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Moritz Eggert

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Ballade des unbekannten Muenchners (2020)

  Vocal music - Singing with instruments
also look at Voice with other instruments
(suiteable for church)

  Für Stimme, Harmonium, Barockharfe, Kontrabass
work list 274-NW-2020

completed 02/10/2020

text Moritz Eggert

voices Voice

instruments Harmonium, Baroque Harp, Double Bass

duration 15'


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24 Lieder und Zwischenspiele aus "Ein Fest für Mackie" (2019)

  Vocal music - Songs with piano
also look at Vocal music

work list 269b-NW-2019

completed 09/23/2019

text Moritz Eggert

movements 1. Morgenchoral
10. Komm zu mir, kleine Sonne
11. Zwischenmusik V
12. Wir sind Freunde
13. Wir woll'n nur Huren bis zum End'
14. Zwischenmusik VI
15. Nun geh' ich ein in die Dunkelheit
16. Die Macht der Hormone
17. Ich bin wie'n trunknes Schiff
18. Habt Spaß, ihr Leut'
19. So endet es hier nicht
2. Zwischenmusik I
20. Zwischenmusik VII
21. Komm zu mir, kleine Sonne (Reprise)
22. Jeder Steiger braucht viel Freunde
23. Mackie ist mein Mann
24. Dann halt doch einfach mal die Fresse
3. Bald kommt der Zahltag heran
4. Zwischenmusik II
5. Wann wird es wieder voll
6. Als ich jung war
7. Die Rente zahlt das Steigerlied
8. Zwischenmusik III
9. Zwischenmusik IV

instruments voice(s), piano

duration 55'


see also A Feast for Mackie

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Mad Mieter (2019)

  Vocal music - Singing with instruments
also look at Musiktheater und Performance
(suiteable for church)

  for overtone singing and baroque harp
work list 270-NW-2019

completed 07/19/2019

text vocalise

voices overtone singing

instruments Baroque Harp

duration 7'

world premiere 11/27/2019
Luise Enzian, baroque harp, Moritz Eggert, voc.
Munich (Germany), Villa Stuck

special originally written for film project „Mad Mieter“ by artist’s duo M+M (Marc Weis, Martin de Mattia)


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Wir drehen (2019)

  Vocal music - Songs with piano
also look at Music for choir

  for female and male voice, small choir
work list 265-NW-2019

completed 03/20/2019

text Winnie Karnofka

voices for female and male voice, small choir

instruments piano

duration 3'

world premiere 05/04/2019
Julia Sontag, Philipp Zemmrich, Laura Hempel, Tom Smith, Lysann Schläfke
Leipzig (Germany), Theater der Jungen Welt

special from "Maedchenmonstermusik"


see also Maedchenmonstermusik

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Bleib doch einfach fort (2019)

  Vocal music - Songs with piano
also look at Stage music

  for baritone and piano
work list 264-NW-2019

completed 01/26/2019

text Winnie Karnofka

voices baritone

instruments piano

duration 3'

world premiere 05/04/2019
Philipp Zemmrich, Tom Smith
Leipzig (Germany), Theater der Jungen Welt

special from "Maedchenmonstermusik"


see also Maedchenmonstermusik

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Cilia (2019)

  Vocal music - Songs with piano
also look at Musiktheater und Performance

  for voice and piano
work list 262-NW-2019

completed 01/24/2019

text Winnie Karnofka

voices Stimme

instruments Klavier

duration 5'

world premiere 05/04/2019
Laura Hempel, voice and piano
Leipzig (Germany), Theater der Jungen Welt

special from "Maedchenmonstermusik"

publication http:///

see also Maedchenmonstermusik

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Lied des Moerders (2018)
from the opera "M - Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder"

  Vocal music - Duets

  for 2 voices and piano
work list 257b-18-NW

completed 10/24/2018

text trad.

voices 2 voices

instruments piano

duration 1'


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ForEverDing (2018)
for voice(s) and piano

  Vocal music - Chorals
also look at Music for choir
(suiteable for church)


1. Version for voice(s) and piano (259a)
2. Version for vocal quartet, guitar and/or piano (259b)
3. Version for female and male voice, choir and orchestra (259c)
work list 259-NW 2018

completed 05/23/2018

text Moritz Eggert

duration 2'

world premiere 10/18/2018
Version 1: students of the Musical department
Version 2: BR-Rundfunk-Orchester, singers: Freya Apffelstaedt, Magnus Dietrich, Manuel Adt, conductor: Josef R. Olefirowicz
Special: Written for the Anniversary of the „Bayerische Theaterakademie August Everding“ (10/31/2018)

Munich (Germany), Prinzregententheater/Theaterakademie

special geschrieben zum Jubiläum der Bayerischen Theaterakademie August Everding

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Papyrus der Sappho (Tithonos) (2017)

  Vocal music - Songs with piano
(suiteable for church)

  for soprano and piano
work list 253-17-HW

completed 11/09/2017

text Sappho (fragment assembled in 2004)

voices soprano

instruments piano

duration 4' 30''

world premiere 12/08/2017
Andrea Oswald, sopr., Gerold Huber, pf.
Munich (Germany), Black Box (Gasteig), "Im Freien", Musikfest fuer Wilhelm Killmayer

dedicated Wilhelm Killmayer


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Pulling the Weed (2017)

  Vocal music - Voice with other instruments
also look at Vocal music
(suiteable for church)

  for ensemble, voice and turntable
work list 252-17-HW

completed 09/27/2017

text Lyrics: Moritz Eggert

instruments flute, clarinet (Bb), percussion (1 player), piano, accordion, violin, cello, alto saxophone/EWI, Jazz Bass/vocals, Turntable, Theremin

duration 8'

world premiere 10/15/2017
CLAENG (Verena Marisa, Clemens Kerzl, Jan Kiesewetter, Antonia Dering), Ensemble der Laender, Leitung: Juri Lebedev
Sondershausen (Germany), Landesmusikademie

dedicated Harry Lehmann


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One Charming Night (2017)

  Vocal music - Singing with instruments
(suiteable for church)

  for mezzo and electric guitar
work list 248-17-NW

completed 03/19/2017

text (trad.)

voices Mezzo

instruments electric guitar

duration 4' 20''

world premiere 11/19/2017
Susanne Barta, Adrian Pereyra
Landshut (Germany), Skulpturenmuseum

dedicated Susanne Barta, Adrian Pereyra

publication http://www.sikorski

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Si dolce e il tormento (2017)

  Vocal music - Voice with other instruments
also look at Singing with instruments
(suiteable for church)

  for baritone and orchestra
work list 247-NW-2017

completed 02/02/2017

text trad.

voices baritone

instruments Orchestra: – – timp., 2 Perc. – Hp.. – Strings, Baritone Solo

duration 7'

dedicated Brigitte von Welser


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Der weiße Garten (2016)

  Vocal music - Songs with instruments
also look at Vocal music
(suiteable for church)

  for soprano and bassoon
work list 245-NW-2016

completed 08/23/2016

text Sabine Bergk

voices soprano

instruments Bassoon

duration 4' 30''


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Gloria (from"Vom Himmel und der ganzen Welt") (2016)

  Vocal music - Music for choir
(suiteable for church)

  for 8 part male choir
work list 236b-NW-2016

completed 01/05/2016

text trad.

voices 4T, 4B

duration 7'

world premiere 05/22/2016
Kruzianerchor, Eckehard Stier
Dresden (Germany), Kreuzkirche



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Songs from the Bordello Ballad (2015)

  Vocal music - Songs with instruments
also look at Singing with instruments

  for voice and string quintet
work list 188c-NW-2015

completed 05/06/2015

text Franzobel

movements Die Zeiten, sie drehn sich
Do you like animals
Man muesste blind sein
So ein Wuermnchen

voices voice

instruments string quintet (

duration 21'

world premiere 06/26/2015
Moritz Eggert, voc., Ensemble Resonanz
Hamburg (Germany), Resonanzraum

special instrumentation by Jacopo Salvatori


see also Bordello Ballad

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Borowiak-Songs (2015)
5 songs from "Titanic"-Magazine

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for voice and piano
work list 239a-NW-2015

completed 05/05/2015

text Simon Borowiak

movements 1. Heut fahr ich zu meim Schätzelein
2. Bin nur eine kleine Maklerin
3. Herbstlied
4. Mutterliebe
5. Spirituosenleben

voices voice

instruments piano

duration 12'

special originally published in 2012

publication "Titanic"-Magazine, 2012

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I accept the terms and conditions (piano version) (2015)

  Vocal music - Songs with piano
also look at Songs with instruments
(suiteable for church)

  for baritone and piano
work list 234b-HW-2015

completed 02/01/2015

text Moritz Eggert, collage from the terms and conditions of Google

voices Baritone

instruments piano

duration 13'

world premiere 04/26/2015
Moritz Eggert, bar., Martin Tchiba, pf.
Moenchengladbach (Germany), Ensemblia, Haus Erholung

special instrumentation by Jacopo Salvatori


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Vom Himmel und der ganzen Welt (2014)
Deutsche Messe

  Vocal music - Music for choir
also look at Choir music for vocal ensemble
(suiteable for church)

  for 8-part boys choir or mixed choir
work list 236-HW-2014

completed 12/25/2014

text trad./bible

movements 1. Prolog („Lasset die Kinder…“)
2. Introitus („Und das ist die Liebe…“)
3. Kyrie Eleison („Maria durch den Dornwald…“)
4. Gloria
5. Halleluja („Damit wir klug werden“)
6. Credo („Mein Wort an die Menschen“)
7. Sanctus


duration 31'

world premiere 06/05/2015
Hymnus-Chorknaben, Rainer Homburg, conductor
Stuttgart (Germany), Christuskirche (Evangelischer Kirchentag)
Pre-premieres of various movements in Berlin, Hannover, Hamburg, Magdeburg and Stuttgart

special written for the "Kirchentag 2014"


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Leipzig Noir (2014)

  Vocal music - Voice with other instruments
also look at Singing with instruments

  For 2 speakers/singers, Ensemble, Beats and Sampler
work list 235-HW-2014

completed 10/26/2014

text Moritz Eggert

voices female voice, male voice (+Melodica/Beats/Sampler)

instruments trumpet (Bb), Heckelphone, Bass Clarinet, Percussion (1 Player), piano, Strph Violin/musical saw Säge, Electric guitar

duration 21'

world premiere 12/17/2014
Theresa Martini/Moritz Eggert, speaker, Antje Thierbach, ob., Karola Elßner, bass-cl., Damior Bacikin, trump., Philipp Lamprecht, perc., Jan Gerdes, pf., Daniel Göritz, musical saw/Strohgeige, Daniel Goeritz, Electric Guitar, Gerhardt Müller-Goldboom, conductor, Beats: Samuel Pender-Bayne
Leipzig (Germany), UT Connewitz, "Leipzig Noir" (FZML)


texts Leipzig noir, Libretto

Leipzig Noir
Textkollage und Originaltexte von Moritz Eggert

Frauenstimme (FS): Leipzig noir….Du schwarze Stadt
Männerstimme (MS): /(Rap)
Leipzig noir, Du schwarze Stadt, Heldenstadt, kreisfreie Stadt
Die so viele berühmte Söhne und auch T... [more]

[ Moritz Eggert , 26.10.2014 ]
Leipzig Noir, Partiturvorwort

Moritz Eggert: Leipzig Noir
Kompositionsauftrag des Forums Zeitgenössische Musik Leipzig
Text: Moritz Eggert/Kollage
Dauer: 21 Minuten

Trompete (B)
Schlagzeug (1 Spieler): Vibraphon, Drumset (4 ... [more]

[ Moritz Eggert , 26.10.2014 ]

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I accept the terms and conditions (2014)

  Vocal music - Voice with other instruments
also look at Singing with instruments
(suiteable for church)

  for baritone and string orchestra
work list 234-HW-2014

completed 08/16/2014

text Moritz Eggert, collage from the terms and conditions of google

voices baritone

instruments string orchestra (

duration 13'

world premiere 10/18/2014
Peter Schoene, bar., Skyline-Orchester, conductor: Michael Sanderling
Frankfurt am Main (Germany), Paulskirche, 100-year anniversary of the Goethe University


texts Ich akzeptiere die...., kurzer Text zum Stück, Partiturvorwort

Moritz Eggert
Ich akzeptiere die Nutzungsbedingungen
für Bariton und Streichorchester
Kompositionsauftrag der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main zum 100-jährigen Jubiläum


Streichorchester (mindestens ... [more]

[ Moritz Eggert , 24.8.2014 ]

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Die Glocken (von Uschi) (2014)
eine Goethiade von Schiller

