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Moritz Eggert

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Country Music (2016)

  Chamber music - Solo
also look at Solo
(suiteable for church)

  for discant zither solo
work list 245-NW-2016

completed 12/06/2026

duration 9'

special written for the 7th International Competition for Zither


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Haemmerklavier XXX: One Woman Band (2020)

  Chamber music - Solo
also look at Piano solo

  For piano solo, small instruments and sampler
work list 276-HW-2020

completed 05/08/2020

instruments Piano Solo, sampler, small instruments (1 player)

duration 6'


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Abendland (2019)
from Silly Symphony"

  Chamber music - Solo
also look at Piano solo
(suiteable for church)

  for toy piano solo
work list 271b-NW-2019

completed 12/01/2019

instruments Toy Piano

duration 4'

world premiere 11/28/2019
Moritz Eggert
Munich (Germany), Villa Stuck


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Mir mit dir (2019)
10 Pre- and Afterthoughts to the violin sonatas by Beethoven

  Chamber music - Solo
(suiteable for church)

  for violin solo
work list 268-HW-2019

completed 07/12/2019

instruments Violine

duration 34'

world premiere 09/27/2019
I Antje Weithaas II Nikita Boriso-Glebsky III Suyoen Kim IV Mihaela Martin V Alina Pogostkina VI Linus Roth VII Vadim Gluzman VIII Baiba Skride IX Hyeyoon Park X Stella Chen
Kronberg (Germany), Johanniskirche und Stadthalle, Kronberg Academy


texts Mir mit dir, Text zum Stück

Mir mit dir
10 Vor-und Nachgedanken zu den Beethovenschen Violinsonaten

„die Liebe fordert alles und ganz mit Recht, so ist es mir mit dir, dir mit mir.“
So schrieb Beethoven im berühmten „Brief an die Unsterbliche Geliebte“, der den Historikern bis heute Räts... [more]

[ Moritz Eggert , 16.7.2019 ]

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Fantasia in Stereo (2017)

  Chamber music - Solo
(suiteable for church)

  for recorders Solo (Alto G/F/Voice Flute)
work list 249-17-NW

completed 04/15/2017

instruments Alto G/F/Voice Flute

duration 5'

special Freely relates to Telemann Fantasia No.9 from „12 Fantasias“

dedicated Tabea Debus


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Tamam Shud (2016)

  Chamber music - Solo
(suiteable for church)

  for double bass solo
work list 243-HW-2016

completed 04/26/2016

instruments Double Bass

duration 8'

special Auftragswerk des Internationalen Musikwettbewerbs der ARD/ Commissioned by the ARD International Music Competition


texts Tamam Shud, english text about the piece

For contrabass Solo
Auftragswerk des Internationalen Musikwettbewerbs der ARD/ Commissioned by the ARD International Music Competition

“Tamam Shud” is a Persian phrase meaning (roughly) “it is ended” or “it is finished”.
But it is also the name of one ... [more]

[ Moritz Eggert , 29.04.2016 ]

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Little Samba from the "Foot Ballet" (2011)

  Chamber music - Solo

  for bassoon solo
work list NW-172b-2011

completed 12/23/2011

instruments bassoon solo

duration 1'

special easy piece intended for young players

dedicated Olli Schlichtenberg


see also At The Ball

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Haemmerklavier XXIII: musica viva (2011)

  Chamber music - Solo
also look at Musiktheater und Performance

  for pianist/performer
work list 204-NW-2011

completed 07/05/2011

instruments piano and various materials

duration 4'

world premiere 07/08/2011
Moritz Eggert
Munich (Germany), Kaufmannscasino, reception of the musica viva

special musical realisation of all pieces that have been commissioned under Udo Zimmermann as artistic director (musica viva concert series, Munich)

dedicated Udo Zimmermann


texts Vorwort der Partitur

Hämmerklavier XXIII: musica viva
(für Udo Zimmermann)

Dieses Stück ist eine Hommage an den Komponisten Udo Zimmermann, der die Münchener Konzertreihe „musica viva“ von 1997 bis 2011 künstlerisch leitete. Ich habe versucht, die Titel aller 116 Stück... [more]

[ Moritz Eggert , 05.07.2011 ]

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Solfeggio (2011)

  Chamber music - Solo
(suiteable for church)

  for flute solo
work list 199-NW-2011

completed 01/11/2011

duration 2'

world premiere 05/25/2012
Carin Levine, fl.
Schloss Rheinsberg (Germany), Foyer des Schlosstheaters

dedicated Carin Levine


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Processional: 2 Transfers (2009)

