes Stück, auf einer einfachen (Quintfall)sequenz beruhend. Akkorde fallen langsam ins untere Register, dabei schneller werdend und sich in Einzeltöne auflösend. Jedesmal wenn ein Ton nicht mehr spielbar ist (d.h. sich sozusagen über den linken, tiefen Tastenrand be... [more]

Analyse des Stückes "Fallstudie" von Moritz Eggert


„Fallstudie“, das 5. Stück aus dem „Hämmerklavierzyklus“, nimmt in diesem Zyklus insofern eine Sonderstellung ein, als kein anderes Stück darin in so hohem Maße abstrakten, ma... [more]

[ Markus Neuwirth , 20.11.2003 ]



Excerpt from the piece (beginning), played by Moritz Eggert

see also Querverbindungen
Titus - Fall of Rome

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Haemmerklavier IV (1995)
2 miniatures: Omaggio/Silberberg-variation

  Chamber music - Piano solo

  for piano solo
work list 51-94-HW

completed 06/29/1994

movements I. Omaggio
II. Silberberg-Variation

instruments piano solo

duration 6'

world premiere 08/17/1995
Moritz Eggert, pf.
Guanajuato (Mexico), Teatro Juarez, El callejon del Ruido

dedicated Hans Werner Henze

soundcarrier Haemmerklavier I-X

scores Schott ED 8622
Emonts Schott's 20th Century Piano Classics (Schott ED 9565)


Zwei wenig verschlüsselte Hommagen, die erste an Stravinsky, die zweite, eine Art alternative Goldberg-Variation, an Bach. Trotzdem auch "Hämmerklavier": Intensität durch Reduktion.



Silberberg-Variation (complete) played by Moritz Eggert

see also Querverbindungen
Titus - Fall of Rome
Weird Actions

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Sanctus (1994)

  Chamber music - Duos

  for trombone and organ
work list 50-94-HW

completed 05/21/1994

instruments trombone and organ

duration 13'

world premiere 09/16/1994
Abby Conant, tb., Klemens Schnorr, org.
Erfurt (Germany), Dom

special cluster effects with wooden boards on bass pedals, registration effects (mechanical organ)

dedicated Abby Conant

publication Sikorski

texts Sanctus, kurzer Text zum Stück


Ähnlich wie mein Posaunenquartett „Seraphim“ ist auch Sanctus eine kompositorische Reaktion auf archaisch-christliche Liturgie.
Jede Liturgie ist Ritus – im Ritus der Messe ist das Sanctus normalerweise die Antwort der Gemeinde, die mit den Worten „heilig, heili... [more]

[ Moritz Eggert , 24.03.2014 ]

see also Sanctus (2nd version)

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Haemmerklavier III (1994)
One Man Band

  Chamber music - Piano solo

  for piano solo

Photo von Performance aus dem Film von Klaus Voswinckel
Photo von Performance aus dem Film von Klaus Voswinckel "One Man Band"
© Klaus Voswinckel

work list 49-94-HW

completed 04/28/1994

instruments piano solo

duration 4'

world premiere 05/08/1994
Moritz Eggert, pf.
Munich (Germany), Gasteig, 4th Munich Biennale, Kleiner Konzertsaal

special stomping, beating on the wooden frame and lid, playing with chin, singing/whistling, playing inside the piano, playing with left foot

dedicated George Crumb

soundcarrier Haemmerklavier I-X

scores Schott ED 8622


Ausschnitt aus dem gleichnamigen Film von Klaus Voswinckel, mit einer Aufführung des Stückes von Moritz Eggert

Excerpt from the film "One Man Band" by Klaus Voswinckel, featuring a performance of One Man Band by Moritz Eggert

Komplette Version des Stückes, gespielt von Shiau-uen Ding begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting/ complete version of the piece, played by Shiau-uen Ding

texts Kurzer Text zum Stück

In der neuen Musik werden "Effekte" (d.h. besondere Spieltechniken wie das Anzupfen einer Seite im Inneren des Flügels) oft in einer gewissen Vereinzelung vorgeführt. Im diesen Stück sind die "Effekte" aber das bestimmende Element, d.h. die Komposition wird in eine (auch selbstparodie... [more]

[ Short Text about the piece , 1.1.1996 ]



