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© 1999-2025 by
Moritz Eggert

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der heckser

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3 showcases (1987)

  Chamber music - Piano solo

  for piano solo
work list 10-86-NW

completed 1986

instruments piano solo

duration 7'

world premiere 03/10/1987
Moritz Eggert, pf.
Frankfurt am Main (Germany), Leyda-Ungerer

special light preparation

see also Grossstadtmenschen

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Fugue II (1990)

  Chamber music - Piano solo

work list 27-90-NW

completed 07/1990

instruments piano or cembalo or organ or harmonium

duration 5'

world premiere 0

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Haemmerklavier I (1994)
Into the open

  Chamber music - Piano solo

  for piano solo
work list 47-94-HW

completed 03/25/1994

instruments piano solo

duration 7'

world premiere 03/25/1994
Moritz Eggert, pf.
Guanajuato (Mexico), Teatro Juarez, El callejon del Ruido

special short section uses beating on the wooden frame

dedicated Wilhelm Killmayer

soundcarrier Haemmerklavier I-X

scores Schott ED 8622

texts Hämmerklavier

Hämmerklavier ist ein abendfüllend angelegter Zyklus für Klavier solo, der - mit Ausnahme der 1.Miniatur von Hämmerklavier IV - in den Jahren 1994 und 1995 entstand.
Der Titel spielt nicht auf einen Hammerflügel oder gar die Hammerklaviersonate von Beethoven an (letzt... [more]



Haemmerklavier I, played by Moritz Eggert, excerpt (end)

see also Querverbindungen

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Haemmerklavier II (1994)
upon the first 3 notes of "Lulu"

  Chamber music - Piano solo

  for piano solo
work list 48a-94-HW

completed 04/04/1994

instruments piano solo

duration 5'

world premiere 04/21/1994
Moritz Eggert, pf.
Munich (Germany), Orff-Zentrum

dedicated Robert Saxton

soundcarrier Haemmerklavier I-X

scores Schott ED 8622


In England lernt man, daß die gesamte Musik der Wiener Schule sich an den ersten 4 Tönen von Alban Bergs "Lulu" erklären lässt. Ich nahm mir vor, mit diesen Tönen eigene Welten zu bauen. In diesem Stück, einer Art Akkordetüde, sind die Pausen zwischen den Klä... [more]



Excerpt from the piece (Ending) played by Moritz Eggert

see also Querverbindungen
The search for the KlaNNg
Titus - Fall of Rome
Weird Actions

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Haemmerklavier III (1994)
One Man Band

  Chamber music - Piano solo

  for piano solo

Photo von Performance aus dem Film von Klaus Voswinckel
Photo von Performance aus dem Film von Klaus Voswinckel "One Man Band"
© Klaus Voswinckel

work list 49-94-HW

completed 04/28/1994

instruments piano solo

duration 4'

world premiere 05/08/1994
Moritz Eggert, pf.
Munich (Germany), Gasteig, 4th Munich Biennale, Kleiner Konzertsaal

special stomping, beating on the wooden frame and lid, playing with chin, singing/whistling, playing inside the piano, playing with left foot

dedicated George Crumb

soundcarrier Haemmerklavier I-X

scores Schott ED 8622


Ausschnitt aus dem gleichnamigen Film von Klaus Voswinckel, mit einer Aufführung des Stückes von Moritz Eggert

Excerpt from the film "One Man Band" by Klaus Voswinckel, featuring a performance of One Man Band by Moritz Eggert

Komplette Version des Stückes, gespielt von Shiau-uen Ding begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting/ complete version of the piece, played by Shiau-uen Ding

texts Kurzer Text zum Stück

In der neuen Musik werden "Effekte" (d.h. besondere Spieltechniken wie das Anzupfen einer Seite im Inneren des Flügels) oft in einer gewissen Vereinzelung vorgeführt. Im diesen Stück sind die "Effekte" aber das bestimmende Element, d.h. die Komposition wird in eine (auch selbstparodie... [more]

[ Short Text about the piece , 1.1.1996 ]



Hämmerklavier III, gespielt von Marc Awolin

see also "aural corridors"
The search for the KlaNNg
The Trap
Titus - Fall of Rome
Weird Actions

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Haemmerklavier III: One Man Band, more videos

  Chamber music - Piano solo
also look at Musiktheater und Performance


Russ Ronnebaum, pf.