  Vocal music - Ensembles
also look at Songs with piano

  for vocal quartet (S,A,T,B), piano and 2 assistants
work list 231-NW-2014

completed 05/10/2014

text Goethe/Moritz Eggert

voices S, A, T, B

instruments piano, 2 assistants

duration 12'

world premiere 06/30/2014
Caroline Melzer, sopr., Olivia Vermeulen, mezzo, Karol Kozlowski, ten., Wolfgang Holzmair, bar., Siegfried Mauser, pf., Axel Bauni, Jan Philip Schulze, ass.
Bad Kissingen (Germany), Kissinger Sommer, Rossini Saal

special performance elements

dedicated Kari Kahl-Wolfsjäger


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Nacht.Tick.All (2014)
3 word scenes

  Vocal music - Music for choir
also look at Concerts
(suiteable for church)

  for 8-part mixed choir and solo recorder
work list 228-HW-14

completed 04/06/2014

text the word "nightingale" in ca. 20 languages

movements I. Nacht
II. Tick
III. All


instruments Sopranino-, Soprano-, Alto-, Tenor-, Bass recorder

duration 18'

world premiere 07/05/2014
ChorWerk Ruhr, Stefan Temmingh, rec., Florian Helgath, con.
Doerentrup (Germany), „Wege durch das Land“, Schloss Wendlinghausen

special visual actions of the soloist


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bring me up, bring me down (2013)

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  für Sopran und Klavier
work list 226-NW-2013

completed 12/15/2013

text (collage)

voices soprano

instruments piano

duration 7'

world premiere 02/01/2014
Irene Kurka, sopr., Marttin Tchiba, pf.
Dusseldorf (Germany), Schumann-Saal, Festival "Schoenes Wochenende"

dedicated Irene Kurka, Martin Tchiba


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Ode an Twitter (2013)
ein zeitgemaesser Liederzyklus

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for voice and piano
work list 223-NW-2013

completed 09/15/2013

text Moritz Eggert

movements 1. geschaeftig
2. nachdenklich
3. Romanze
4. dozierend
5. stuermisch

voices Voice

instruments piano

duration 2'

special written for the opera insert of German ZEIT-magazine


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A Dream Within A Dream (2013)

  Vocal music - Songs with instruments
also look at Voice with other instruments
(suiteable for church)

  4 Songs after Rueckert and Poe
work list 222-HW-2013

completed 08/14/2013

text Friedrich Rueckert, Edgar Allan Poe

movements 1. Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen
2. To One In Paradise
3. Evening Star
4. A Dream Within A Dream

voices Voice

instruments string orchestra (minimum

duration 24'

dedicated Tamara Vermunt (A Dream Within A Dream)

publication http:/

texts A Dream Within A Dream, Text zum Stück

E. A Poe kann in seiner Bedeutung für die Literatur gar nicht überschätzt werden. Ganze Genres hat er eigenhändig erfunden (zum Beispiel die Gattung der „Detektivgeschichten“, die dann von Arthur Conan Doyle und Agatha Christie in die Blüte geführt wurde) und er hat den... [more]

[ Moritz Eggert , 3.10.2013 ]



Evening Star (excerpt)

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et veggio ben (2013)

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for medium voice and piano
work list 220

completed 06/05/2013

text Petrarca (Fragment from 361, Canzoniera)

voices medium voice

instruments piano

duration 12'

world premiere 07/07/2013
Olivia Vermeulen, mezzo, Moritz Eggert, pf.
Bad Kissingen (Germany), Kissinger Sommer, Rossini-Saal


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Unbesiegt (2013)

  Vocal music - Singing with instruments
also look at Choir music for vocal ensemble
(suiteable for church)

  for 4 singers, 6 voices and ensemble
work list 217-HW-2013

completed 04/20/2013

text Ludwig I.

voices 2 baritones, 2 basses
6 (male) voices

instruments Ten.-Sax, Bass Trombone, 3 percussionists(4 Tom-Toms, Vibraphone, Great Drum)

duration 17'

world premiere 06/08/2013
Ensemble Oktopus, Konstantia Gourzi, cond.
Kelheim (Germany), Befreiungshalle

dedicated Cornel Franz



texts Unbesiegt, Partiturvorwort

Moritz Eggert: Unbesiegt

Für 2 Baritöne, 2 Bässe, 6 Stimmen und Ensemble

Kompositionsauftrag der Stadt Kelheim

Heil Euch, wack're Männer, muth'ge Krieger,
Die errungen Ihr den Heldenkranz,
... [more]

[ Moritz Eggert , 20.04.2013 ]

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My Love Is As A Fever (Sonnet 147) (2012)

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for counter tenor, singing pianist and 2 small tables
work list 211-HW-2012

completed 06/08/2012

text Shakespeare (translation: Helmut Krausser)

voices Countertenor
singing pianist

instruments piano, 2 small tables

duration 12'

world premiere 06/30/2012
Tim Severloh, Ct., Moritz Eggert, pf./voc.
Bad Kissingen (Germany), Kissinger Sommer, Liedwerkstatt, Rossini-Saal

dedicated Tim Severloh


texts My Love Is As A Fever, lyrics

“My Love Is As A Fever”

William Shakespeare (übersetzt von Helmut Krausser)


My love is as a fever, longing still
For that which longer nurseth the disease,
Feeding on that which doth preserve the ill,
Th' u... [more]

[ My Love Is As A Fever, lyrics , 9.6.2012 ]

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Das Ewig Weibliche (Eternal Love) (2012)
after a line from Goethe

  Vocal music - Singing with instruments

  for solo singers, choir, piano and orchestra
work list 208-12-NW

completed 01/28/2012

voices soprano, baritone, bass, choir

instruments picc., 2 Fl., 3 Ob., 2 cl. (Bb), Ten.-Sax, Basscl., 2 Bn., Dbn. – 4 Hn., 3 Tr. (Bb), 2 tbn., 2 bass-tbn., Tb. – Timpani, 2 percussionists – hp., piano, electric organ - strings

duration 6'

world premiere 03/16/2012
Bochumer Symphoniker, Philharmonic Choir Brno, Rebecca Nelsen, sopr., Peter Schoene, bar., Miklosz Sebestien, bass, Moritz Eggert, pf., Steven Sloane, Dir.
Bochum (Germany), Jahrhunderthalle


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sing softly (2011)
6 songs after Brentano and Rilke

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for soprano and piano
work list 202-HW-2011

completed 03/29/2011

text Brentano/Rilke

movements 1. Wiegenlied
2. Liebesgedicht (aus Rheinmaerchen)
3. Grabmal eines jungen Maedchens
4. Letzter Abend (aus dem Besitze Frau Nonnas)
5. Liebeslied
6. Menschen bei Nacht

voices soprano

instruments piano

duration 25'

world premiere 07/03/2011
Anna Lucia Richter, sopr., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Bad Kissingen (Germany), Kissinger Sommer, Rossini-Saal, Liederwerkstatt 2011

special uses toy piano, melodica, bongo, paper, maraca


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Ein Haus voll Glorie/ Ich steh vor dir mit leeren Haenden, Herr/ Tief im Schoss meiner Mutter gewobe (2011)
3 chorale settings for the new edition of "Gotteslob"

  Vocal music - Chorals
(suiteable for church)

  For children’s choir, women’s choir, mixed small and large choir with obligatory organ
work list 202-NW-2011

completed 03/02/2011

text trad.

voices children’s choir, women’s choir, mixed small and large choir

instruments organ

duration 10'

publication Carus-Verlag, Stuttgart

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Mein Traum ist laenger als die Nacht (2010)
Music Discovery Project

  Vocal music - Oratorios/Masses
also look at Vocal music

  project with 2raumwohnung

work list 197-HW-2010

completed 12/19/2010

text Lyrics by 2raumwohnung (except "Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen" by Rueckert)

movements 1. die schwere (instrumentation)
2. mein traum ist länger als die nacht (new composition together with 2raumwohnung)
3. wir werden sehen (instrumentation)
4. bei dir bin ich schön (new composition together with 2raumwohnung)
5. Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen (new composition together with Inga Humpe)
6. bleib doch bis es schneit (Orchestral Remix)
7. 2 von millionen von sternen (Orchestral Remix)
8. angel of germany (instrumentation)
9. wir erinnern uns nicht (Orchestral Remix)

voices solo voice

instruments Fl. (also picc.), 2 Ob., E.H., 2 Bb-clar. (also A-clar.), 2 Bn. Dbn. – 6 Hn., 4 trumpets (Bb), 2 Ten.-tb.., Bass-tb., Tba. – Timpani, 4 perc. – hp. – strings

duration 43'

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Bordello Ballad, version with piano (2010)

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  21 songs for 1-6 voices and piano
work list 188b-HW-2010

completed 09/04/2010

text Franzobel

voices 3 women, 3 men (can also be sung by actors)

instruments piano

duration 1 h 10'

world premiere 09/04/2010
Moritz Eggert, Uta Hielscher, piano
Julia Rutigliano, Rosl, Puffmutter
Amélie Sandmann, Zuckergoscherl, starke Prostituierte
Lilian Naumann, Ferkel, schwache Prostituierte
Marc Megele, Bussibaer, junger Mafioso
Moritz Eggert, Kirschgarten, alter Mafioso
Joachim Hoechbauer, Alfred, Metzger

Buchet, Wildberghof (Germany), Kulturwald-Festival


see also Bordello Ballad

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Yodler (2010)

  Vocal music - Singing with instruments
(suiteable for church)

  for singing fiddler, singing diatonic accordion player, singing guitarist
work list 196-NW-2010

completed 08/12/2010

text vocalises

instruments Violin or fiddle (+ voice)
diatonic accordion (+ voice)
guitar (+ voice)

duration 3'

dedicated Monika Drasch

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De Avaritia (2010)

  Vocal music - Singing with instruments
also look at Musiktheater und Performance
(suiteable for church)

  For soprano, mezzo soprano, alto (or altus), 2 tenors, baritone, bass, children�s choir, choir, 5 percussionists, 2 pianos as well as transport means (helicopters) and live video/sound transmission (theatrical version only)
work list 195-NW-2010

completed 08/08/2010

text "De Avaritia" from "Carmina Burana" (ca. 1230)

voices soprano, mezzo soprano, alto (or altus), 2 tenors, baritone, bass, Kinderchor, Gro�er Chor

instruments 5 percussionists, 2 pianos

duration 16'

world premiere 09/02/2010
Philipp Amelung, conductor, Susanne Bernhard, Soprano, David Erler, Altus, Thomas E. Bauer, Baritone, Uta Hielscher and Moritz Eggert, piano, Schlagwerker der Bayerischen Staatsoper, Max Reger Vereinigung, Lofoten Voices, Regional choirs, Andu Dumitrescu, video
Kulturwald Kinderchor (version with helicopters)

Deggendorf (Germany), Stadthalle, opening "Kulturwald" Festival

special can be used as a prologue to Orff�s �Carmina Burana�


texts De Avaritia, komplettes Partiturvorwort

Moritz Eggert: DE AVARITIA (szenische Version)

Prolog zu Orffs „Carmina Burana“
Unter Verwendung des ersten Gedichtes der Carmina Burana (ca. 1230)


Alt (auch männlicher Altus) („Ferne... [more]

[ Moritz Eggert , 8.8.2010 ]

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Earworm (2010)

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for high voice and piano
work list 194-HW-2010

completed 06/24/2010

text public domain/internet

voices high voice

instruments piano

duration 11'

world premiere 10/17/2010
Hanna-Elisabeth Mueller, sopr., Mihaela Tomi, pf.
Chemnitz (Germany), Theater Chemnitz, BDI-Jahrestagung

dedicated Hanna-Elisabeth Müller


texts Ohrwurm, Text zum Stück


Auch Komponisten kennen Ohrwürmer, bei uns sind dies allerdings oft Melodien, von denen man gar nicht weiß, woher sie kommen. Vielleicht sind es Bruchstücke von angefangenen Kompositionen, die man wieder weggelegt hat, vielleicht auch aufgeschnapptes, man wei&... [more]

[ Moritz Eggert , 22.9.2010 ]

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Andernacht (2010)

  Vocal music - Singing with instruments
also look at Voice with other instruments
(suiteable for church)

  for 2 voices and ensemble
work list 190-NW-2010

completed 03/20/2010

text ---

voices mezzo soprano, tenor

instruments Flute, percussion (1 player), violin, cello, double bass, accordion, piano

duration 10' 30''

world premiere 05/15/2010
Simon Bode, ten., Barbara Hoefling, mezzo, Ida Bieler, vl., Jhong-Yun Chey, fl., Martin Heinze, cb., Maria Kliegel, vc., Cornelia Monske, perc., Elsbeth Moser, baj., Nina Tichman, pf., Moritz Eggert, conductor
Burg Namedy bei Andernach (Germany), 20. Andernacher Musiktage

dedicated Maria Kliegel und ihre Freunde


texts Andernacht, kurzer Text zum Stück


Maria Kliegel bat mich, ihr ein Stück für ihr Kammermusikfestival auf Burg Namedy bei Andernach zu schreiben. „Kann es irgendetwas mit der Stadt Andernach zu tun haben? Es soll ein Überraschungsstück sein, das am Schluss des Konzertes gespielt wird“.more]

[ Andernacht, short text about the piece , 10.4.2010 ]

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I, Phone (2010)

  Vocal music - Songs with piano
also look at Musiktheater und Performance

  for soprano, piano and assistant
work list NW-189-10

completed 02/12/2010

text Moritz Eggert

voices soprano

instruments piano, 3 mobile phones

duration 3'

world premiere 04/27/2010
Gesa Hoppe, sopr., Heather O'Donnell, pf.
Berlin (Germany), BKA, Unerhoerte Musik, Sidney Corbett 50th birthday concert

dedicated Sidney Corbett




UA mit Gesa Hoppe (sopr.) und Heather O'Donnell (pf.)