  Chamber music - Solo

  for solo trumpet
work list 137bb/cc-NW-09

completed 20/06/2009

movements 1.

instruments solo trumpet (Bb)

duration 6'

world premiere 07/25/2009
Bregenz (Austria), opening "Musik aus der Zeit" (Bregenzer Festspiele)

special Can only be performed as part of the larger work "Processional"

see also Processional

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Three Interludes (Auf dem Wasser zu singen) (2009)

  Chamber music - Solo
(suiteable for church)

  version 1: for accordion solo
version 2: for organ solo
work list NW-185a-09

completed 05/04/2009

instruments accordion solo or organ solo

duration 6'

world premiere 07/05/2009
Mateja Zenzerovic, Acc.
Erl (Austria), Staustufe, Tiroler Festspiele


see also Auf dem Wasser zu singen
Auf dem Wasser zu singen (theatrical concert)

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Industrial, solo version (2009)
for percussion solo

  Chamber music - Solo
(suiteable for church)

work list 181b-NW-09

completed 04/13/2009

instruments Percussion Solo

duration 16'

dedicated Peter Sadlo


see also Industrial
Industrial, solo version with obligatory synthesizer/sampler

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Idyl (2006)

  Chamber music - Solo

  for violin solo
work list 167-06-HW

completed 10/05/2006

instruments violin solo

duration 4'

world premiere 11/13/2006
Piotr Szewczyk, vl.
Miami, FL (USA), New World Symphony, Forum Concert
Video (WMV)

special performance elements (reading from newspaper), light scordatura

dedicated Piotr Szewczyk

publication Sikorski


Live performance des Geigers Piotr Szewczyk beim Spoleto Music Festival USA
Live performance of violinist Piotr Szewczyk at the Spoleto Music Festival USA

texts Idyl, short text about the piece


Writing for any solo instrument is always a difficult task for a composer. With the piano it’s the enormous amount of classic pieces already in existence that weigh down on you. With most other solo instruments it’s the limitations in polyphonic writing and the difficulty to defi... [more]

[ Moritz Eggert , 3.5.2007 ]

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alien (2005)

  Chamber music - Solo

  for recorder (1 player plays Garklein, sopranino, soprano and renaissance-alto) and live electronics
work list 157-05-HW

completed 12/21/2005

instruments Garklein, sopranino, soprano, renaissance-alto recorder (1 player), effects (Harmonizer, Chorus, Octaver), Sampler, 3 microphones

duration 12'

world premiere 12/21/2005

dedicated Genevieve Lacey

soundcarrier Weaver Of Fictions


texts alien, short english text about the piece


I have always been fascinated with concepts of a totally „alien“ music, whose laws are different from the one’s that we know and accept. Even though there are always people who try to formulate “generic” laws how music should function and who try to explain concepts of beauty wi... [more]

[ Moritz Eggert , 2.7.2007 ]
alien, performance notes in english

Moritz Eggert:

alien (2005)

For Genevieve Lacey

some performance notes:

- The player uses three different microphones. These microphones should be placed in a way that they are a) close to each other b) don’t interfer with each other (altho... [more]

[ 17.07.2006 ]



alien, Ausschnitt/excerpt, performed by Genevieve Lacey

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Processional: Fanfares/Signals (2003)

  Chamber music - Solo

  for trumpet solo
work list 137k-03-HW

completed 04/08/2003

movements I. I
V. V

instruments trumpet (Bb) solo

duration 11'

world premiere 06/19/2003
Mnozil Brass
Graz (Austria), Styriarte, opening concert

special can be performed on it's own or as part of the larger work PROCESSIONAL


see also Processional

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Ostinato (2003)

  Chamber music - Solo

  für Orgel Solo (and registrant)
work list 116/bII-03-NW

completed 01/03/2003

instruments organ solo

duration 2' 30''

world premiere 08/27/2003
Michaela Aigner, organ
Salzburg (Austria), Kajetanerkirche, Georg-Muffat-Orgelwettbewerb

special written for single manual organ with connected pedal


see also Haemmerklavier XIII

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Haemmerklavier XIV (2003)
The trouble with trills

  Chamber music - Solo
also look at Electronic music

  for player piano/MIDI
work list 136-03-HW

completed 12/19/2002

instruments (player) piano solo

duration 9'

world premiere 03/13/2003
Gent (Belgium), LOGOS-Foundation, "Man&Machine" concert

special Practically throughout: 44-part writing, all 88 keys are active most of the time