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Haemmerklavier IV (1995)
2 miniatures: Omaggio/Silberberg-variation

  Chamber music - Piano solo

  for piano solo
work list 51-94-HW

completed 06/29/1994

movements I. Omaggio
II. Silberberg-Variation

instruments piano solo

duration 6'

world premiere 08/17/1995
Moritz Eggert, pf.
Guanajuato (Mexico), Teatro Juarez, El callejon del Ruido

dedicated Hans Werner Henze

soundcarrier Haemmerklavier I-X

scores Schott ED 8622
Emonts Schott's 20th Century Piano Classics (Schott ED 9565)


Zwei wenig verschlüsselte Hommagen, die erste an Stravinsky, die zweite, eine Art alternative Goldberg-Variation, an Bach. Trotzdem auch "Hämmerklavier": Intensität durch Reduktion.



Silberberg-Variation (complete) played by Moritz Eggert

see also Querverbindungen
Titus - Fall of Rome
Weird Actions

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Haemmerklavier IX (1995)

  Chamber music - Piano solo
also look at Musiktheater und Performance

  for piano solo

aus dem Film von Klaus Voswinckel:
aus dem Film von Klaus Voswinckel: "One Man Band"
© by Klaus Voswinckel

work list 61-95-HW

completed 05/16/1995

instruments piano solo

duration 8'

world premiere 06/10/1995
Moritz Eggert, pf.
Munich (Germany), A*Devantgarde, Neues Theater

special pianist moves around the (grand-)piano (the lid has to be removed completely) and performs various actions, additional materials: sound metals, Blue-Tac, plastic disks, brush, pedal has to be fastened, performance elements

dedicated Claus K�hnl

soundcarrier Haemmerklavier I-X

scores Schott ED 9137



In dem Gesellschaftsspiel "Die Reise nach Jerusalem" werden die Sitzmöglichkeiten der Spieler nach und nach reduziert (und damit die Spieler selber).
In "Jerusalem" gibt es 20 verschiedene "Musiken" (auf einer einzigen Melodie basierend) die alle an verschiedenen Orten um und im Flü... [more]

Haemmerklavier IX, english translations of performance notes

IX Jerusalem

1: The piano lid and note stand have to be removed completely for this piece. There has to be enough room around the piano for the pianist to move along the rim of the piano (see notes). There is no need for a piano stool.

2: The right peda... [more]

[ 17.02.2004 ]

see also "aural corridors"
The search for the KlaNNg
The Trap
Weird Actions

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Haemmerklavier V (1994)
study in fall

  Chamber music - Piano solo

  for piano solo
work list 52-94-HW

completed 07/18/1994

instruments piano solo

duration 5'

world premiere 07/29/1994
Moritz Eggert, pf.
Montepulciano (Italy), Cantiere d'Arte, chiostro della fortezza

special rhythmical moaning

dedicated David Lang

soundcarrier Haemmerklavier I-X

scores Schott ED 8622


Ein prozesshaftes Stück, auf einer einfachen (Quintfall)sequenz beruhend. Akkorde fallen langsam ins untere Register, dabei schneller werdend und sich in Einzeltöne auflösend. Jedesmal wenn ein Ton nicht mehr spielbar ist (d.h. sich sozusagen über den linken, tiefen Tastenrand be... [more]

Analyse des Stückes "Fallstudie" von Moritz Eggert


„Fallstudie“, das 5. Stück aus dem „Hämmerklavierzyklus“, nimmt in diesem Zyklus insofern eine Sonderstellung ein, als kein anderes Stück darin in so hohem Maße abstrakten, ma... [more]

[ Markus Neuwirth , 20.11.2003 ]



Excerpt from the piece (beginning), played by Moritz Eggert

see also Querverbindungen
Titus - Fall of Rome

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Haemmerklavier VI (1994)
Variations upon Teba Ini Leh

  Chamber music - Piano solo

  for singing pianist
work list 56-94-HW

completed 10/26/1994

instruments piano solo

duration 14'

world premiere 11/08/1994
Moritz Eggert, pf.
Munich (Germany), Gasteig, "Klangspuren", Carl-Orff-Saal

special singing, stomping, middle pedal, whistling, beating on the wooden frame, various modern playing techniques

dedicated Raymund Havenith

soundcarrier Haemmerklavier I-X

scores Schott ED 8622


Dieses Stück ist eines der längsten des "Hämmerklavier"-Zyklus und basiert auf einer Melodie der berühmten arabischen Sängerin Oum Kalsoum. Der Gesangspart, vom Pianisten während des Spiels auszuführen, ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Komposition, ebenso eine ... [more]