Hämmerklavier III, gespielt von Marc Awolin

see also "aural corridors"
The search for the KlaNNg
The Trap
Titus - Fall of Rome
Weird Actions

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Haemmerklavier II (1994)
upon the first 3 notes of "Lulu"

  Chamber music - Piano solo

  for piano solo
work list 48a-94-HW

completed 04/04/1994

instruments piano solo

duration 5'

world premiere 04/21/1994
Moritz Eggert, pf.
Munich (Germany), Orff-Zentrum

dedicated Robert Saxton

soundcarrier Haemmerklavier I-X

scores Schott ED 8622


In England lernt man, daß die gesamte Musik der Wiener Schule sich an den ersten 4 Tönen von Alban Bergs "Lulu" erklären lässt. Ich nahm mir vor, mit diesen Tönen eigene Welten zu bauen. In diesem Stück, einer Art Akkordetüde, sind die Pausen zwischen den Klä... [more]



Excerpt from the piece (Ending) played by Moritz Eggert

see also Querverbindungen
The search for the KlaNNg
Titus - Fall of Rome
Weird Actions

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Haemmerklavier I (1994)
Into the open

  Chamber music - Piano solo

  for piano solo
work list 47-94-HW

completed 03/25/1994

instruments piano solo

duration 7'

world premiere 03/25/1994
Moritz Eggert, pf.
Guanajuato (Mexico), Teatro Juarez, El callejon del Ruido

special short section uses beating on the wooden frame

dedicated Wilhelm Killmayer

soundcarrier Haemmerklavier I-X

scores Schott ED 8622

texts Hämmerklavier

Hämmerklavier ist ein abendfüllend angelegter Zyklus für Klavier solo, der - mit Ausnahme der 1.Miniatur von Hämmerklavier IV - in den Jahren 1994 und 1995 entstand.
Der Titel spielt nicht auf einen Hammerflügel oder gar die Hammerklaviersonate von Beethoven an (letzt... [more]



Haemmerklavier I, played by Moritz Eggert, excerpt (end)

see also Querverbindungen

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Consolations (1993, changed 2016)

  Chamber music - Solo

  Version 1: for viola solo (original version) HV 46a
Version 2: reworked version for viola or electric viola solo HV 46b
work list 46ab-93-HW

completed 09/22/1993

instruments viola solo

duration 7'

world premiere 03/19/2017
Gunther Pretzel, viola
reworked version: Andreas Ticozzi
Munich (Germany), Gasteig, Black Box
Munich (Germany), Johannissaal/Nymphenburg

special bow is sometimes played under the strings, whistling (only in original version)

dedicated Gunther Pretzel


texts Consolations, Text zum Stück

Im Sommer 1993, während der Arbeit an dem sehr komplexen und durchstrukturierten Orchesterwerk "Vexations" (ungefähr: "Quälereien" oder "Kränkungen") tröstete ich mich in müden Stunden mit dem Gedanken an mein nächstes Stück, das ganz intim und einfach sein so... [more]

[ Moritz Eggert , 14.06.1995 ]

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  Chamber music - Ensembles
also look at Octets

  for octet
work list 44-93-NW

completed 08/15/1993

instruments Fl., Ob., Trump. (in C), Tb., Hp., Pf., Vc., Cb.

duration 5'

special some "Aeolic Harp" - passages inside the piano; chord structure also used in "Vexations" (see "orchestra music")

see also Vexations

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In the box (1993)
version for three trumpets

  Chamber music - Trios

  for three trumpets
work list 40b-93-BE

completed 05/13/1993

instruments three trumpets

duration 7'

world premiere 07/07/1993
brass workshop
London (GB), Guildhall school

special trumpets are tuned in quarter tones

see also In the box

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Fanfarerafnaf (1993)

  Chamber music - Ensembles
also look at Quintets

  for brass quintet
work list 43-93-NW

completed 05/05/1993

instruments brass quintet: 2 trumpets, horn, trombone, tuba

duration 1' 45''

world premiere 07/07/1993
brass workshop
London (GB), Guildhall school


texts short text about the piece "Fanfarerafnaf"

For brass quintet
By Moritz Eggert

This is a short fanfare for brass quintet inspired by the concept of DNA. It was written 1993, inspired by a discussion started by my then composition teacher, Mr. Robert Saxton, at the post-graduat... [more]