(this is a link to a radio show by Alejandro Vinao which contains a long excerpt of the piece)

texts Haemmerklavier XIV, short english program note

Hämmerklavier XIV: The trouble with trills

I always wanted to work with textures where all the notes are played at once, quasi a "Black on Maroon"-like sound. I am also contemplating a huge orchestra piece where all players play all the time. It is simply the excessivity that int... [more]

[ 10.01.2004 ]

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organ (2002)

  Chamber music - Solo

  for organ solo
work list 122-01-HW

completed 12/21/2001

instruments organ

duration 12'

world premiere 11/09/2002
Joerg Abbing, organ
Saarbruecken (Germany), Electricity-Festival, Johanneskirche

special weights on keys, rhythmical playing of registers

dedicated Jörg Abbing


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Haemmerklavier XIII (2002)
highway 61

  Chamber music - Solo
also look at Piano solo

  for piano, kazoo and mouth organ (1 player)
work list 120-01-HW

completed 11/28/2001

instruments piano, kazoo, mouth organ (1 player)

duration 16'

world premiere 04/14/2002
Marcel Worms, piano
Mexico city (Mexico) Centro Nacional de Las Artes

special additional instruments Kazoo and harmonica (played by the pianist), frisbee and bottleneck on strings, slight preparation, singing, stomping, actions

dedicated Marcel Worms

publication Schott, ED 9520

texts highway 61, english text of original blues

Hämmerklavier XII:
Highway 61: (Memphis – Cleveland – Tallulah – Natchez - Baton Rouge)

Well down 61 highway
I belong this road I know

You know that 61 highway
We belong this road I know

She ran from New York city... [more]

[ traditional , 16.01.2004 ]
highway 61, english translation of performance notes

For this piece the piano has to be prepared in the following way:
1) place a (drinking) glass lying down on the indicated strings (close to the far bridge). The glass should be as cylindrical as possible (having no extensions of any kind), i.e. a cocktail glass or a thin b... [more]

[ 12.01.2004 ]



Excerpt from the piece (beginning)

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Vermilion Sands (2000)
für einen Gitarristen und 2 Gitarren

  Chamber music - Solo

  für einen Gitarristen und 2 Gitarren
work list 100-99-HW

completed 11/30/1999

instruments guitar (2 guitars played by 1 player)

duration 16'

world premiere 02/27/2000
Stephan Stiens, guitars
Munich (Germany), Musikhochschule, Grosser Saal

special scordatura, many special effects, is played partly on 2 guitars simultaneously

dedicated Stephan Stiens

publication Vogt & Fritz, VF 533


Ausschnitte aus dem Stück, gespielt von Stephan Stiens

texts Link zu einem Video einer Aufführung von "Vermilion Sands"

[ Link to a video of a performance of "Vermilion Sands" , 18.10.2004 ]
Vermilion Sands

Der Titel meines Stückes bezieht sich auf die gleichnamige Sammlung von Erzählungen (Deutscher Titel: „Die Tausend Träume von Stellavista“, Suhrkamp) des englischen Autors J.G. Ballard.
„Vermilion Sands“ (zu deutsch etwa: „Zinnoberrote Dünen“) ist eine seltsame Stadt in e... [more]

[ 03.03.2003 ]
Vermilion Sands

The title of my piece refers to the story collection by the english author J.G. Ballard of the same name (also published as „The 1000 dreams of Stellavista“).
„Vermilion Sands“ is a weird city in an undefined desert, a kind of imaginary Palm Springs, in which a mixture of bored and decadent ... [more]

[ 03.03.2003 ]
Vermilion Sands, English Translations of performance notes


1) There are TWO guitars needed for this piece: one with ordinary (natural) strings (Guitar I) and one with steel strings (Guitar II).
2) Guitar I is played ordinarily. Guitar II is placed flat in front of the gui... [more]

[ 18.12.2004 ]
Vermilion Sands, technische Erläuterungen


1) Für dieses Stück werden zwei Gitarren benötigt: Eine mit Darmsaiten (Gitarre I) und eine mit Stahlsaiten (Gitarre II)
2) Die Gitarre I wird normal gespielt. Die Gitarre II liegt vor dem Gitarriste... [more]

[ 16.12.2004 ]

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Nemesis (1998)

