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Moritz Eggert

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pong (2002)

  Chamber music - Septets

  for septet
work list 125-02-HW

completed 03/30/2002

instruments fl./picc., cl. (Bb), string quartet, pf.

duration 8'

world premiere 08/29/2002
Anne-Laure Martin, Olga Pecherskaja, violin, Marie-Florence Ricard, viola, Sebastian Kraus, cello, Caroline Kocak, flute, Joris Ruehl, clarinet, Yannick Wirner, piano, Moritz Eggert, conductor
Lyon (France), Conservatoire Nationale superieur Musique, Salle Varése, "Jeunesse Moderne"

special unusual setup, ping-pong effects (hocket), various special playing techniques

soundcarrier Jeunesse Moderne



Left Coast Chamber Ensemble plays "pong"

texts pong, kurzer deutscher Text zum Stück


“Pong” (auch bekannt als „Computertennis“) war das erste richtige Computerspiel mit Breitenwirkung und hat immer noch einen legendären Ruf als das Spiel, das eine Milliarden Dollar schwere Computerspielindustrie ins Leben rief. Obwohl die Technik und Graphik heutiger Spiele ... [more]

[ Moritz Eggert , 22.5.2009 ]
pong shorter english text about the piece


“Pong” was the first ever computer game, and still has a kind of legendary reputation as the game that spawned the billion dollar computer game industry. Although on the surface there seems to be a development in graphics and presentation, the basis of all these games is found in... [more]

[ 26.08.2004 ]
Pongm short english text about the piece


“Pong” was the first ever computer game, and still has a kind of legendary reputation.
“Although not a video game, Willy Higinbotham built it in 1958 as the very first game based around a computer and a CRT at Brookhaven National Laboratory (Upton, New-York, USA). The gam... [more]

[ 25.08.2004 ]



excerpt from the piece (beginning), Jeuness Moderne Ensemble, conductor: Moritz Eggert

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