Haemmerklavier VI, short english text

Oum Kalsoum ist considered to be „the“ singer of arabian music. She became famous in the 30’s of the last century, and her famous singing style is imitated up to the finest embellishments by young singers until today.
I have purposefully selected a chanson by her as a theme for a cycle of var... [more]

[ 07.01.2004 ]

see also Querverbindungen

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Haemmerklavier VII (1995)
Secret desires

  Chamber music - Piano solo

  for piano solo
work list 59-95-HW

completed 02/11/1995

instruments piano solo

duration 8'

world premiere 03/28/1995
Moritz Eggert, pf.
Paris, Cité des Arts

special playing of additional notes with eraser in mouth

dedicated Louis Andriessen

soundcarrier Haemmerklavier I-X

scores Schott ED 9137



Das "Geheime Verlangen" dieses Stückes ist eine kurze Melodie die zweimal im Stück vorkommt: zum erstenmal, fast unbemerkt, am Anfang des Stückes; zum zweitenmal am Ende, wobei ein mit dem Mund gehaltener Radiergummi zum Spielen dieser Melodie benutzt werden muß (denn die restli... [more]

see also Querverbindungen
In the sandbox
Weird Actions

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Haemmerklavier VIII (1995)

  Chamber music - Piano solo

  for piano solo

Konzert in der Klavierfabrik Steingraber, Bayreuth
Konzert in der Klavierfabrik Steingraber, Bayreuth
© 1997 by Jan Erik Hauber

work list 62-95-HW

completed 05/24/1995

instruments piano solo

duration 8'

world premiere 06/10/1995
Moritz Eggert, pf.
Munich (Germany), A*Devantgarde, Neues Theater

special Use of sirens fastened under the piano, middle pedal, playing while half sitting under the piano, performance elements

dedicated Wolfgang Rihm

soundcarrier Haemmerklavier I-X

scores Schott ED 9137


Dieses Stück, eine sture Akkordetüde, die Hämmerklavier II nicht unähnlich ist, erfährt eine Art Bedrohung oder Störung von unten. Unter dem Flügel sind Sirenen angebracht, die mit der jeweils beim Spielen freien Hand ein- und ausgeschaltet werden. Am Schluß ... [more]

Hämmerklavier VIII, english translations of performance notes

Hämmerklavier VIII „Underground“

1. For this piece you’ll need loud 4 electrical sirens. They can be of any type, even different fabrications. Their signal should be strong and high-pitched.
2. The pianist has to be able to access the sirens through switches hidden under t... [more]

[ 06.12.2004 ]

see also Querverbindungen

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Haemmerklavier X: Mouth Organ (1995)
Mouth Organ

  Chamber music - Piano solo

  for performer solo
work list 64-95-HW

completed 09/10/1995

text Love poem from "Arabian Nights", translated by Enno Littmann

instruments performer/piano solo

duration 9'

world premiere 09/23/1995
Moritz Eggert, voice
Starnberg (Germany), Seenmusik-Festival, Schlossberghalle

special no instrument of any kind is needed - all the music is produced with the mouth only, amplification needed in larger halls, spoken text passages

dedicated Helmut Lachenmann

soundcarrier Haemmerklavier I-X


Video mit kurzem Ausschnitt aus dem Stück vorgetragen von Moritz Eggert, aus dem Film "One Man Band" von Klaus Voswinckel
Video with short excerpt from the piece performed by Moritz Eggert, from the film "One Man Band" by Klaus Voswinckel

und hier eine komplette Aufführung mit dem phantastischen Daniel Agi:
and here a complete performance with the fantastic Daniel Agi:


Dieses Stück wird gänzlich (und ohne elektronische Unterstützung) mit dem Mund produziert.
Es besteht aus einem Präludium, einem Lied, einem Trio, Variationen, und einem Finale. Der verwendete Text stammt aus einem Liebesgedicht aus den Erzählungen aus tausendundeiner... [more]