  Chamber music - Solo

  for drumset solo
work list 84-98-HW

completed 08/27/1998

instruments 23-part rock drumset

duration 16'

world premiere 11/18/1998
Richard Moore, perc.
Toronto (Canada), Music Gallery

special geschrieben für 23-teiliges Rockschlagzeug

dedicated Richard Moore



The drumset is quite rarely used in contemporary composition. It still seems to be deeply rooted in popular music, and is mostly identified with the various forms of rock music.
I have listened to and played a lot of rock music - something that seems to be a common factor for all composers of... [more]

[ 13.08.1998 ]
Nemesis, kurzer deutscher Text zum Stück


Das „Drum-Set“, also Jazz- oder Rockschlagzeug, wird in Neuer Musik selten verwendet. Es scheint immer noch fest in der populären Musik verwurzelt zu sein, und wird vornehmlich mit den verschiedenen Formen der Rock-Musik identifiziert.
Ich habe viel Rock-Mu... [more]

[ 05.08.2004 ]



excerpt from the piece, played by Richard Moore

see also The search for the KlaNNg

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Breathless (1995)

  Chamber music - Solo

  for 4 recorders and 1 player
work list 57-94-HW

completed 11/13/1994

instruments 1 soprano-, 2 alto-, 1 renaissance-alto recorder

duration 8'

world premiere 10/22/1995
Naomi Graham, recorders
London (GB), Moeck-recorder-competition finals, Royal college of music

special two recorders are played at the same time throughout most of the piece, various modern playing techniques

dedicated Naomi Graham

soundcarrier Ausser Atem
Porträt-CD Moritz Eggert
Blockflute Short Cuts

scores Schott OFB 1920


Ausschnitt aus dem St�ck in dem Film "One Man Band" von Klaus Voswinckel, Naomi Graham, Blockfl�te
Excerpt from the piece from the film "One Mand Band" by Klaus Voswinckel, Naomi Graham, recorder

texts short text about the piece in English

In this piece the player uses three different types of recorders: soprano, alto (in F) and alto (in G). Inspired by the ancient Greek “aylos”-playing techniques these recorders are very often played in pairs at the same time, in different combinations. Sometimes the vocal element (... [more]

[ Moritz Eggert , 24.04.2016 ]

The possibility of having one performer play two recorders at the same time has always held a fascination for me. Not only did I feel that this technique had not been fully explored - I was also drawn to the intensity that a playing technique like this automatically demands by a performer(especially... [more]

[ 1994/95 ]
Ausser Atem - kurzer Text zum Stück


In diesem Stück werden drei verschiedene Blockflöten benutzt, Sopran-, Alt in F- und Alt in G- Blockflöte. Das Besondere ist, daß über weite Strecken des Stückes zwei Flöten auf einmal gespielt werden, in verschiedensten Kombinationen. G... [more]

[ 23.04.2003 ]

see also The search for the KlaNNg
In the sandbox

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Mystic page (2001)

  Chamber music - Solo

  for harp solo
work list 54-94-NW

completed 09/20/1994

instruments harp solo

duration 1' 30''

world premiere 11/03/2001
Marlis Neumann, harp
Gauting (Germany), Gautinger Schlosskonzerte

dedicated Marlis Neumann

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Consolations (1993, changed 2016)

  Chamber music - Solo

  Version 1: for viola solo (original version) HV 46a
Version 2: reworked version for viola or electric viola solo HV 46b
work list 46ab-93-HW

completed 09/22/1993

instruments viola solo

duration 7'

world premiere 03/19/2017
Gunther Pretzel, viola
reworked version: Andreas Ticozzi
Munich (Germany), Gasteig, Black Box
Munich (Germany), Johannissaal/Nymphenburg

special bow is sometimes played under the strings, whistling (only in original version)

dedicated Gunther Pretzel


texts Consolations, Text zum Stück

Im Sommer 1993, während der Arbeit an dem sehr komplexen und durchstrukturierten Orchesterwerk "Vexations" (ungefähr: "Quälereien" oder "Kränkungen") tröstete ich mich in müden Stunden mit dem Gedanken an mein nächstes Stück, das ganz intim und einfach sein so... [more]

[ Moritz Eggert , 14.06.1995 ]

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In the box (1996, changed 2001, 2016)
original version for triple trumpet