[ 24.11.2003 ]

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sky is retreating (1993)
music for a choreography

  Chamber music - Ensembles
also look at Quintets

  for five players
work list 42-93-HW

completed 03/06/1993

instruments flute, clar., vn., vc., pf.

duration 6'

world premiere 05/25/1993
choreography: Ursula Hegglin, dancers: Deborah Peacock, Maurizio Patti, Guildhall School ensemble (from tape)
London (GB), London contemporary dance

dedicated Wilhelm Killmayer

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One Shot (1993)

  Chamber music - Quintets
also look at Brass quintet

  for wind quintet
work list 41-93-NW

completed 02/22/1993

instruments wind quintet: fl., ob., clar., bn., hn.

duration 1' 30''

world premiere 07/08/1993
Gareth davies, fl., Derren Coles, cl., James Beatty, Ob., Robert Dulson, bn., Clare Hutchins, Hn.
London (GB), Guildhall school

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In the box (1996, changed 2001, 2016)
original version for triple trumpet

  Chamber music - Solo

  a) original version: for triple trumpet solo (1993/2001) HV 40a
b) Version für trumpet solo (2016) HV 40b
work list 40a-93-HW

completed 02/15/1993

instruments triple trumpet solo

duration 7'

world premiere 03/10/1996
Malte Burba, triple trumpet
London (GB), Guildhall school

special unusual trumpet construction, artificial prolongation of the trumpet with a garden hose, "remote playing" through a metal box

dedicated Malte Burba

texts In The Box, short text about the piece

In the Box

„In the Box“ was originally written for Malte Burba, who was looking for a showpiece for the specially constructed “triple trumpet”. So it is no surprise that the piece makes a lot of use of the new possibilities of this trumpet, which has two soundcones and two sets of val... [more]

[ Moritz Eggert , 11.4.2010 ]

see also In the box

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Little Hideaways (1993)
string quartet no. 1

  Chamber music - Quartets

  for string quartet
work list 39-93-HW

completed 01/20/1993

movements 1. There...
2. ...and back again
3. in
4. inside
5. emerging
6. away
7. out

instruments string quartet

duration 17'

world premiere 07/08/1993
Rosamunde quartet
Munich (Germany), Akademie der Wissenschaften

special advanced playing techniques (playing behind the fingers) in first and second movement

soundcarrier Concours Molinari 2001-2002



Alle 7 Abschnitte dieses Stücks (die ohne Pause ineinander übergehen) basieren auf einer einzigen melodischen Linie, zu hören in den ersten zwei Takten.
Alle musikalischen Parameter - Form, Tonhöhen, Rhythmus, etc. - beziehen sich auf die eine oder andere Weise auf diese M... [more]

[ 24.02.1994 (rev. 02.10.1998) ]
Little Hideaways, english text


I have always been fascinated by the famous sentence at the beginning of William Blake’s „Auguries of innocence“: To see a world in a grain of sand.
This is – in my mind - connected to another motto, which has also been of utmost importance for my work:... [more]

[ 05.03.2004 ]
Little Hideaways, same text but shortened


I have always been fascinated by the famous sentence at the beginning of William Blake’s „Auguries of innocence“: To see a world in a grain of sand.
This is – in my mind - connected to another motto, which has also been of utmost importance for my work:... [more]

[ 15.03.2004 ]



excerpt from the piece, played by the Molinari quartet

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Seraphim (1992)

  Chamber music - Ensembles
also look at Quartets

  for trombone quartet
work list 38-92-HW

completed 06/21/1992

instruments trombone quartet

duration 11'

world premiere 07/19/1992
Montepulciano (Italy), Cantiere d'Arte, San Fancesco

special trombonists play in a square around the audience, quadrophonic effects, various advanced playing techniques

dedicated Abby Conant und "Prisma"




excerpt from the piece (finale)

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idee fixe
Version 1 für Viola

  Chamber music - Solo

  for viola solo
work list 36c-92-BE

completed 05/10/1992

instruments viola solo

duration 6'

world premiere 12/16/2003
Nils Moenkemeyer, vla.
Munich (Germany), Siemens-Rotunde

special partly approximate notation, performance elements

see also idee fixe (Celloversion)
"aural corridors"

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idee fixe (Celloversion) (1993)
Version 2 für Cello

