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Moritz Eggert

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Tableau (1997)

  Chamber music - Duos

  for clarinet and piano (with melodica)
work list 68-97-HW

completed 01/09/1997

instruments clarinet and piano (with melodica)

duration 10'

world premiere 04/10/1997
Joerg Widmann, clarinet, Moritz Eggert, pf.
Munich (Germany), Siemens-Preis, Cuvilliés-Theater

special many theatrical elements, pianist and clarinetist move while playing, piano lid has to be removed completely, playing under and in the piano

dedicated Jörg Widmann



Ausschnitt aus dem Stück, gespielt von Jörg Widmann und Moritz Eggert, aus dem Film "One Man Band" von Klaus Voswinckel
Excerpt from the piece, played by Joerg Widmann and Moritz Eggert, from the film "One Man Band" by Klaus Voswinckel

Duo Luxa in Chengdu:
complete performance (with DUO LUXA)


I always liked the contradictory title of Lachenmann's chamber orchestra piece "Mouvement (vor der Erstarrung)" ("vor der Erstarrung" is difficult to translate in English - the most similar translation would be "before freezing").
A "Tableau" is a frozen picture, or a still-life. And as contr... [more]

tableau, english translations of performance instructions

Movement for clarinetist and pianist
English Translation of notes in the score:

Instruments: Player 1) Clarinet in Bb
Player 2) Piano, Soprano-Melodica, Jazz-brush*, hard mallet *
• for playing inside the piano

T... [more]

[ 19.10.2004 ]
Tableau, short text about the piece


I always liked the contradictory title of Lachenmann’s chamber orchestra piece „Mouvement (vor der Erstarrung)“ („vor der Erstarrung“ is difficult to translate in English – the most similar translation would be „before freezing“).
A „Tableau“ is a frozen picture... [more]

[ 21.10.2004 ]

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