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6 Songs from Neue Dichter Lieben (2010)

  Vocal music - Voice with other instruments
also look at Singing with instruments

  for tenor, violin, cello, accordion or piano
work list 96w-NW-2010

completed 01/23/2010

text Elke Schmitter, Andrea Heuser, Franz Xaver Kroetz, Rolf Haufs, Herbert Asmodi, Sarah Kirsch

movements 1. tierchen
2. flugkoerper
3. Liebeserklaerung
4. Neues Maerchen
5. Sprich, Scheherazade
6. Don Juan kommt am Vormittag

voices tenor

instruments violin, cello, piano or accordion

duration 16'

world premiere 05/15/2010
Simon Bode, Tenor, Ida Bieler, vl., Maria Kliegel, vc., Elsbeth Moser, baj.
Burg Namedy bei Andernach (Germany), 20. Andernacher Musiktage

special accordion and piano part are identical – can be realized on both instruments

dedicated Xyrion-Trio (Nina Tichman, Ida Bieler, Maria Kliegel) und Elsbeth Moser


see also Neue Dichter Lieben
Neues Maerchen
Sprich Sheherazade
Don Juan kommt am Vormittag

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Lasst uns ungereimt sein, Version für mittlere Stimme (2009)
Version 2: medium voice and piano

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for medium voice and piano
work list 171b-09-HW

completed 09/05/2009

text Aphorisms by Herbert Heckmann

voices Mezzo or Baritone

instruments Piano

duration 1' 70''

world premiere 09/20/2009
Hans-Christoph Begemann, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Edenkoben (Germany), Kuenstlerhaus


see also Lasst uns ungereimt sein

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Auf dem Wasser zu singen (2009)

  Vocal music - Singing with instruments
also look at Large ensemble
(suiteable for church)

work list HW-185b-09

completed 05/04/2009

text Goethe

voices 2 Tenors, 2 Baritones, 2 Basses

instruments 3 trumpets, 1 Horn, Tenor Trombone, Bass Trombone, Bass Tuba, 12 percussionists, DJ, Accordion

duration 14'

world premiere 07/05/2009
Gebrueder Teichmann, Max-Reger-Vereinigung, „The Next Step“ Percussion-Ensemble, Mateja Zenzerovic, acc., C.W. Bauer, Speaker/author, Blaeserensemble der Tiroler Festspiele, Moritz Eggert, conductor, pf.
Erl (Austria), Staustufe, Tiroler Festspiele


texts Auf dem Wasser zu singen, detaillierte Besetzung

Moritz Eggert


3 Trompeten (B)
1 Horn
1 Tenorposaune
1 Bassposaune
1 Basstuba

12 Schlagzeuger:
I Pauken (4, SATB)
II Snare-Drum
III Große Trom... [more]

[ Auf dem Wasser zu singen, detailed instrumentation , 07.05.2009 ]


IMGUraufführung in Erl
Uraufführung in Erl

see also Three Interludes (Auf dem Wasser zu singen)
Auf dem Wasser zu singen (theatrical concert)

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Fuenf Zigarren (2009)

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for voice and piano
work list HV 182-NW-09

completed 01/17/2009

text Moritz Eggert

voices medium voice

instruments Piano

duration 5'

dedicated Salome Kammer zum Geburtstag


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True Love Songs (2008)

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for soprano and piano
work list 179-08-NW

completed 08/12/2008

text 1. Sonnet 116 (William Shakespeare)
2. since feeling is first (E.E. Cummnings)

voices Soprano

instruments piano

duration 6' 15''

world premiere 08/30/2008
Felicitas Fuchs, sopr., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Litmore, Ebtehaj House, London (GB)

dedicated Homa and David


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Die zwei Mächte (2008)

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for 2 baritones and piano
work list 176-08-HW

completed 04/01/2008

text Friedrich Rückert ("Die zwei Mächte", "Lachens und and a fragment from "Wanderung" (Weisheit des Brahmanen, Siebente Stufe)

voices 2 Baritones

instruments piano

duration 11'

special playing inside the piano, some performance elements

dedicated Peter Schöne und Hans-Christoph Begemann


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Missa (2008)

  Vocal music - Oratorios/Masses
also look at Essays
(suiteable for church)

  for vocal ensemble, choir, organ and orchestra
work list 175-08-HW

completed 03/24/2008

text Latin Mass Text

movements various music to accompany functions of the Mass
I. Introitus a
II. Introitus b
III. Kyrie
IV. Gloria
IX. Final Song
V. Hallelujah
VI. Credo
VII. Sanctus
VIII. Agnus Dei
X. Optional Cantus

voices Solo, Tenor I Solo, Tenor II Solo, Tenor III Solo, Baritone Solo, Bass Solo, mixed choir

instruments organ, orchestra: – – Timp., Schlgwerk (1 Spieler) –

duration 50'

world premiere 07/06/2008
Ensemble Singer Pur, Michaelsmusik and Michaelschor, conductor: Frank Hoendgen
Munich (Germany), St. Michael, "Weihetag"

special The Mass can be celebrated properly as it includes the necessary lithurgic rituals and also involves the congregation with songs and prayers.




excerpt from Sanctus/Benedictus, Michaelsmusik and Choir conducted by Frank Hoendgen

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Unauthorized Musical Setting Of A Sentence From A Program Note By Claus-Steffen Mahnkopf (2008)

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for tenor solo or with pianist
work list 174-08-NW

completed 02/08/2008

text Claus-Steffen Mahnkopf

voices tenor

instruments (piano)

duration 2' 30''

world premiere 09/07/2008
Salome Kammer, voc., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Buchet, Wildberghof (Kulturwald-Festival, Germany)

special performance elements, various accesoires

dedicated Theo Geißler

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Lasst uns ungereimt sein (2007)
30 Aphorisms by my father

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for high voice and piano
work list 171-07-HW

completed 09/09/2007

text Herbert Heckmann

movements 1. Reden 1
10. Denken 3
11. Idylle
12. Denken 4
13. Schweigen 1
14. Schreiben 4
15. Denken 5
16. Denken 6
17. Portraet 3
18. Expedition
19. Schreiben 5
2. Schreiben 1
20. Portraet 4
21. Portraet 5
22. Schweigen 2
23. Schreiben 6
24. Portraet 6
25. Schreiben 7
26. Denken 7
27. Schweigen 3
28. Portraet 7
29. Amseln
3. Portraet 1
30. Denken 8
4. Schreiben 2
5. Reden 2
6. Schreiben 3
7. Denken 1
8. Denken 2
9. Portraet 2

voices soprano or tenor

instruments piano

duration 17'

world premiere 12/14/2007
Akeo Hasegawa, ten., Jone Punyte, pf.
Kempten (Germany), Stadttheater, Lied:Strahl Festival

special Use of a radio/metronome, some performance elements



texts Lasst uns ungereimt sein, 30 Aphorismen meines Vaters

Aus bisher unveröffentlichten Texten meines Vaters habe ich eine Auswahl von 30 kurzen Texten zusammengestellt, größtenteils Aphorismen, Beobachtungen, Gedanken. Trotz der extremen Kürze der einzelnen Nummern handelt es sich eigentlich um einen richtigen ausgewachsenen Liederzyk... [more]

[ Moritz Eggert , 10.9.2007 ]

see also Lasst uns ungereimt sein, Version für mittlere Stimme

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2 Killmayer Songs (2007)

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for medium voice and piano
work list 170

completed 08/11/2007

text Wilhelm Killmayer

movements 1. Schmoeger
2. Heisse Nacht bei Brabinski

voices baritone

instruments piano

duration 6'

world premiere 11/09/2007
Julia Rutigliano, sopr., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Munich (Germany), Musikhochschule, Grosser Saal, "Killmayernacht"

special Use of small preparation and additional instruments (pistol, melodica)

dedicated Wilhelm Killmayer

publication edition sikorski 8818



Excerpt from Schmoeger, sung by Julia Rutigliano, Moritz Eggert, pf.


Excerpt from Heisse Nacht..., sung by Julia Rutigliano, Moritz Eggert, pf.

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Ballack, you lusty tart (version 3 for soprano and piano) (2007)
Version for soprano and piano

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for soprano and piano
work list 160c-07-HW

completed 07/02/2007

text using texts from the homepage of Michael Ballack

voices soprano

instruments piano

duration 13'

dedicated Simone Hohmaier


see also Ballack, du geile Schnitte (original version)
Ballack, du geile Schnitte (Version 2 für Bariton und Klavier)

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Anna Who Was Mad (2006)
7 songs from wide unclasp

  Vocal music - Singing with instruments
also look at Essays
(suiteable for church)

  for voice and mixed and ensemble
work list 130b-06-Bearbeitung

completed 12/31/2006

text lyrics by Anne Sexton and William Shakespeare

movements I. wide unclasp
II. Anna Who Was Mad I
III. The Silence
IV. Anna Who Was Mad II
V. Locked Doors
VI. Rowing
VII. these same thoughts

voices female voice

instruments cl., bn. – hn., tr., tn. – perc. , drum set (1 player each) – E-Git., E-Bass – pf., keyb. (1 player each) – (15 musicians)

duration 24 h ' ''

world premiere 73
Europäische Ensembleakademie, Bettina Koziol, voc., Sian Edwards, cond.
Dortmund (Germany), Konzerthaus

special New instrumentation/reworking of some songs from the cycle "wide unclasp" (see above)

dedicated Andrea Heuser

soundcarrier European Ensemble Academy




Excerpt from the piece, performed by Bettina Koziol (voc.), and the European Ensemble Academy under Sian Edwards


2nd Excerpt from the piece, performed by Bettina Koziol (voc.), and the European Ensemble Academy under Sian Edwards

see also wide unclasp

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Oral Pole Mazy Brats (2006)

  Vocal music - Musiktheater und Performance

  for 4 singers, narrator and orchestra, using the music of W.A. Mozart
work list 164-06-HW

completed 07/12/2006

text Moritz Eggert

voices sopr., mezzo/alt., ten., bar./bass, narrator

instruments Large Orchestra: picc., 2 Fl., 2 Ob., 2 clar., Bassethorn, 2 Bn. – 4 Hn., 2 Tr., 3 Tr.. – Timpani, 2 percussionists – Cembalo, Cello (soloist of cello section) – strings (min.

duration 25'

world premiere 07/23/2006
Jennifer O’Loughlin, sopr.; Maite Beaumont, mezzo; John Mark Ainsley, ten.; Markus Werba, bar., Moritz Eggert, narrator, Mozarteum-Orchester, Manfred Honeck, cond.
Salzburg (Austria), Salzburger Festspiele, opening concert, Haus fuer Mozart

special compendium of all personas of all Mozart operas, extremely dense collage techniques, theatrical elements

publication Sikorski

texts Vom zarten Pol, Sprechertext

Vom zarten Pol

(eine Partitur geöffnet wie eine Bibel theatralisch hochhalten)
Im Anfang war Mozart.
Und Gott sah, daß es gut war.