  Chamber music - Solo

  for cello solo
work list 36b-92-BE

completed 05/10/1992

instruments Cello Solo

duration 6'

world premiere 02/05/1993
Laura McPheeters, vc.
London (GB), Guildhall school

special partly approximate notation, performance elements


Ausschnitt aus dem Stück, gespielt von Sebastian Hess, aus dem Film "One Man Band" von Klaus Voswinckel
Excerpt from the piece, played by Sebastian Hess, from the film "One Man Band" by Klaus Voswinckel

see also idee fixe

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A house with seven rooms (1991)

  Chamber music - Duos

  for cello and piano
work list 29-91-HW

completed 01/10/1991

movements I. The children's room
II. The library
III. The music room
IV. The room of mirrors
V. The chamber of love
VI. The dying room
VII. The room with the locked door

instruments cello, piano

duration 24'

world premiere 02/03/1991
Anja Lechner, vc., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Munich (Germany), Musikhochschule, Grosser Saal

special all pieces can be performed out of context, some advanced playing techniques

dedicated Anja Lechner

see also The Trap
In the sandbox

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Magical dances and rituals (1992)
2nd version for viola solo

  Chamber music - Solo

  for viola solo
work list 6b-91-BE

completed 1991

movements I. Ritual
II. Morning Song
III. Great Dance
IV. Dirge
V. Evening Song

instruments viola solo

duration 8'

world premiere 07/17/1992
Gunter Pretzel, vla.
Munich (Germany), Freies Musikzentrum

dedicated Patrick Sepec

see also Magical dances and rituals

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Etude de Solitude (1991)

  Chamber music - Solo
also look at Graphical scores

  for violin solo
work list 33-91-NW

completed 1991

instruments for violin solo

duration 6'

world premiere 0

dedicated Kathrin Maurer

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The king of the squirrels changes the tree (1991)

  Chamber music - Trios

  "musique d'ameublement" (new dining music)
work list 32-91-NW

completed 1991

instruments clarinet, violin, piano

duration 2'

world premiere 06/08/1991
Carolin Widmann, vl., Joerg Widmann, clar., ?, piano
Munich (Germany), Stadtmuseum, Stadtcafé

special Neue Tafelmusik

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Fugue II (1990)

  Chamber music - Piano solo

work list 27-90-NW

completed 07/1990

instruments piano or cembalo or organ or harmonium

duration 5'

world premiere 0

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scene from Paul and Virginie (1990)

  Chamber music - Piano solo
also look at Operas/ music theatre

  a scene from "Paul & Virginie" for piano solo
work list 22b-90-BE

completed 03/08/1990

instruments piano solo

duration 7'

world premiere 05/10/1990
Moritz Eggert, pf.
Munich (Germany), Musikhochschule, Grosser Saal

soundcarrier Klavier Musik Utopien

see also Paul and Virginie

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piano trio no.2 (1990)

  Chamber music - Trios

  for piano trio
work list 24-90-HW

completed 1990

movements I. Moderato
II. Choral
III. Scherzo
IV. Trio

instruments vl., vc., pf. (piano trio)

duration 27'

world premiere 05/25/1990
Barbara Kink, vl., Anja Lechner, vc., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Munich (Germany), Gasteig, Black Box

special use of a metronome, some advanced playing techniques



Excerpt from the 4th movement (beginning), played by Barbara Kink, vl., Sebastian Hess, vc., Moritz Eggert, pf.

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Loud and fearless (1990)

  Chamber music - Piano solo

  by "Atanasio Khyrsh" (written together with Sandeep Bhagwati), for piano solo with assistants
work list 26-90-NW

completed 1990

voices singing assistants ad lib.

instruments piano solo, assistants playing any instrument

duration 13'

world premiere 11/22/1990
Moritz Eggert, pf., Hardy Wenzel, Vla., Lutz Landwehr, Sandeep Bhagwati, Peter Frey, voice, Jelka Weber, assistant
Munich (Germany), A*Devantgarde, Gasteig, Black Box

special Improvised Passages, use of unusual extra instruments (kitchen clocks, mechanical toys, radios, etc.), assistents play other instruments and sing, performance-elements

see also The search for the KlaNNg

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  Chamber music - Solo
also look at Piano solo

work list 23-89-NW

completed 11/08/1989

instruments piano or organ or harmonium or cembalo

duration 2'

