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Opening ceremony of the FIFA World Cup 2006 (2006)

  Stage Works - Stage music

  Gigantic show with 1400 participants
work list 163-06-NW

completed 05/25/2006

instruments participants: Toelzer Knabenchor, 180 Schuhplattler, 15 Goaßlschnalzer, Chorvereinigung Wien/Neubau (director: Walter Zeh), Junges Klangforum Mitte Europas (conductor: Christoph Altstaedt), 180 Wolfauslasser, 150 bavarian Ruehrtrommler, 120 “Drummers of the world”

duration 30'

world premiere 06/10/2006
director: Christian Stueckl, costumes. Marlene Pohley, music: Moritz Eggert (except the pieces by „Seeed“ and Herbert Groenemeyer), 1500 participants (see above)
Munich (Germany), worldwide broadcast with 1.5 billion viewers, WM-Arena

special contains the following music:
„Hymne an den Ball“ (from „The Depth Of Space“) (new version without voices)
„Adagio – An Answered Question“ (excerpt)
„Drums Of The World“ for 120 percussionists
„Im Anfang war das Spiel“ for boy’s choir
„Orchestral Intro“ for orchestra and choir
„Drumming Prologue“ for 180 drummers and 15 „Gaosslschnalzer“
„Wolfauslasser“ for 180 „Wolfauslasser“ and orchestra
„Finale“ (for all)



Komplettes Intro-Video, das im Stadion gezeigt wurde
complete introductory video that was shown in the stadium

Teil 2 (Einmarsch der Weltmeister)
Part 2 (Entree of the former world cup winners)

following are 4 videos with the entire ceremony, there is relatively little talking by the commentators here.

texts Interview with the composer Malay Mail (Malaysia)

Classical & Jazz: Symphonic soccer fan
By Ahmad Azrai

11 June, 2006

The beautiful game has begun. But if you were paying attention to the Opening Ceremony, you may have been entranced by the music (as well as the fantastic amount of effort to pull it off). Well, ... [more]

[ Ahmad Azrai , 11.06.2006 ]
Liste der musikalischen Mitwirkenden

Liste der musikalischen Mitwirkenden bei der Eröffnungsfeier der WM in Deutschland, 9.6.2006 (Regie: Christian Stückl)

48 Tölzer Knaben (Tölzer Knabenchor, Einstudierung Gerhard Schmidt-Gaden)
180 bayerische Rührtrommler (Einstudierung: ... [more]

[ 15.07.2006 ]

see also Adagio - An Answered Question
From the depth of space - a soccer oratorio
Breaking The Waves (Open Air Performance)

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