Und als Mozart gestorben war, fanden sich 22 Opern, 156 Figuren, 266 Arien, 38 Duette, 25 Terzette, sowie 41 Quar... [more]

[ Vom zarten Pol, text for speaker , 12.7.2006 ]
Vom zarten Pol, detaillierte Besetzung und Aufführungshinweise

Moritz Eggert: Vom zarten Pol


1 picc.
2 Fl.
2 Ob.
2 Klarinetten
1 Bassethorn
2 Fagotte

4 Hörner
2 Trompeten
3 Posaunen

2 Schlagzeuger

Cem... [more]

[ Vom zarten Pol, detailed instrumentation and performance instructions , 12.7.2006 ]



Ausschnitt aus der UA

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Ballack, du geile Schnitte (Version 2 für Bariton und Klavier) (2006)
Version 2 for baritone and piano

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  version for baritone and piano
work list 160b-06-HW

completed 06/14/2006

text after texts from the homepage by Michael Ballack

duration 13'

world premiere 06/30/2006
Thomas Bauer, bar. Moritz Eggert, pf.
Regensburg (Germany), Musica Europa, Reichssaal

see also Ballack, you lusty tart (version 3 for soprano and piano)
Ballack, du geile Schnitte (original version)

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4 Lieder nach Heine (2006)

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  consists of: 1 Der Unglaeubige, 2. Erinnerung, 3. Der Abgekuehlte, 4. Doktrin
work list 158-06-HW

completed 04/25/2006

text Heinrich Heine

voices soprano

instruments piano

duration 13'

world premiere 03/04/2006
Doktrin (Lied 4): Munich (Germany), Musikhochschule, Reimann-Nacht, Sigrid Plundrich, sopr., Uta Hielscher, pf., Lieder 1-3: Bad Reichenhall (Germany), 8/24/2006, AlpenKlassik, Liedwerkstatt, Felicitas Fuchs, sopr., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Munich/Bad Reichenhall (Germany)

publication Sikorski

see also Doktrin
Der Abgekuehlte
Der Unglaeubige

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Der Unglaeubige (2006)
from: 4 Lieder nach Heine

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for soprano and piano
work list 158-06-HW

completed 04/25/2006

text Heinrich Heine

voices soprano

instruments piano

duration 3'

world premiere 04/25/2006

publication Sikorski

see also 4 Lieder nach Heine

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Erinnerung (2006)
from: 4 Lieder nach Heine

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for soprano and piano
work list 158-06-HW

completed 04/25/2006

text Heinrich Heine

duration 2'

world premiere 04/25/2006

publication Sikorski

see also 4 Lieder nach Heine

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Der Abgekuehlte (2006)
from: 4 Lieder nach Heine

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for soprano and piano
work list 158-06-HW

completed 04/25/2006

text Heinrich Heine

voices soprano

instruments piano

duration 4'

world premiere 04/25/2006

publication Sikorski

see also 4 Lieder nach Heine

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Ballack, du geile Schnitte (original version) (2006)
version 1: for soprano and accordion

  Vocal music - Singing with instruments

  for soprano and accordion
work list 160-06-HW

completed 01/14/2006

text original texts from the guestbook of the homepage of Michael Ballack

voices soprano

instruments Accordion

duration 13'

world premiere 05/01/2006
Irene Kurka, sopr., Stefan Hippe, acc.
Munich (Germany), Fussballglobus, Globusklaenge

special small performance elements

dedicated Simone Hohmaier

publication Sikorski,

texts Ballack du geile Schnitte, kompletter Gesangstext

Die folgenden Texte sind originale Beiträge aus dem Forum der Homepage von Michael Ballack, zwischen Weihnachten 2005 und Neujahr 2006. Die Rechtschreibung und Aussprache folgt der originalen Vorlage.

Hey Balle!!!
Ich will dir ja nicht in deine Entscheidung rein reden abe... [more]

[ 28.07.2006 ]



Ballck, du geile Schnitte (Ausschnitt) mit Irene Kurka und Stefan Hippe

see also Ballack, du geile Schnitte (Version 2 für Bariton und Klavier)
Ballack, you lusty tart (version 3 for soprano and piano)

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Doktrin (2005)
from: 4 Lieder nach Heine

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for soprano and piano
work list 158-05-NW

completed 12/27/2005

text text: Heinrich Heine

voices Soprano

instruments piano

duration 5'

world premiere 03/04/2006
Sigrid Plundrich, sopr., Uta Hielscher, pf.
Munich (Germany), Musikhochschule, Grosser Saal, Reimann-Night

dedicated Aribert Reimann zum 70. Geburtstag

publication Sikorski,

see also 4 Lieder nach Heine

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From the depth of space - a soccer oratorio (2005)

  Vocal music - Oratorios/Masses
also look at Orchestra alone

  fpr 4 singers, 3 speakers, large choir and large orchestra
work list 155-05-HW

completed 07/31/2005

text text: Michael Klaus

voices Virtue (Soprans), Sin (Mezzo), Player (Tenor), Reporter (Baritone), Large Choir (12-part), 3 speakers (Alt-Internationaler, Trainer, Sport-Reporter),

instruments Large Orchestra: picc.2.2.2.bass clarinet, ten.-sax, 2, double bassoon – 4 hn.., 3 tr., 2 tromb.., bass tuba, Timpani, percussion (4 players), harp, el.guitar, Continuo: accordion, cembalo/keyboard, electr. bass, cello, strings: at least, samples (sound collages)

duration 1 h 56'

world premiere 09/11/2005
Bochumer Symphoniker, Steven Sloane, conductor, Joachim Krol (coach), Peter Lohmeyer ("old international"), Christoph Bantzer (reporter), speakers, Claudia Barainsky (virtue), Ursula Hesse von den Steinen (sin), Corby Welsh (player), Thomas Bauer (reporter), Chorus of the Ruhrtriennale, choir coach : Walter Zeh
Bochum (Germany), Jahrhunderthalle

special can be performed theatrically as well, official commission of the culture program of the soccer World Championship 2006

publication Sikorski Musikverlage


Ausschnitt aus dem Stück, der bei der WM-Eröffnungszeremonie 2006 verwendet wurde
Excerpt from the piece that was used at the FIFA-WM 2006 opening ceremony

texts Interview mit Ingo Gerlach von der Komischen Oper

Heute holt man sich die große Gefühlsdosis eher im Stadion ab …
Moritz Eggert im Gespräch über Fußball und Theater

Nach der Uraufführung bei der RuhrTriennale 2005 wird Die Tiefe des Raumes nun die WM rahmend in Berlin aufgefü... [more]

[ 26.05.2006 ]


IMGPeter Lohmeyer, Christoph Bantzer, Joachim Krol bei den Proben
Peter Lohmeyer, Christoph Bantzer, Joachim Krol bei den Proben


Ausschnitt aus dem Finale

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Don't Trust The Crocodile Dog (2005)

  Vocal music - Voice with other instruments

  for female voice and ensemble
work list 154-05-NW

completed 05/16/2005

text Rebekka Kricheldorf

voices female voice

instruments trumpet (Bb), electr. Guit., drum set, pf., vc., db.

duration 6'

world premiere 06/01/2005
Bettina Koziol, voc., Henning Sieverts, bass, Sebastian Hess, vc., Udo Moll, tr., Christian Thomé, drums, Moritz Eggert, pf.
Munich (Germany), Bayerische Akademie der Schoenen Kuenste, 8th ADevantgarde Festival, PopAid

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Erinnerung an die Marie A. (2005)

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

work list 152-05-NW

completed 02/21/2005

text Bertolt Brecht

voices mittlere Stimme

instruments piano

duration 4'

world premiere 03/03/2005
Salome Kammer, voc., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Munich (Germany), celebration for the reopening of the Munich "Lyrik-Kabinett", LMU, Great Hall

dedicated Salome Kammer




complete song, Salome Kammer, voc., Moritz Eggert, pf.

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Ich habe dich gefunden (2004)

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for vocal quartet (SATB) and piano 6 hands
work list 105b-04-NW

completed 08/06/2004

text Friedrich Hoelderlin

voices soprano, alto, tenor, bass

instruments piano 6-hands

duration 3'

world premiere 08/12/2004
Mojca Erdmann, sopr. , Anne-Carolyn Schlueter, alto, Jan Kobow, tenor, Jochen Kupfer, bar., Susanne Giesa, Axel Bauni, Moritz Eggert, pf.
Bad Reichenhall (Germany), Festival AlpenKLASSIK, Hoelderlin Liedwerkstatt, Kurhaus, Koenig-Ludwig-I.-Saal

dedicated Andrea Heuser

see also Ich habe dich gefunden

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Ich habe dich gefunden (2004)

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for vocal quartet (SATB) and piano
work list 115c-04-NW

completed 08/06/2004

text Friedrich Hoelderlin

voices sopr., alto, ten., bass

instruments piano

duration 3'

world premiere 08/13/2004

dedicated Andrea Heuser

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Lied der Liebe (2004)

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for tenor and piano
work list 145-04-HW

completed 07/26/2004

text after a poem by Friedrrich Hoelderlin

voices tenor

instruments piano

duration 8'

world premiere 08/12/2004
Jan Kobow, tenor, Moritz Eggert, pf.
Bad Reichenhall (Germany), Festival AlpenKLASSIK, Hoelderlin-Liedwerkstatt, Kurhaus, Koenig-Ludwig-I-Saal

dedicated Andrea Heuser


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Ein Dichter stirbt (2004)
3 poems by Ludwig Steinherr

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for tenor baritone and piano
work list 143-04-HW

completed 02/23/2004

text Ludwig Steinherr

voices tenor baritone

instruments pf.

duration 10'

world premiere 03/08/2004
Thomas Bauer, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Munich (Germany), Bayerische Akademie der Schoenen Kuenste

special one single movement

dedicated in memoriam Heinz Friedrich


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Paradies Berlin (song cycle) (2002-2003)
I Silvester II Berlin Mitte III Stadtgespraech IV Im Haus gegenueber V Paradies Berlin

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  5 songs on poems by Birgit Mueller-Wieland
work list 134f-03-HW

completed 02/03/2003

text Birgit Mueller-Wieland

movements I. Silvester
II. Berlin Mitte
III. Stadtgespraech
IV. Im Haus gegenueber
V. Paradies Berlin

voices tenor/baritone

instruments piano

duration 10' 30''

world premiere 06/02/2003
Thomas Bauer, baritone, Moritz Eggert, pf.
Munich (Germany), Bayerische Akademie der Schoenen Kuenste, ADevantgarde 2003, "Le Lied - mon amour"

special Beating, speaking, stomping, theatrical elements

publication edition sikorski 8817



Paradies Berlin (final song), performed live by Thomas Bauer, bar. and Moritz Eggert, pf.

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Paradies Berlin (song) (2003)
from "Paradies Berlin"

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for voice and piano
work list 134e-03-HW

completed 02/03/2003

text Birgit Mueller-Wieland

voices tenorbaritone

instruments piano

duration 2' 30''

world premiere 06/02/2003
see "Paradies Berlin" (whole cycle)

see also Paradies Berlin (song cycle)

    Back to overview
Silvester (2003)
from "Paradies Berlin"

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for voice and piano
work list 134a-03-HW

completed 01/30/2003

text Birgit Mueller-Wieland

voices tenorbaritone

instruments piano

duration 2' 15''

world premiere 06/02/2003
see "Paradies Berlin" (whole cycle)

see also Paradies Berlin (song cycle)

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Two Songs from the "Eisprinzessin" (2003)
I Putzlied II Munde Mund

  Vocal music - Solo

  for female voice solo
work list 133-03-NW

completed 01/28/2003

text From the play "Eisprinzessin" by F.K. Waechter

voices female voice (also singing actress)

duration 3'

world premiere 06/11/2003
Ursula Berlinghof, voice
Munich (Germany), Halle 7, Room 3


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Im Haus gegenueber (2003)
from "Paradies Berlin"

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for voice and piano
work list 134d-03-HW

completed 01/20/2003

text Birgit Mueller-Wieland

voices tenorbaritone

instruments piano

duration 2' 30''

world premiere 06/02/2003
see "Paradies Berlin" (gesamter Zyklus)

special theatrical actions, pianist speaks



Im Haus gegenueber, complete song, Thomas Bauer, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

see also Paradies Berlin (song cycle)

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Berlin Mitte (2003)
from "Paradies Berlin"

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for voice and piano
work list 134b-03-HW

completed 01/11/2003

text Birgit Mueller-Wieland

voices tenorbaritone

instruments piano

duration 2'

world premiere 06/02/2003
see "Paradies Berlin" (whole cycle)

see also Paradies Berlin (song cycle)

    Back to overview
Stadtgespraech (2003)
from "Paradies Berlin"

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for baritone and piano
work list 134c-03-HW

completed 01/07/2003

text Birgit Mueller-Wieland

voices tenorbaritone

instruments piano

duration 1'

world premiere 06/02/2003
see "Paradies Berlin" (whole cycle)

special beating, stomping, various piano effects

see also Paradies Berlin (song cycle)