Haemmerklavier X mouth effect descriptions, english translation

Hämmerklavier X „Mouth Organ“

1. The Music of this piece is created solely with the mouth. It might be necessary to amplify the performance in larger halls. If this is done, care should be taken that the sound is „acoustic“ as possible, without the addition of effects or strong b... [more]

[ 15.09.2003 ]
Mouth Organ, English translation of performance notes

Hämmerklavier X „Mouth Organ“

1. The Music of this piece is created solely with the mouth. It might be necessary to amplify the performance in larger halls. If this is done, care should be taken that the sound is „acoustic“ as possible, without the addition of effects or strong b... [more]

[ 13.01.2004 ]


DOCKritik einer Aufführung mit Daniel Agi, 2007

see also Querverbindungen

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Haemmerklavier XI (1998)
What if 1 composer from 1 country wrote 60 pieces under a second for solo piano

  Chamber music - Piano solo
also look at Musiktheater und Performance

  for piano solo
work list 81-98-HW

completed 1998

instruments piano solo

duration 1'

world premiere 02/11/1998
Guy Livingston, pf.
Cape Town (South Africa)

special 60 single pieces each lasting one second, played quickly in a row, mouth-siren and moo-box needed

dedicated Guy Livingston

soundcarrier das ist taktlos
Don't panic!

scores Schott ED 9137

texts Hämmerklavier Xi, Einleitungstext

Moritz Eggert

Hämmerklavier XI

What if 1 composer from 1 country wrote 60 pieces under a second for solo piano?

Klavier solo



Dieses Stück be... [more]

[ 30.12.2003 ]

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Haemmerklavier XIII (2002)
2 Ostinati: ostinato 12.8.2001, ostinato 5.9.2001

  Chamber music - Piano solo

  for piano, toy piano or celesta
work list 116a-01-HW

completed 09/05/2001

movements I. ostinato 5.9.2001
II. ostinato 12.8.2001

instruments piano or celesta solo

duration 6'

world premiere 09/20/2002
Moritz Eggert, pf./celesta
Biel (Switzerland), Tonkuenstlerfest, Salle de Peuple (ostinato 12.8.2001)/ Gent (Belgien) (ostinato 5.9.2001), Logos-Tetraeder, pian-OH Festival, 6/4/2003

special formerly postcard piece IV and V

also published in "Muenchner Klavierbuch - Neue Klaviermusik fuer den Unterricht"
Vogt&Fritz, VF 755

texts Hämmerklavier XIII: short text about the piece

Hämmerklavier XIII: 2 Ostinati

These short pieces were originally written as “postcard pieces”, although I have to admit that the postcards were rather large.
The first, 12.8.2001, was written for the birth of my second niece, Vera. The second, 5.9.2001, was written for Fr... [more]

[ Haemmerklavier XIII: short text about the piece , 25.04.2003 ]

see also Ostinato

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Haemmerklavier XIX: Anthems Of The World (Afghanistan To Zimbabwe) (2006)
for piano solo

  Chamber music - Piano solo

work list 166-06-HW

completed 09/12/2006

duration 11'

world premiere 09/12/2006

special Contains nearly all current national anthems (from 2006)

dedicated Shiau-uen Ding

publication Sikorski

texts Hymnen der Welt, kurzer Text zum Stück

Ich hatte schon immer ein perverses Interesse für Nationalhymnen, das auf dem Fund einer Ausgabe mit Nationalhymnen der Olympischen Spiele von 1936 aus dem Nachlass meines Großvaters beruht.
Nationalhymnen sind – entgegen landläufiger Meinung – selten gute Kompositionen. Die w... [more]

[ Moritz Eggert , 19.10.2010 ]
Haemmerklavier XIX, short text about the piece

Hämmerklavier XIX: Anthems of the World (Afghanistan to Zimbabwe)

I always had a perverse fascination with national anthems dating back to my childhood when I found – among my grandfathers sheet music – an anthology of national anthems from the Olympic Games from 1936.
Ant... [more]

[ 20.09.2006 ]



Excerpt from the beginning of the piece, played live by Moritz Eggert

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Haemmerklavier XV (2003)
Nose Dance

  Chamber music - Piano solo

  für Klavier Solo
work list 139-03-HW

completed 05/23/2003

instruments Klavier

duration 3'

world premiere 10/16/2003
Moritz Eggert, pf.
Munich (Germany); Bayerische Akademie der Schoenen Kuenste

special Middle voice is played by nose or object


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Haemmerklavier XVII (2004)
Advanced Kabuki