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The book of days (1988)

  Chamber music - Solo
also look at Piano solo

  for piano solo
work list 17-88-NW

completed 06/1988

instruments piano solo

duration 15'

world premiere 06/10/1988
Moritz Eggert, pf.
Munich (Germany), Ludwig-Maximilan-University, Aula

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One for Claude (1988)

  Chamber music - Solo
also look at Piano solo

  for piano solo
work list 16-88-NW

completed 04/22/1988

instruments piano solo

duration 3'

world premiere 06/15/1988
Moritz Eggert, pf.
Frankfurt am Main (Germany), Alte Oper, Hindemithsaal

dedicated Gabriele Schlick

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Departure (1986)

  Chamber music - Sextets

  for sextet, originally planned as prologue to "Das Licht am Ende des Tunnels" (unfinished)
work list 12-86-HW

completed 10/13/1986

instruments Fl./picc., Clar. (Bb/Eb), Hn., Vl., Vc., Pf.

duration 9'

world premiere 11/15/1986
Annegret Lucke, Fl., Udo Schmitt, clar., Siochiro Ono, Hn., Johannes Blumenroether, Vl., Maike Bittner-Kunstreich, Vc., Gottfried Bittner, pf.
Frankfurt am Main (Germany), Heussenstamm-Stiftung

special echo effects - french horn plays into the piano

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3 showcases (1987)

  Chamber music - Piano solo

  for piano solo
work list 10-86-NW

completed 1986

instruments piano solo

duration 7'

world premiere 03/10/1987
Moritz Eggert, pf.
Frankfurt am Main (Germany), Leyda-Ungerer

special light preparation

see also Grossstadtmenschen

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3 pieces for euphonium and brass sextet

  Chamber music - Septets

  for euphonium and brass sextet
work list 8-85-NW

completed 05/1985

movements I. Kryptischer Choral
II. Trauermarsch
III. Hymne

instruments euphonium, 2 trumpets, 2 french horns, 2 trombones

duration 12'

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Magical dances and rituals (1984)
original version for cello solo

  Chamber music - Solo

  for cello solo
work list 6a-84-HW

completed 11/1984

movements I. Ritual
II. Morning Song
III. Great Dance
IV. Dirge
V. Evening Song

instruments cello solo

duration 8'

world premiere 12/18/1984
Patrick Sepec, Vc.
Frankfurt am Main (Germany), Forum Stadtsparkasse

dedicated Patrick Sepec


see also Magical dances and rituals

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piano trio no. 1 (Lux/Tenebrae) (1984)

  Chamber music - Trios

  for piano trio
work list 7-84-HW

completed 11/1984

movements I. Lux
II. Tenebrae

instruments vl., vc., pf. (piano trio)

duration 11'

world premiere 12/18/1984
Sebastian Matthes, Vl., Patrick Sepec, Vc., Moritz Eggert, Pf.
Frankfurt am Main (Germany), Forum Stadtsparkasse

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string quartet "0"

  Chamber music - Quartets

  for string quartet
work list 5-84-NW

completed 1984

instruments string quartet

duration 11'

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Stories of farmer Heisch (1983)
new version

  Chamber music - Solo
also look at Piano solo

  for piano solo
work list 1b-83-HW

completed 1983

instruments piano solo

duration 3'

world premiere 19830000
Moritz Eggert, pf.
Frankfurt am Main (Germany), Forum Stadtsparkasse

dedicated Heike Bauer

see also Stories of farmer Heisch

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  Chamber music - Solo

  for electric bass solo
work list 4-83-NW

completed 1983

instruments electric bass solo

duration 3'

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piano piece

  Chamber music - Solo
also look at Piano solo

  for piano solo
work list 3-83-NW

completed 1983

instruments piano solo

duration 5'

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Stories of farmer Heisch
old version

  Chamber music - Solo
also look at Piano solo

  for piano solo
work list 1a-82-HW

completed 04/1982

instruments piano solo

duration 3'

dedicated Heike Bauer

see also Stories of farmer Heisch

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Haemmerklavier III: One Man Band, more videos

  Chamber music - Piano solo
also look at Musiktheater und Performance


Russ Ronnebaum, pf.

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