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wide unclasp (2002)

  Vocal music - Singing with instruments

  song cycle for female voice and jazz ensemble
work list 130-02-HW

completed 08/18/2002

text Anne Sexton (from "The awful rowing towards God") and William Shakespeare (2 short quotes)

movements I. wide unclasp
II. Anna who was mad I
III. The room of my life
IV. Courage
IX. Locked doors
V. Anna who was mad II
VI. When man enters woman
VII. The silence
VIII. Anna who was mad III
X. Rowing
XI. these same thoughts
XII. Anna who was mad IV

voices female voice

instruments trumpet (Bb), electric guitar, drumset, piano, cello, bass (acoustic)

duration 1 h 10'

world premiere 10/25/2002
Celine Rudolph, voc., Steven Bernstein, tr., Gerry Hemingway, dr., Georg Breinschmid, cb., Sebastian Hess. vc., Ralph Beerkircher, git., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Eltville/Erbach (Germany), Schloss Reinhartshausen, "between the lines" concert

special The whole cycle was conceived for the label "between the lines" as a "concept album"; all musicians have to partly improvise, chords and scales are mostly suggested by the author; sometimes experimental notation.

dedicated Andrea Heuser

soundcarrier wide unclasp


texts Pressestimmen

"Moritz Eggert gehört zu den ungewöhnlichen Komponisten, die anscheinend jedes Terrain betreten können und es sich unverkrampft aneignen.(…)Es ist eigentlich erstaunlich, wie sicher sich die Kompositionen und Arrangements Eggerts im Bereich des Jazz ausleben. Die Haltung stimmt und me... [more]

wide unclasp, kurzer Text zum Stück

Das Winchester-Haus ist ein sehr merkwürdiger labyrinthiner Ort in der Nähe von San Francisco: Hier lebte die Erbin der Winchester-Gewehrfabrik, die sich unter dem Fluch der durch die Winchester-Gewehre Getöten wähnte, und daher aufgrund eines Ratschlags einer Spiritistin ein Hau... [more]

[ 11.01.2005 ]



eccerpt from Anna who was mad I from the CD

see also Anna Who Was Mad
Wide Unclasp (theatrical version)

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Fuer Peter Mueller

  Vocal music - Voice with other instruments

work list 127-02-NW

completed 06/04/2002

text "Fuer Peter Mueller"

voices soprano

instruments violin

duration 15''

special postcard piece VI

dedicated Peter Müller

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There was a building (or: the 58th street broiler) (2002)

  Vocal music - Solo
also look at Electronic music

  for singer and tape
work list 124-02-HW

completed 03/2002

text text: Ben Katchor

voices singer solo

instruments tape

duration 16'

world premiere 04/10/2002
Theo Bleckmann, voice
New York (USA), Music at the Anthology, Angel Orensanz Foundation

special singer moves through space, description of an imaginary building

dedicated Theo Bleckmann



texts there was a building, english text

There was a building (or: the 58th Street Broiler)

By Ben Katchor (Text) and Moritz Eggert (Music)

A building embodies many different things for different people. For one person it might be an annoyance, for the other a shrine. Some wouldn’t mind if a particular buildi... [more]

[ 18.11.2004 ]



excerpt from the CD version

see also about "there was a building"

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  Vocal music - Vocal ensemble

  for vocal quartet
work list 117-01-HW

completed 08/19/2001

text text: vocalises

voices 2 tenors, 2 baritones

duration 8'

special many mouth noises, "harmonic" singing, experimental notation

dedicated four-hire-Vokalquartett


texts streaming, deutsch/englischer Text zum Stück


Pronunciation: (strE'ming), key
1. an act or instance of flowing.
2. Also called protoplasmic streaming. Biol.rapid flowing of cytoplasm within a cell; cyclosis.
(1. Ein Ereignis oder ein Vo... [more]

[ 28.09.2004 ]
streaming, english translation of performance instructions

Translations for streaming (Moritz Eggert)


1) falsetto, mostly used to have higher pitches sound more „effortless“
2) consonants without pitch, exaggerated and articulated molto marcato, like a rhythmic sound
3) formant changes (in this case o to &... [more]

[ 21.09.2004 ]

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ausklang (2001)

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for baritone and piano
work list 110-01-HW

completed 05/05/2001

text text: Albert Ostermaier

voices baritone

instruments piano

duration 5'

world premiere 06/25/2001
Thomas Berau, Baritone, Moritz Eggert, pf.
Munich (Germany), Bayerische Akademie der Schoenen Kuenste

special singer strokes low bass strings of piano

soundcarrier Neue Dichter Lieben (Munich Edition)




ausklang, interpretiert von Thomas Berau und Moritz Eggert

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Ode to Stefan (longplay version)
version for band and background singers

  Vocal music - Songs with instruments

  for 3 tenors and band
work list 109b-01-NW

completed 04/2001

text text: Moritz Eggert

voices 3 tenors

instruments string quartet, background choir (3-part), 2 Trumpets, 2 Tenor-Saxophones, 1 Baritone-Sax., piano, 2 E-Guitars, E-Bass, Drumset

duration 4'

special pop parody

see also Ode to Stefan

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Ode to Stefan (2001)
original version

  Vocal music - Songs with instruments

  for 3 tenors and 3 ukuleles
work list 109a-01-NW

completed 02/22/2001

text text: Eggert

voices 3 tenors

instruments 3 ukuleles

duration 1' 30''

world premiere 06/00/2001
Die Jungen Tenoere
TV Total, Pro 7 (TV)

special pop parody

see also Ode to Stefan (longplay version)

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Agur's saying (2001)
2nd version

  Vocal music - Singing with instruments

  for soprano and cello
work list 53b-01-BE

completed 2001

text text: Liber Providentium

voices soprano

instruments cello

duration 5'

world premiere 06/09/2001
Naomi Grundke, soprano, Judith Schimanowski, cello
Saarbruecken (Germany), Musikhochschule

dedicated Detlev Glanert

see also Agur's saying

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opera history

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for soprano, tenor, baritone and piano
work list 114-01-NW

completed 2001

text text: Moritz Eggert

voices soprano, tenor, baritone

instruments piano

duration 1'

world premiere 09/01/2015
Julia Chalfin, Tom Smith, Moritz Eggert
Munich (Germany), Heppel&Ettlich

special postcard piece VI

dedicated Peter Jonas

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Ich habe dich gefunden (2000)

  Vocal music - Chorals

work list 105-00-NW

completed 08/01/2000

text text: Hoelderlin

voices choir

instruments organ and piano or harmonium

duration 3'

world premiere 09/02/2000
wedding guests, Martin Zehn, organ
Ahrenshoop (Germany), wedding of Andrea Heuser and Moritz Eggert

special wedding chorale for Andrea Heuser and Moritz Eggert

dedicated Andrea Heuser

see also Ich habe dich gefunden

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addendum to "Neue Dichter Lieben"
für mittlere Stimme und Klavier

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  Lied nach einer Kritik von Ludolf Baucke
work list 96v-00-HW

completed 07/2000

text text: Ludolf Baucke

voices medium voice

instruments piano

duration 1'

world premiere 04/15/2005
Peter Schoene, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Berlin (Germany) , Akademie der Künste, Tagung "KünstlerKritiker"

special performance elements

dedicated Ludolf Baucke

soundcarrier Neue Dichter Lieben

publication Publication in „Blatt/Blad“ (art magazine, Germany), ISSN 1431-3537
Edition Sikorski, Exempla nova, 8537

see also Neue Dichter Lieben
Produktion und Kritik

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Neue Dichter Lieben (2000)
song cycle

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for medium voice and piano
work list 96t-00-HW

completed 03/01/2000

text text: Voswinckel, Schmitter, Heuser, Kroetz, Hensel, Krausser, Hahn, Kempker, Ostermaier, Krechel, Wagener, Gernhardt, Borowiak, Haufs, Asmodi, Kolbe, Kirsch, Gruenbein, Heckmann, Koehler

voices medium voice

instruments piano

duration 55'

world premiere 08/20/2000
Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Hanover (Germany), Expo 2000, Deutscher Pavillon

dedicated Yaron Windmüller

soundcarrier Neue Dichter Lieben

publication Edition Sikorski, Exempla nova, 8537

texts Projektbeschreibung "Neue Dichter Lieben"

Neue Dichter Lieben

Konzeptbeschreibung von Moritz Eggert (Komponist)
Kompositionsauftrag der Expo 2000, Deutscher Pavillon

Die Gattung Klavierlied tritt in der Neuen Musik der letzten Jahrzehnte kaum in Erscheinung. Wenn Liedtexte vertont werden,... [more]

[ 16.08.2004 ]
Rezension der "Dichter Lieben" von Claus Woschenko

Moritz Eggert: Neue Dichter lieben.
Liederzyklus für Bariton und Klavier, Hamburg (Sikorski) 2005
Moritz Eggert gehört sicherlich zu den produktivsten Komponisten der jüngeren Generation. Dass der 1965 in Heidelberg geborene Kom­ponist und Pianist sich auch vor po­pul&a... [more]

[ 30.05.2006 ]

see also herz vers sagen
Stille Oeynfassung
Sprich Sheherazade
Ich liege neben dir danach
Don Juan kommt am Vormittag
In der letzten Nacht
Rondeau Allemagne
Verschmaehte Liebe
Wer mit wem
Tote Liebe
Sonett an die schreibfaule Brieffreundin
Auf welchem Fuß
Neues Maerchen
Schneiden und Scheiden
6 Songs from Neue Dichter Lieben

    Back to overview
Verschmaehte Liebe (2000)
addendum to "Neue Dichter Lieben"
für mittlere Stimme und Klavier

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for medium voice and piano
work list 96u-00-HW

completed 03/2000

text text: Thomas Kling

voices medium voice

instruments piano

duration 1'

world premiere 08/20/2000
Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Hanover (Germany), Expo 2000, Deutscher Pavillon

publication Edition Sikorski, Exempla nova, 8537


Gute Zugabe für "Neue Dichter Lieben"

Video von der UA bei der Expo 2000 Hannover,
Yaron Windmüller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

good encore for "Neue Dichter Lieben"

Video of the premiere at the Expo 2000, Hanover (Germany), Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

see also Neue Dichter Lieben

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In der letzten Nacht (2000)
from: "Neue Dichter Lieben"

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  song after a poem by Herbert Heckmann
work list 96r-00-HW

completed 02/17/2000

text text: Herbert Heckmann

voices medium voice

instruments piano

duration 2'

world premiere 08/20/2000
Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Hanover (Germany), Expo 2000, Deutscher Pavillon

soundcarrier Neue Dichter Lieben

publication Edition Sikorski, Exempla nova, 8537


Video von der UA bei der Expo 2000 Hannover,
Yaron Windmüller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

Video of the premiere at the Expo 2000, Hanover (Germany), Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

texts In der letzten Nacht, english translation

Last night

Last night I awoke
Because I had dreamt,
That the chestnut tree in front of my window
Had vanished.
I went to the window
The chestnut tree was there
And I feared falling a sleep again

[ Herbert Heckmann , 26.08.2003 ]
In der letzten Nacht, Liedtext

Herbert Heckmann

In der letzten Nacht

In der letzten Nacht bin ich aufgewacht
und hatte geträumt,
der Kastanienbaum stünde nicht mehr
vor meinem Fenster.
Ich trat ans Fenster,
sah den Kastanienbaum more]

[ Herbert Heckmann , 23.08.2003 ]

see also "aural corridors"
Neue Dichter Lieben

    Back to overview
Sprich Sheherazade (2000)
from: "Neue Dichter Lieben"

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  song after a poem by Herbert Asmodi
work list 96s-00-HW

completed 02/17/2000

text text: Herbert Asmodi

voices medium voice

instruments piano

duration 3'

world premiere 08/20/2000
Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Hanover (Germany), Expo 2000, Deutscher Pavillon

soundcarrier Neue Dichter Lieben

publication Edition Sikorski, Exempla nova, 8537


Video von der UA bei der Expo 2000 Hannover,
Yaron Windmüller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

Video of the premiere at the Expo 2000, Hanover (Germany), Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

texts Sprich Scheherazade, Liedtext

Herbert Asmodi

Sprich Scheherazade

Sprich Scheherazade
Du hast die Nacht im Haar
Der Mond im Wolkenbade
Ist ein anderer Mond als er war.