  Chamber music - Solo

  a) original version: for triple trumpet solo (1993/2001) HV 40a
b) Version für trumpet solo (2016) HV 40b
work list 40a-93-HW

completed 02/15/1993

instruments triple trumpet solo

duration 7'

world premiere 03/10/1996
Malte Burba, triple trumpet
London (GB), Guildhall school

special unusual trumpet construction, artificial prolongation of the trumpet with a garden hose, "remote playing" through a metal box

dedicated Malte Burba

texts In The Box, short text about the piece

In the Box

„In the Box“ was originally written for Malte Burba, who was looking for a showpiece for the specially constructed “triple trumpet”. So it is no surprise that the piece makes a lot of use of the new possibilities of this trumpet, which has two soundcones and two sets of val... [more]

[ Moritz Eggert , 11.4.2010 ]

see also In the box

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idee fixe
Version 1 für Viola

  Chamber music - Solo

  for viola solo
work list 36c-92-BE

completed 05/10/1992

instruments viola solo

duration 6'

world premiere 12/16/2003
Nils Moenkemeyer, vla.
Munich (Germany), Siemens-Rotunde

special partly approximate notation, performance elements

see also idee fixe (Celloversion)
"aural corridors"

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idee fixe (Celloversion) (1993)
Version 2 für Cello

  Chamber music - Solo

  for cello solo
work list 36b-92-BE

completed 05/10/1992

instruments Cello Solo

duration 6'

world premiere 02/05/1993
Laura McPheeters, vc.
London (GB), Guildhall school

special partly approximate notation, performance elements


Ausschnitt aus dem Stück, gespielt von Sebastian Hess, aus dem Film "One Man Band" von Klaus Voswinckel
Excerpt from the piece, played by Sebastian Hess, from the film "One Man Band" by Klaus Voswinckel

see also idee fixe

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Magical dances and rituals (1992)
2nd version for viola solo

  Chamber music - Solo

  for viola solo
work list 6b-91-BE

completed 1991

movements I. Ritual
II. Morning Song
III. Great Dance
IV. Dirge
V. Evening Song

instruments viola solo

duration 8'

world premiere 07/17/1992
Gunter Pretzel, vla.
Munich (Germany), Freies Musikzentrum

dedicated Patrick Sepec

see also Magical dances and rituals

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Etude de Solitude (1991)

  Chamber music - Solo
also look at Graphical scores

  for violin solo
work list 33-91-NW

completed 1991

instruments for violin solo

duration 6'

world premiere 0

dedicated Kathrin Maurer

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  Chamber music - Solo
also look at Piano solo

work list 23-89-NW

completed 11/08/1989

instruments piano or organ or harmonium or cembalo

duration 2'

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The book of days (1988)

  Chamber music - Solo
also look at Piano solo

  for piano solo
work list 17-88-NW

completed 06/1988

instruments piano solo

duration 15'

world premiere 06/10/1988
Moritz Eggert, pf.
Munich (Germany), Ludwig-Maximilan-University, Aula

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One for Claude (1988)

  Chamber music - Solo
also look at Piano solo

  for piano solo
work list 16-88-NW

completed 04/22/1988

instruments piano solo

duration 3'

world premiere 06/15/1988
Moritz Eggert, pf.
Frankfurt am Main (Germany), Alte Oper, Hindemithsaal

dedicated Gabriele Schlick

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Magical dances and rituals (1984)
original version for cello solo

  Chamber music - Solo

  for cello solo
work list 6a-84-HW

completed 11/1984

movements I. Ritual
II. Morning Song
III. Great Dance
IV. Dirge
V. Evening Song

instruments cello solo

duration 8'

world premiere 12/18/1984
Patrick Sepec, Vc.
Frankfurt am Main (Germany), Forum Stadtsparkasse

dedicated Patrick Sepec


see also Magical dances and rituals

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  Chamber music - Solo

  for electric bass solo
work list 4-83-NW

completed 1983

instruments electric bass solo

duration 3'

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Stories of farmer Heisch (1983)
new version

  Chamber music - Solo
also look at Piano solo

  for piano solo
work list 1b-83-HW

completed 1983

instruments piano solo

duration 3'

world premiere 19830000
Moritz Eggert, pf.
Frankfurt am Main (Germany), Forum Stadtsparkasse

dedicated Heike Bauer

see also Stories of farmer Heisch

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piano piece

  Chamber music - Solo
also look at Piano solo

  for piano solo
work list 3-83-NW

completed 1983

instruments piano solo

duration 5'

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Stories of farmer Heisch
old version

  Chamber music - Solo
also look at Piano solo

  for piano solo
work list 1a-82-HW

completed 04/1982

instruments piano solo

duration 3'

dedicated Heike Bauer

see also Stories of farmer Heisch

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