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Moritz Eggert

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der heckser

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Symphony 3.0 (2002)

  Chamber music - Sextets

  for 6 or more ships horns, car horns or gas horns
work list 128-02-NW

completed 07/09/2002

movements I. leak
II. wawltz


instruments 6 or more ships horns, car horns or gas horns

duration 6'

world premiere 07/12/2002
"The Scruncheons"
St. John's (Newfoundland/Canada), Sound Symposium

special written for the "harbour symphony" series

dedicated Paul Steffler (I) Kate Wherry (II)



Ausschnitt aus einer Aufführung in Ghana, Afrika (mit 6 Autos)
Excerpt from a performance in Ghana, Africa (with 6 cars)

Jobst Liebrecht dirigiert "Symphonie 3.0" in Berlin/ Jobst Liebrecht conducts "Symphony 3.0" in Berlin

texts Symphony 3.0, english performance instructions

Moritz Eggert
Symphonie 3.0

I: leak for 6 or more ship’s horns, car horns or gas horns
II: wawltz for 6 ship’s horns, car horns or gas horns

Created for the harbour symphony, St. John’s, Sound Symposium


... [more]

[ 12.10.2004 ]

see also Breaking The Waves (Open Air Performance)
Symphony 3.0 (extended version)

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