Laß mich den Tod vergessen
Und was ich vom Tod gedacht
Du hast vom Mo... [more]

[ Herbert Asmodi , 21.08.2003 ]

see also Neue Dichter Lieben
6 Songs from Neue Dichter Lieben

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Schuldig (2000)
from: "Neue Dichter Lieben"

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  song after a poem by Sybil Wagener
work list 96q-00-HW

completed 02/16/2000

text text: Sybil Wagener

voices medium voice

instruments piano

duration 1'

world premiere 08/20/2000
Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Hanover (Germany), Expo 2000, Deutscher Pavillon

soundcarrier Neue Dichter Lieben

publication Edition Sikorski, Exempla nova, 8537


Video von der UA bei der Expo 2000 Hannover,
Yaron Windmüller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

Video of the premiere at the Expo 2000, Hanover (Germany), Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

texts schuldig, Liedtext

Sybil Wagener


Diese Liebe fuhr
aus allen Wolken
mir mitten durchs Herz
in die Grube

Einen Winter lang
warteten Amsel
Zaunkönig und ich
auf die Fanfare

Eichh&oum... [more]

[ Sybil Wagener , 20.08.2003 ]

see also Neue Dichter Lieben

    Back to overview
Ich liege neben dir danach (2000)
from: "Neue Dichter Lieben"

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  song after a poem by Uwe Kolbe
work list 96p-00-HW

completed 02/15/2000

text text: Uwe Kolbe

voices medium voice

instruments piano

duration 2'

world premiere 08/20/2000
Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Hanover (Germany), Expo 2000, Deutscher Pavillon

soundcarrier Neue Dichter Lieben

publication Edition Sikorski, Exempla nova, 8537


Video von der UA bei der Expo 2000 Hannover,
Yaron Windmüller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

Video of the premiere at the Expo 2000, Hanover (Germany), Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

texts Ich liege neben dir danach, Liedtext

Uwe Kolbe

Ich liege neben dir danach

Ich stand in dir, ging
Hin durch dich,
Hob eine Grube aus.
Mehrmals dabei
Begegnetest mir du.
Stammelnd befragten
Münder Nasen Pulse sich,
Sanken zur&uum... [more]

[ Uwe Kolbe , 22.08.2003 ]

see also Neue Dichter Lieben

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Stille Oeynfassung (2000)
from: "Neue Dichter Lieben"

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  song after a poem by Birgit Kempker
work list 96o-00-HW

completed 02/10/2000

text text: Birgit Kempker

voices medium voice

instruments piano

duration 3'

world premiere 08/20/2000
Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Hanover (Germany), Expo 2000, Deutscher Pavillon

soundcarrier Neue Dichter Lieben

publication Edition Sikorski, Exempla nova, 8537


Video von der UA bei der Expo 2000 Hannover,
Yaron Windmüller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

Video of the premiere at the Expo 2000, Hanover (Germany), Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

texts Stilly Oeynfassung, Gedichttext

Birgit Kempker

Stille Oeynfassung
Aus: Als ich das erste Mal mit einem Jungen im Bett lag

Als ich das erste Mal mit einem Jungen im Bett lag

[ Birgit Kempker , 14.08.2003 ]

see also Neue Dichter Lieben

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tierchen (2000)
from: "Neue Dichter Lieben"

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  song after a poem by Elke Schmitter
work list 96n-00-HW

completed 01/31/2000

text text: Elke Schmitter

voices medium voice

instruments piano

duration 1'

world premiere 08/20/2000
Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Hanover (Germany), Expo 2000, Deutscher Pavillon

soundcarrier Neue Dichter Lieben

publication Edition Sikorski, Exempla nova, 8537


Video von der UA bei der Expo 2000 Hannover,
Yaron Windmüller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

Video of the premiere at the Expo 2000, Hanover (Germany), Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

texts tierchen Liedtext

Elke Schmitter


ich bin dein tierchen.
ich war ein fuß in deinem arm
bloß wie ein baby, knochenlos
ein bündel zellwolle
ohne augen
mund ohne zähne
bittend und glücklich

[ Elke Schmitter , 08.08.2003 ]
tierchen, english translation

Little beast

I am your little beast.
I was a foot in your arm
Naked like a baby, boneless
A small bundle of staple fibre
Without eyes
Mouth without teeth
Begging and happy
Rimless wish

I am your dog without... [more]

[ Elke Schmitter , 25.08.2003 ]

see also Neue Dichter Lieben
6 Songs from Neue Dichter Lieben

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Rondeau Allemagne (2000)
from: "Neue Dichter Lieben"

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  song after a poem by Barbara Koehler
work list 96m-00-HW

completed 01/28/2000

text text: Barbara Koehler

voices medium voice

instruments piano

duration 4'

world premiere 08/20/2000
Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Hanover (Germany), Expo 2000, Deutscher Pavillon

soundcarrier Neue Dichter Lieben

publication Edition Sikorski, Exempla nova, 8537


Video von der UA bei der Expo 2000 Hannover,
Yaron Windmüller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

Video of the premiere at the Expo 2000, Hanover (Germany), Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

texts Rondeau Allemagne, Liedtext

Barbara Köhler

Rondeau Allemagne

Mit einer Liebe, die mich über Grenzen treibt.
Zwischen den Himmeln. Sehe jeder, wo er bleibt:
Ich harre aus im Land und geh ihm fremd.

Mit einer Liebe, die m... [more]

[ Barbara Köhler , 23.08.2003 ]

see also "aural corridors"

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Liebeserklaerung (2000)
from: "Neue Dichter Lieben"

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  song after a poem by Franz Xaver Kroetz
work list 96l-00-HW

completed 01/25/2000

text text: Franz Xaver Kroetz

voices medium voice

instruments piano

duration 2'

world premiere 08/20/2000
Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Hanover (Germany), Expo 2000, Deutscher Pavillon

soundcarrier Neue Dichter Lieben
Music in Germany 1950-2000

publication Edition Sikorski, Exempla nova, 8537


Video von der UA bei der Expo 2000 Hannover,
Yaron Windmüller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

Video of the premiere at the Expo 2000, Hanover (Germany), Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

texts Liebeserklärung, Liedtext

Franz Xaver Kroetz


Überlegs dir gut
ob du mich
haben willst
an deinem Hals!

Ich beiße
und treff ich
mich nicht
dann dich.

Und frage nicht
was d... [more]

[ Franz Xaver Kroetz , 13.08.2003 ]

see also "aural corridors"
Neue Dichter Lieben
6 Songs from Neue Dichter Lieben

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Alba (2000)
from: "Neue Dichter Lieben"

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  song after a poem by Durs Gruenbein
work list 96k-00-HW

completed 01/20/2000

text text: Durs Gruenbein

voices medium voice

instruments piano

duration 4'

world premiere 08/20/2000
Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Hanover (Germany), Expo 2000, Deutscher Pavillon

soundcarrier Neue Dichter Lieben

publication Edition Sikorski, Exempla nova, 8537


Video von der UA bei der Expo 2000 Hannover,
Yaron Windmüller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

Video of the premiere at the Expo 2000, Hanover (Germany), Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

texts Alba, Liedtext

Durs Grünbein


Endlich sind all die Wanderer tot
Und zur Ruhe gekommen die Lieder
Der Verstörten, der Landschaftskranken
In ihrem langen Schatten, am Horizont.

Kleine Koseworte und Grausamkeitenmore]

[ Durs Grünbein , 22.08.2003 ]


komplettes Lied, gesungen von Yaron Windmüller, Moritz Eggert, pf.

see also Neue Dichter Lieben

    Back to overview
Don Juan kommt am Vormittag (2000)
from: "Neue Dichter Lieben"

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  song after a poem by Sarah Kirsch
work list 96j-00-HW

completed 01/17/2000

text text: Sarah Kirsch

voices medium voice

instruments piano

duration 3'

world premiere 08/20/2000
Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Hanover (Germany), Expo 2000, Deutscher Pavillon

soundcarrier Neue Dichter Lieben

publication Edition Sikorski, Exempla nova, 8537

texts Don Juan kommt am Vormittag, Liedtext

Sarah Kirsch

Don Juan kommt am Vormittag

Don Juan kommt am Vormittag
So schrieb er im Telegramm was
Mich nachdenken ließ ich hatte den Mond
Eingeplant und Fontänen nun blieb
Nicht viel Zeit nicht mal die Aug... [more]

[ Sarah Kirsch , 22.08.2003 ]

see also Neue Dichter Lieben
6 Songs from Neue Dichter Lieben

    Back to overview
Koitus (2000)
from: "Neue Dichter Lieben"

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  song after a poem by Ursula Krechel
work list 96i-00-HW

completed 01/11/2000

text text: Ursula Krechel

voices medium voice

instruments piano

duration 3'

world premiere 08/20/2000
Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Hanover (Germany), Expo 2000, Deutscher Pavillon

special frisbee on strings

soundcarrier Neue Dichter Lieben

publication Edition Sikorski, Exempla nova, 8537


Video von der UA bei der Expo 2000 Hannover,
Yaron Windmüller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

Video of the premiere at the Expo 2000, Hanover (Germany), Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

texts Koitus, Gedichttext

Ursula Krechel


wie die Erinnerung an biegsame Tänze
Balzgefieder, schrille Schritte einwärts gedreht
sehr früh, sehr weit weg, geübt, ungetrübt
wie Lebhaftigkeit, Husten, Erschütte... [more]

[ Ursula Krechel , 20.08.2003 ]

see also Neue Dichter Lieben

    Back to overview
Schneiden und Scheiden (2000)
from: "Neue Dichter Lieben"

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  song after a poem by Robert Gernhardt
work list 96h-00-HW

completed 01/05/2000

text text: Robert Gernhardt

voices medium voice

instruments piano

duration 2'

world premiere 08/20/2000
Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Hanover (Germany), Expo 2000, Deutscher Pavillon

soundcarrier Neue Dichter Lieben

publication Edition Sikorski, Exempla nova, 8537


Video von der UA bei der Expo 2000 Hannover,
Yaron Windmüller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

Video of the premiere at the Expo 2000, Hanover (Germany), Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

texts Schneiden und Scheiden, Liedtext

Robert Gernhardt

Schneiden und Scheiden

Ein guter Abend, um Pflaumen zu schneiden,
vorausgesetzt, es stimmt mit euch beiden.
Man kann beim Entkernen Gefühle erleben,
die schlichtweg erheben.

Zum Beispiel das, nich... [more]

[ Robert Gernhardt , 20.08.2003 ]

see also Neue Dichter Lieben

    Back to overview
Luft (2000)
from: "Neue Dichter Lieben"

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  song after a poem by Klaus Hensel
work list 96g-99-HW

completed 12/21/1999

text text: Klaus Hensel

voices medium voice

instruments piano

duration 3'

world premiere 08/20/2000
Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Hanover (Germany), Expo 2000, Deutscher Pavillon

special long "Aeolian-Harp" passage inside the piano

soundcarrier Neue Dichter Lieben

publication Edition Sikorski, Exempla nova, 8537


Video von der UA bei der Expo 2000 Hannover,
Yaron Windmüller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Video of the premiere at the Expo 2000, Hanover (Germany), Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

texts Luft, Liedtext

Klaus Hensel


Es ist als
drückte mich etwas
mit aller Kraft unters Wasser
bis ich nur noch den
einen Gedanken
habe: Luft –

Jetzt bist du
Luft -

[ Klaus Hensel , 13.08.2003 ]

see also "aural corridors"
Neue Dichter Lieben

    Back to overview
Wer mit wem (2000)
from: "Neue Dichter Lieben"

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  song after a poem by Simone Borowiak
work list 96f-99-HW

completed 12/18/1999

text text: Simone Borowiak

voices medium voice

instruments piano

duration 2'

world premiere 08/20/2000
Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Hanover (Germany), Expo 2000, Deutscher Pavillon

soundcarrier Neue Dichter Lieben

publication Edition Sikorski, Exempla nova, 8537


Video von der UA bei der Expo 2000 Hannover,
Yaron Windmüller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

Video of the premiere at the Expo 2000, Hanover (Germany), Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

texts wer mit wem, Liedtext

Simone Borowiak

Wer mit wem
Ein astrologischer Vierakter

Ich Schützenbock,
Du Wasserwaage:
Wir verstehn uns.
Keine Frage.