  Chamber music - Piano solo
also look at Musiktheater und Performance

  for piano solo
work list 150-04-HW

completed 10/28/2004

instruments piano solo

duration 7'

world premiere 07/02/2005
Moritz Eggert, pf.
Bad Kissingen (Germany), Kissinger Sommer, "Lange Nacht der Neuen Musik", Rossini-Saal

special nearly completely theatrical, music comes second place to visual actions by the pianist

dedicated Siegfried Mauser

publication Sikorski,


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Haemmerklavier XVIII: 3 Miniatures (2006)
for piano solo

  Chamber music - Piano solo

  I Sketch (Skizze) (for Louisa Gustafsson)
II Four-Dimensional Object Useful As A Souvenir (Vierdimensionales Objekt mit Souvenircharakter) (for Marianne Augustin)
III For A Waltz (from Shostakovitch) / An einen Walzer (von Schostakowitsch)
work list 165-06-HW

completed 08/06/2006

instruments piano solo

duration 5'

world premiere 10/14/2006
Francesco Piemontesi, pf.
Munich (Germany), Gasteig, Kleiner Konzertsaal, "Winners and Masters"

special Unusual playing techniques, clapping, snapping

dedicated Louisa Gustafsson, Marianne Augustin

publication Sikorski

texts Hämmerklavier XVIII, kurzer Text zum Stück

Hämmerklavier XVIII: 3 Miniaturen

…besteht aus 3 kurzen Widmungsstücken.
Das erste, „Skizze“, beschäftigt sich mit dem Prozess des Verschwindens von musikalischem Material (in nur 40 Sekunden).
Im 2. Stück, „Vierdimensionales Objekt mit Souve... [more]

[ 28.09.2006 ]

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Haemmerklavier XX: One Man Band 2 (2009)

  Chamber music - Piano solo
(suiteable for church)

  for piano and small instruments
work list 183-HW-2009

completed 03/04/2009

instruments Piano (with harmonica, toy piano, squeaky object, foot pedal with woodblock)

duration 8'

world premiere 04/18/2009
Moritz Eggert, pf.
Carl-Orff-Saal, Gasteig, Munich (Germany), Festkonzert "20 Jahre Winners&Masters"

dedicated Andreas Krause


texts short text about the piece, English

In 1994 I wrote the since then most performed piece of my „Haemmerklavier“ cycle: “One Man Band”. In this piece I tried to test the limits of normal piano playing – not with massed notes but with unusual actions performed in addition to the playing on the keys. So the pianist has to play with chin a... [more]

[ Moritz Eggert , 13.7.2009 ]
One Man Band 2, kurzer Text zum Stück


1994 entstand das vielleicht am meisten gespielte Stück meines „Hämmerklavier“-Zyklus, „One Man Band“. In diesem Stück versuchte ich, den Pianisten komplett zu überfordern, allerdings nicht mit Massen von Tönen sondern mi... [more]

[ One Man Band 2, short text about the piece , 25.3.2009 ]

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Haemmerklavier XXI: 3 Microludes (2010)

  Chamber music - Piano solo
also look at Solo

  for piano solo
work list 191-NW-2010

completed 03/30/2010

movements 1. Unnatural Selection
2. 2. Holly Golightly Is Surprised By A Thunderstorm On The Steps Of The Fire Exit Of Her New York Apartment
3. Variation upon a theme by Kai Schumacher

instruments piano solo (+moo box in third movement)

duration 3'

world premiere 10/04/2012
(all three movements in one concert):
Moritz Eggert, pf.
Guanajuato (Mexico); Festival Cervantino

dedicated diverse



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Haemmerklavier XXII: Kreislerianana (2009)

  Chamber music - Piano solo
also look at Solo
(suiteable for church)

  for piano solo
work list 184-HW-09

completed 04/15/2009

instruments piano solo

duration 14'

special Based on "Kreisleriana Nr.6" by Robert Schumann

dedicated Susanne Kessel

soundcarrier An Robert Schumann


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Haemmerklavier XXIV: Trigonometry (2011)

