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Moritz Eggert

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ForEverDing (2018)
for voice(s) and piano

  Vocal music - Chorals
also look at Music for choir
(suiteable for church)


1. Version for voice(s) and piano (259a)
2. Version for vocal quartet, guitar and/or piano (259b)
3. Version for female and male voice, choir and orchestra (259c)
work list 259-NW 2018

completed 05/23/2018

text Moritz Eggert

duration 2'

world premiere 10/18/2018
Version 1: students of the Musical department
Version 2: BR-Rundfunk-Orchester, singers: Freya Apffelstaedt, Magnus Dietrich, Manuel Adt, conductor: Josef R. Olefirowicz
Special: Written for the Anniversary of the „Bayerische Theaterakademie August Everding“ (10/31/2018)

Munich (Germany), Prinzregententheater/Theaterakademie

special geschrieben zum Jubiläum der Bayerischen Theaterakademie August Everding

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Ein Haus voll Glorie/ Ich steh vor dir mit leeren Haenden, Herr/ Tief im Schoss meiner Mutter gewobe (2011)
3 chorale settings for the new edition of "Gotteslob"

  Vocal music - Chorals
(suiteable for church)

  For children’s choir, women’s choir, mixed small and large choir with obligatory organ
work list 202-NW-2011

completed 03/02/2011

text trad.

voices children’s choir, women’s choir, mixed small and large choir

instruments organ

duration 10'

publication Carus-Verlag, Stuttgart

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Ich habe dich gefunden (2000)

  Vocal music - Chorals

work list 105-00-NW

completed 08/01/2000

text text: Hoelderlin

voices choir

instruments organ and piano or harmonium

duration 3'

world premiere 09/02/2000
wedding guests, Martin Zehn, organ
Ahrenshoop (Germany), wedding of Andrea Heuser and Moritz Eggert

special wedding chorale for Andrea Heuser and Moritz Eggert

dedicated Andrea Heuser

see also Ich habe dich gefunden

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