Ich Jungskorpion,
Du Zwillingsstier:
Da gibt es... [more]

[ Simone Borowiak , 21.08.2003 ]

see also Neue Dichter Lieben

    Back to overview
flugkoerper (2000)
from: "Neue Dichter Lieben"

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  song after a poem by Andrea Heuser
work list 96e-99-HW

completed 12/13/1999

text text: Andrea Heuser

voices medium voice

instruments piano

duration 4'

world premiere 08/20/2000
Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Hanover (Germany), Expo 2000, Deutscher Pavillon

special moaning, panting

soundcarrier Neue Dichter Lieben

scores Gästebuch Schumannfest 2004, Herausgeber: Robert Schumann-Gesellschaft e.V., Bilker Strasse 15, 40213 Düsseldorf

publication Edition Sikorski, Exempla nova, 8537


Video von der UA bei der Expo 2000 Hannover,
Yaron Windmüller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

Video of the premiere at the Expo 2000, Hanover (Germany), Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

texts flugkörper liedtext

Andrea Heuser


du bist mein herz sitzt
im brustkorb die brust ist
ein korb du bringst bienen
zum summen mein herz ist
ein bienenkorb die brust ist
voll honig du bist du bist süß
du bist klebrig... [more]

[ Andrea Heuser , 08.08.2003 ]
Flugkörper, englische Übersetzung des Gedichtes

English Translation of „flugkörper“

Heavenly body

You are my heart it sits
In the chest the breast is
A basket you make the bees go
Humming my heart is
A bee’s nest the chest is
Full of hone... [more]

[ 08.12.2003 ]

see also "aural corridors"
Neue Dichter Lieben
6 Songs from Neue Dichter Lieben

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Neues Maerchen (2000)
from: "Neue Dichter Lieben"

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  song after a poem by Rolf Haufs
work list 96d-99-HW

completed 12/07/1999

text text: Rolf Haufs

voices medium voice

instruments piano

duration 3'

world premiere 08/20/2000
Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Hanover (Germany), Expo 2000, Deutscher Pavillon

soundcarrier Neue Dichter Lieben

publication Edition Sikorski, Exempla nova, 8537


Video von der UA bei der Expo 2000 Hannover,
Yaron Windmüller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

Video of the premiere at the Expo 2000, Hanover (Germany), Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

texts Neues Märchen, english translation

New fairy tale

She sat on the chair/ ais if you could
Have her from behind. But she was married
The husband smoked cigar
Turn me on/ everything else will be played by ear
Or rather not. We have a house in Liguria
A palm tree fell down there/ ... [more]

[ Rolf Haufs , 26.08.2003 ]
Neues Märchen, Liedtext


Rolf Haufs

Neues Märchen

Sie saß auf dem Stuhl / Als könnte man
Von hinten ran. Sie war aber liiert
Der Mann rauchte Zigarre
Mach mich an / Alles andere ergibt sich
Noch lang nicht. W... [more]

[ Rolf Haufs , 21.08.2003 ]

see also Neue Dichter Lieben
6 Songs from Neue Dichter Lieben

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Schhhhh ... (2000)

  Vocal music - Vocal ensemble

  for 6 or more performers
work list 99-99-NW

completed 11/23/1999

voices 6 or more performers (no singing, only mouth noises)

duration 5'

world premiere 03/11/2000
Barbara Sternberger, Brigitte Cuvelier, Vera Bilbija, Giuseppe and Michele de Filipis, Octavio Campos, Thomas Langkau, Mauricio Motta, Guido Markowitz, Sabine Lindlar
Darmstadt (Germany), Staatstheater, Kleines Haus

special uses only mouth noises


texts Schhh...english translations of performance notes

For 6 or more performers

English translations:

1) The piece can be performed by 6 or more people
2) Parts I and IV should be soloists – they are slightly more difficult than the other parts
3) Parts II, III, IV and VI can be done by ... [more]

[ 15.09.2004 ]


1) Das Stück kann von 6 oder mehr Performern aufgeführt werden.
2) Die Stimmen I und IV sollten solistisch besetzt sein. Sie sind etwas schwerer als die anderen Stimmen.
3) Die Stimmen II und III, sowie V und VI k&oum... [more]

[ 16.09.2004 ]

see also In the sandbox

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Sonett an die schreibfaule Brieffreundin (2000)
from: "Neue Dichter Lieben"

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  song after a poem by Helmut Krausser
work list 96c-99-HW

completed 10/09/1999

text text: Helmut Krausser

voices medium voice

instruments piano

duration 2'

world premiere 08/20/2000
Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Hanover (Germany), Expo 2000, Deutscher Pavillon

soundcarrier Neue Dichter Lieben

publication Edition Sikorski, Exempla nova, 8537


Video von der UA bei der Expo 2000 Hannover,
Yaron Windmüller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

Video of the premiere at the Expo 2000, Hanover (Germany), Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

texts Sonett an... Text zum Lied

Helmut Krausser

Sonett an die schreibfaule Brieffreundin

Zu deinen Gunsten nehme ich an, du seist
gestorben. Liefest dunkle Herbstalleen
vereinsamt auf und ab. Du süßer Geist.
Und wüßtest nicht, es w&aum... [more]

[ Helmut Krausser , 13.08.2003 ]

see also "aural corridors"
Neue Dichter Lieben

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deep snow day (2000)
version for baritone and piano

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  song after a poem by Albert Ostermaier
work list 97b-99-HW

completed 10/06/1999

text Albert Ostermaier

voices baritone

instruments piano

duration 7'

world premiere 06/30/2000
Thomas Berau. bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Landsberg (Germany), Stadttheater, "Lyrik am Lech"

special simple preparation, some contemporary playing techniques

see also deep snow day

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deep snow day (1999)
original version

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  song after a poem by Albert Ostermaier
work list 97a-99-HW

completed 10/06/1999

text text: Albert Ostermaier

voices tenor

instruments piano

duration 7'

world premiere 12/05/1999
Sejongju Oh, ten., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Ludwigslust (Germany), Rathaus, "Stimmen im Winter"

special simple preparation, some contemporary playing techniques

see also deep snow day

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Tote Liebe (2000)
from: "Neue Dichter Lieben"

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  song after a poem by Ulla Hahn
work list 96b-99-HW

completed 10/02/1999

text text: Ulla Hahn

voices medium voice

instruments piano

duration 2'

world premiere 08/20/2000
Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Hanover (Germany), Expo 2000, Deutscher Pavillon

soundcarrier Neue Dichter Lieben

publication Edition Sikorski, Exempla nova, 8537


Video von der UA bei der Expo 2000 Hannover,
Yaron Windmüller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

Video of the premiere at the Expo 2000, Hanover (Germany), Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

texts Tote Liebe, english translation

Dead Love

Dead Love Wall
Flowers parted in two
Never forget, forget
The love in the countryside
In spring all cats are
Grey in the night when
Love awakens under the
Sheets drawn
Over the brow

[ Ulla Hahn , 25.08.2003 ]
Tote Liebe, Gedichttext

Ulla Hahn

Tote Liebe

Tote Liebe Mauer
blümchen zweigeteilt
niemals vergessen vergessen
die Liebe auf dem Lande
im Lenz sind alle Katzen
grau in der Nacht wenn
die Liebe erwacht unterm
Laken gezogen ... [more]

[ Ulla Hahn , 14.08.2003 ]

see also Neue Dichter Lieben

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Auf welchem Fuß (2000)
from: "Neue Dichter Lieben"

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  song after a poem by Klaus Voswinckel
work list 96a-99-HW

completed 10/01/1999

text text: Klaus Voswinckel

voices medium voice

instruments piano

duration 3'

world premiere 08/20/2000
Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Hanover (Germany), Expo 2000, Deutscher Pavillon

soundcarrier Neue Dichter Lieben

publication Edition Sikorski, Exempla nova, 8537


Video von der UA bei der Expo 2000 Hannover,
Yaron Windmüller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

Video of the premiere at the Expo 2000, Hanover (Germany), Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

texts Auf welchem Fuss Liedtext

Klaus Voswinckel

Auf welchem Fuß

Auf welchem Fuß du mich erwischst,
auf dem steh ich
und vertret mir die Stille
mit Liedern.

Auf welchem Fuß du mich erwischst,
auf dem schwör ich... [more]

[ Klaus Voswinckel , 08.08.2003 ]
Auf welchem Fuss, english translation

On whatever foot

On whatever foot you catch me
That’ s the one I’ll stand on
I’ll pass the time
With songs.

On whatever foot you catch me,
This is the one I’ll use to get away
From the world,
For... [more]

[ Klaus Voswinckel , 25.08.2003 ]

see also Neue Dichter Lieben

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The gift from eternity (1999)

  Vocal music - Vocal ensemble

  for vocal quartet and "soundist"
work list 93-99-HW

completed 07/07/1999

text excerpts from the lecture "Time" by Jorge Luis Borges (German translation)

voices soprano, alto, tenor, bass

duration 8'

world premiere 11/19/1999
Hanna Sturludottir, sopr., Liat Himmelheber, alto, Markus Ullmann, ten., Yaron Windmüller, bass, Moritz Eggert, cond.
Saarbruecken (Germany), Funkhaus Halberg

special madrigal, the "soundist"conducts and plays small additional instruments, the piece is performed sitting at a large table


texts "Das Geschenk der Ewigkeit", kurzer Text zum Stück

Moritz Eggert
Das Geschenk der Ewigkeit

Madrigal für 4 Sänger und „Lautist“

Mein Stück wurde besonders durch die Madrigale der Renaissance inspiriert (komponiert von Komponisten wie Janequin, de Monte, Gomber... [more]

[ 09.07.2003 ]



Das Geschenk der Ewigkeit, kurzer Ausschnitt vom Anfang des Stückes

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The Sleeper Wakes (2000)

  Vocal music - Vocal ensemble

  for vocal octet
work list 92-99-HW

completed 05/25/1999

text text: vocalises

voices 2 sopranos, 2altos, 2 tenors, 2 basses

duration 8'

world premiere 07/25/2000
The Swingle Singers
Amsterdam (Netherlands), Concertgebouw

special commission by the "Swingle Singers" for the project "Bach 2000", based on "Sleepers Wake" by J.S.Bach

dedicated Swingle Singers


texts The Sleeper Wakes, short english text about the piece

The Sleeper Wakes
"Sleepers Wake" is one of Bach's weirdest but also most popular pieces. I think it's fascination comes from the meandering bass-line - which sounds as if it could go on forever - and it's haunting, yet uplifting melody with the memorable jump from the third to the suspended ... [more]

[ 17.11.2004 ]

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The Outsider (original version) (1998)
original version

  Vocal music - Melodramas

  melodrama based on H.P. Lovecraft
work list 86a-98-HW

completed 09/27/1998

text after the shortstory "The outsider" by H.P. Lovecraft, German translation by Moritz Eggert

voices voice

instruments piano

duration 30'

world premiere 11/03/1998
Salome Kammer, Stimme, Moritz Eggert, Klavier
Munich (Germany), Bayerische Akademie der Schoenen Kuenste

special besondere Spieltechniken im Klavier, Verwendung von Zusatzinstrumenten (Gummischlauch), Besondere Notation für Stimme

dedicated Salome Kammer

texts The Outsider, english text about the piece

The Outsider
Mobile Melodrama after the short story „The Outsider“ by Howard Philips Lovecraft

Howard Philips Lovecraft (1890-1937) is regarded as one of the most important successors in the phantastic story-telling tradition of Edgar Allan Poe. On the surface his stories are h... [more]

[ 15.11.2004 ]
The Outsider, original text


by HP Lovecraft
Unhappy is he to whom the memories of childhood bring only fear and sadness. Wretched is he who looks back upon lone hours in vast and dismal chambers with brown hangings and maddening rows of antique books, or upon awed watches in ... [more]

[ H.P. Lovecraft , 12.11.2004 ]



Exceprt from a live performance with Salome Kammer, voc., Moritz Eggert, pf.

see also The Outsider (semi-theatrical version)

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herz vers sagen (2000)
from: "Neue Dichter Lieben"

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  song after a poem by Albert Ostermaier
work list 83-98-HW

completed 07/02/1998

text text: Albert Ostermaier

voices medium voice

instruments piano

duration 3'

world premiere 06/30/2000
Thomas Berau, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Landsberg (Germany), Stadttheater, "Lyrik am Lech"

special knocking sounds, screaming

soundcarrier Neue Dichter Lieben
Music in Germany 1950-2000

publication Edition Sikorski, Exempla nova, 8537


Video von der UA bei der Expo 2000 Hannover,
Yaron Windmüller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

Video of the premiere at the Expo 2000, Hanover (Germany), Yaron Windmueller, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

texts herz vers sagen, Gedichttext

Albert Ostermaier

herz vers sagen

immer noch nicht mehr
was ich mir erträumen
könnte mit dir immer
noch nicht mehr
was zu wünschen übrig
bliebe keine wahl
mit dir hab ich ge... [more]

[ Albert Ostermeier , 14.08.2003 ]

see also "aural corridors"
Neue Dichter Lieben

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Krausseriana (1998)
12 songs after poems by Helmut Krausser