  Chamber music - Piano solo

  for piano solo
work list 206-NW-2011

completed 12/16/2011

instruments piano

duration 3'

world premiere 06/08/2012
Huw Watkins, pf.
London (GN), Schott London, Recital Room

dedicated Peter Hanser-Strecker

Schott ED 21470


Huw Watkins plays the piece for Schott's "Petrushka-Project"

texts Trigonometrie, kurzer Text zum Stück

Hämmerklavier XXIV: Trigonometrie
Eines der größten Talente von Peter (Hanser-Strecker) ist sicherlich, an fast allen Orten dieser Welt gleichzeitig sein zu können und immer wieder Bezüge zwischen Gegensätzen und den unterschiedlichsten Menschen herstellen zu k&... [more]

[ Moritz Eggert , 16.5.2012 ]

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Haemmerklavier XXIX: No Replay (2019)

  Chamber music - Piano solo
also look at Singing with instruments

  for piano and screaming voice/s ad lib. (also from tape)
work list 267-NW-2019

completed 04/02/2019

text Winnie Karnofka

instruments piano

duration 4'

world premiere 05/04/2019
Julia Sontag, Philipp Zemmrich, Laura Hempel, Tom Smith, Lysann Schläfke
Leipzig (Germany), Theater der Jungen Welt


see also Maedchenmonstermusik

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Haemmerklavier XXV: Deviation (2014)

  Chamber music - Piano solo

  for piano solo
work list 232-NW-2014

completed 05/21/2014

instruments piano

duration 4'

world premiere 04/22/2015
Susanne Kessel, pf.
Bonn (Germany), Rheinhotel Dreesen, "250 Piano Pieces for Beethoven"

dedicated Susanne Kessel

�250 piano pieces for Beethoven�, ISMN 9790708147008, Editions Musica Ferrum


Shoko Kuroe, pf.

texts Hämmerklavier XXV, kurzer Text zum Stück

Für mich ist die Musik am interessantesten, die mit unserem Leben und den Umständen unseres Lebens zu tun hat und sich nicht allein in Kopfgeburten verliert. Insofern sind natürlich auch Freiheit und Frieden große Themen, die auf jeden Fall Platz in der Musik haben sollten. Ich ... [more]

[ Moritz Eggert , 16.08.2015 ]

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Haemmerklavier XXVII: Julieta's Sarabande (2017)

  Chamber music - Piano solo
also look at Solo
(suiteable for church)

  for harpsichord and piano (1 player)
work list 254-17-HW

completed 11/19/2017

instruments harpsichord/piano

duration 8'

dedicated in loving memory of Julieta Alvarado-Rieppel

publication Haemmerklavier XXVII: Julieta‘s Sarabande (Julietas Sarabande) (2017)
For piano solo
HV 254
8 Minutes
Sheet Music:

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Haemmerklavier XXVIII: Allemande (2019)

  Chamber music - Piano solo
also look at Stage music
(suiteable for church)

  for piano solo
work list 266-NW-2019

completed 03/22/2019

instruments piano

duration 3'


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Hämmerklavier XXVI: To be played after Mompous Cancion 6 (2017)

  Chamber music - Piano solo
also look at Solo
(suiteable for church)

  for piano solo
work list 250-17-HW

completed 04/18/2017

instruments piano

duration 6'

special freely relates to a piece by Frederic Mompou (see title)


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Loud and fearless (1990)

  Chamber music - Piano solo

  by "Atanasio Khyrsh" (written together with Sandeep Bhagwati), for piano solo with assistants
work list 26-90-NW

completed 1990

voices singing assistants ad lib.

instruments piano solo, assistants playing any instrument

duration 13'

world premiere 11/22/1990
Moritz Eggert, pf., Hardy Wenzel, Vla., Lutz Landwehr, Sandeep Bhagwati, Peter Frey, voice, Jelka Weber, assistant
Munich (Germany), A*Devantgarde, Gasteig, Black Box

special Improvised Passages, use of unusual extra instruments (kitchen clocks, mechanical toys, radios, etc.), assistents play other instruments and sing, performance-elements

see also The search for the KlaNNg

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scene from Paul and Virginie (1990)

  Chamber music - Piano solo
also look at Operas/ music theatre

  a scene from "Paul & Virginie" for piano solo
work list 22b-90-BE

completed 03/08/1990

instruments piano solo

duration 7'

world premiere 05/10/1990
Moritz Eggert, pf.
Munich (Germany), Musikhochschule, Grosser Saal

soundcarrier Klavier Musik Utopien

see also Paul and Virginie

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