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for baritone and piano
work list 82l-98-HW

completed 06/28/1998

text text: Helmut Krausser

movements Cembalomusik
komm strandlesen
nur huegel?
Wurm am Wundenrand

voices baritone

instruments piano

duration 18'

world premiere 05/30/1999
Thomas Berau, Bariton, Moritz Eggert, pf.
Mannheim (Germany), Nationaltheater

special plucked strings, pedaling effects


texts Krausseriana, komplette Gedichttexte

karg.was bleibt.
ohne alles ein fluß.
man kann darin
einen taucher vermuten.
kann. muß nicht.

hügelkuppen in abglanz.
gras und wein.
lieder die vorausgehen sollen,
und nichts bliebe
ungetan zur... [more]

[ Krausser, Helmut , 16.03.2004 ]

see also Poem

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machen (1990)
from: "Krausseriana"

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for baritone and piano
work list 82h-98-HW

completed 06/28/1998

text text: Helmut Krausser

voices baritone

instruments piano

duration 1'

world premiere 05/30/1990
Thomas Berau, Baritone, Moritz Eggert, pf.
Mannheim (Germany), Nationaltheater

dedicated Thomas Berau

see also Krausseriana

    Back to overview
machen (1990)
from: "Krausseriana"

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for baritone and piano
work list 82i-98-HW

completed 06/28/1998

text text: Helmut Krausser

voices baritone

instruments piano

duration 2'

world premiere 05/30/1990
Thomas Berau, Baritone, Moritz Eggert, pf.
Mannheim (Germany), Nationaltheater

dedicated Thomas Berau

see also Krausseriana

    Back to overview
machen (1990)
from: "Krausseriana"

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for baritone and piano
work list 82j-98-HW

completed 06/28/1998

text text: Helmut Krausser

voices baritone

instruments piano

duration 2'

world premiere 05/30/1990
Thomas Berau, Baritone, Moritz Eggert, pf.
Mannheim (Germany), Nationaltheater

dedicated Thomas Berau

see also Krausseriana

    Back to overview
machen (1990)
from: "Krausseriana"

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for baritone and piano
work list 82k-98-HW

completed 06/28/1998

text text: Helmut Krausser

voices baritone

instruments piano

duration 3'

world premiere 05/30/1990
Thomas Berau, Baritone, Moritz Eggert, pf.
Mannheim (Germany), Nationaltheater

special plucked strings inside piano

dedicated Thomas Berau

see also Krausseriana

    Back to overview
machen (1990)
from: "Krausseriana"

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for baritone and piano
work list 82g-98-HW

completed 06/28/1998

text text: Helmut Krausser

voices baritone

instruments piano

duration 1'

world premiere 05/30/1990
Thomas Berau, Baritone, Moritz Eggert, pf.
Mannheim (Germany), Nationaltheater

dedicated Thomas Berau

see also Krausseriana

    Back to overview
machen (1990)
from: "Krausseriana"

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for baritone and piano
work list 82f-98-HW

completed 06/28/1998

text text: Helmut Krausser

voices baritone

instruments piano

duration 2'

world premiere 05/30/1990
Thomas Berau, Baritone, Moritz Eggert, pf.
Mannheim (Germany), Nationaltheater

dedicated Thomas Berau

see also Krausseriana

    Back to overview
machen (1990)
from: "Krausseriana"

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for baritone and piano
work list 82e-98-HW

completed 06/28/1998

text text: Helmut Krausser

voices baritone

instruments piano

duration 1'

world premiere 05/30/1990
Thomas Berau, Baritone, Moritz Eggert, pf.
Mannheim (Germany), Nationaltheater

dedicated Thomas Berau

see also Krausseriana

    Back to overview
machen (1990)
from: "Krausseriana"

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for baritone and piano
work list 82d-98-HW

completed 06/28/1998

text text: Helmut Krausser

voices baritone

instruments piano

duration 1'

world premiere 05/30/1990
Thomas Berau, Baritone, Moritz Eggert, pf.
Mannheim (Germany), Nationaltheater

dedicated Thomas Berau

see also Krausseriana

    Back to overview
machen (1990)
from: "Krausseriana"

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for baritone and piano
work list 82c-98-HW

completed 06/28/1998

text text: Helmut Krausser

voices baritone

instruments piano

duration 1'

world premiere 05/30/1990
Thomas Berau, Baritone, Moritz Eggert, pf.
Mannheim (Germany), Nationaltheater

dedicated Thomas Berau

see also Krausseriana

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huegelkuppen (1990)
from: "Krausseriana"

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for baritone and piano
work list 82b-98-HW

completed 06/28/1998

text text: Helmut Krausser

voices baritone

instruments piano

duration 1' 30''

world premiere 05/30/1990
Thomas Berau, Baritone, Moritz Eggert, pf.
Mannheim (Germany), Nationaltheater

dedicated Thomas Berau

see also Krausseriana

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karg (1990)
from: "Krausseriana"

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for baritone and piano
work list 82a-98-HW

completed 06/28/1998

text text: Helmut Krausser

voices baritone

instruments piano

duration 1'

world premiere 05/30/1990
Thomas Berau, Baritone, Moritz Eggert, pf.
Mannheim (Germany), Nationaltheater

special beating on piano frame

dedicated Thomas Berau

see also Krausseriana

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Bohemian Hymn (1997)

  Vocal music - Vocal ensemble
also look at Choir music for vocal ensemble

  for gurgling voices
work list 76-97-NW

completed 09/04/1997

text text: vocalises

voices solo voice and tutti voices (any number of performers)

duration 3'

world premiere 11/29/1997
Valentine Deschenaux, Siegfried Mauser, Moritz Eggert, voice
Munich (Germany), Haus der Kunst, "Amerikanische Nacht"

special sung while gurgling with water


see also "aural corridors"

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Das Ewig Weibliche zieht mich hinan (1997)

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for tenor and piano
work list 74-97-HW

completed 07/14/1997

text text: one line from Goethe

voices tenor

instruments piano

duration 6'

world premiere 10/14/1997
Leonardo de Lisi, Ten., Vito Maggiolino, pf.
Rom (Italy), Goethe-Institute

special pizzicato on tuning screws


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Buechner-Portraet (1997)

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for baritone and piano
work list 69-97-HW

completed 03/10/1997

text text: Buechner, contemporary sources

voices baritone

instruments piano

duration 18'

world premiere 09/20/1997
Johannes M. Kösters, Bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.
Berlin (Germany), Philharmonie, Berliner Festwochen

special percussive effects with piano lid, glissandi with frisbee, pianist is speaking



Was kann man von Büchner vertonen, was nicht schon hundertmal vertont worden ist? Wie kann man Büchner gerecht werden, ohne die gängigen Klischees vom empfindlichen Rebell, vom James Dean der klassischen Literatur zu bemühen?
"Büchner-Porträt" - der Titel will ni... [more]

[ 12.07.1997 ]

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Poem (1999)
from: "Krausseriana"

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for baritone and piano
work list 67-96-HW

completed 07/08/1996

text text: Helmut Krausser

voices baritone

instruments piano

duration 1' 30''

world premiere 05/30/1999
Thomas Berau, Baritone, Moritz Eggert, pf.
Mannheim (Germany), Nationaltheater

dedicated Thomas Berau


Thomas Berau, bar., Moritz Eggert, pf.

see also Krausseriana

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Song (1996)
from "Bright Nights"
version for voice and small ensemble

  Vocal music - Singing with instruments

  version for voice and small ensemble of an aria from the opera "Bright Nights"
work list 66a-96-HW

completed 03/10/1996

text text: vocalises

voices soprano

instruments Soprano-Sax., Ten.-Sax, Double-Bn.., Acc., Pf., Synthesizer, Vc.

duration 5'

world premiere 04/18/1996
Eric deClercq, cond., Jenny Haisma, soprano, Newt Hinton Ensemble
Rotterdam (Niederlande), Zaal de Unie

soundcarrier Porträt-CD Moritz Eggert

see also Bright Nights (original version, reworked version)

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Die Kriegsirre (2001)

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for mezzo and piano
work list 65-95-HW

completed 10/07/1995

text text: Helmut Krausser

voices mezzo

instruments piano

duration 5' 30''

world premiere 06/09/2001
Nathalie Senf, mezzo, Lutz Gillmann, pf.
Saarbruecken (Germany), Musikhochschule

dedicated Martina Koppelstetter


texts ursprünglicher Liedtext

Andreas Ammer

Der Tod, das Weib und der Kaffee

Die Nacht war tief, der Mond schien schief
Und voll auf den See
Davor sass Diana und blickt auf den See
Da sprach der Tod zum Weib: Ich fasse Dich
Es sprach das Weib zum Tod: Ach ... [more]

[ Andreas Ammer , 17.04.2003 ]

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Agur's saying (1994)
original version

  Vocal music - Singing with instruments

  written for the collaborative work "Agur's sayings"
work list 53a-94-HW

completed 08/05/1994

text text: Liber Providentium

voices low alto

instruments trombone

duration 5'

world premiere 19940000
Doris Huber, Alt, Mike Svoboda, Posaune
Munich (Germany), Neues Theater

dedicated Detlev Glanert

see also Agur's saying

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Winter songs
shortened version for different voices

  Vocal music - Vocal ensemble

  for male vocal quartet
work list 13b-94-BE

completed 05/29/1994

text text: vocalises

voices countertenor, 2 tenors, Bass

duration 11'

dedicated Wilhelm Killmayer


see also Winter songs

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Wende dich zu mir / Vom Schiff weg ... (2000)

  Vocal music - Solo

  for solo voice
work list 55-94-NW

completed 1994

text text: Heiner Mueller, Bible

movements Vom Schiff weg...
Wende dich zu mir

voices voice solo

duration 5'

world premiere 07/08/2000
Thomas Berau, Baritone
Landsberg (Germany), Stadttheater, "Lyrik am Lech"

special written for the play "Titus - Fall of Rome" by Heiner Müller


see also Titus - Fall of Rome
Breaking The Waves (Open Air Performance)

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Celephais (1992)

  Vocal music - Music for choir

  for 12-part mixed choir
work list 30-91-HW

completed 03/22/1991

text text: vocalises

voices 12-part mixed choir

duration 17'

world premiere 01/16/1992
via-nova-chor, Kurt Suttner, cond.
Munich (Germany), Bayerische Akademie der Schoenen Kuenste

special some advanced techniques and effects

dedicated Wilhelm Killmayer


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Warum wurden die Bomben abgeworfen? (1990)

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for choir and piano
work list 25-90-NW

completed 1990

text text: Edward Bond (in German)

voices choir (can also be sung by actors)

instruments piano

duration 3'

world premiere 19900000
Dominik Wilgenbus, piano, with Hermes Schmid, Katharina Laube, Martina Schroeder, Arno Linker, Tanja Eppelsheimer
Munich (Germany), Musikhochschule

special stage music for "Die Konservendosenmenschen" by Edward Bond

see also ?

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Song from "Merlin"

  Vocal music - Singing with instruments

  song after a text from "Merlin" by Tankred Dorst
work list 20-88-NW

completed 12/17/1988

text text: Tankred Dorst

voices singer (could also be an actor/actress)

instruments Oboe, percussion (1 player), Vc., Pf.

duration 4'

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Winter songs (1987)
original version

  Vocal music - Vocal ensemble

  for vocal quartet
work list 13a-87-HW

completed 04/28/1987

text text: vocalises

voices soprano, alto, tenor, bass

duration 17'

world premiere 06/24/1987
Moritz Eggert, cond., Sybille Plocher/Ulrike Simon, sopr., Silvia Fichtl, Mezzo, Thomas Mohrherr, Ten., Markus Hollop, bass
Munich (Germany), Musikhochschule, Grosser Saal

dedicated Wilhelm Killmayer

soundcarrier Porträt-CD Moritz Eggert



Die Hibernalischen Gesänge - das älteste Stück auf dieser CD, und überhaupt eines der ersten richtigen "Stücke" von mir - stellten in vielerlei Hinsicht einen kompositorischen Neubeginn für mich dar, nicht zuletzt verursacht durch den Beginn meines Studiums bei Wilhelm ... [more]

[ 1990 (rev. 02.10.1998) ]



short excerpt from the piece, Hibernalia Ensemble, Moritz Eggert conductor

see also Winter songs

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Kleines Lied von den Schatten (1987, rev. 1992)

  Vocal music - Songs with piano

  for tenor and piano
work list 35-92-HW

completed 01/03/1987

text text: Moritz Eggert

voices tenor

instruments piano

duration 6'

world premiere 07/08/1993
Nicolas Charters, Ten., Moritz Eggert, pf.
London (GB), Guildhall School of Music and Drama

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