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© 1999-2025 by
Moritz Eggert

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Symphonie 1.0 (1997)

  Orchesterwerke - Kammerorchester
siehe auch Musiktheater und Performance

  für 12 oder mehr Schreibmaschinen
Werkeverzeichnis 73-97-HW

fertig gestellt 15.06.1997

I. Introduktion und Allegro
II. Aria

Instrumente 12 Schreibmaschinen (4 Solo-, 8 Tuttischreibmaschinen)

Dauer 10'

Stefan Blum, Julia Schölzel, Siegfried Mauser, Moritz Eggert, Soloschreibmaschinen
München, Haus der Kunst, "Amerikanische Nacht"

Besonderheit Performance-Elemente, Concerto Grosso


Texte Symphony 1.0, short text about the piece

Symphony 1.0
For 12 typewriters

This piece is the first in a series of “weird symphonies” for unusual instrumentes, and was followed by “Symphony 2.0” for ship’s horns or car horns and “Symphony 3.0” for kazoos and any combination of instruments.
“Symphony 1.0” w... [mehr]

[ 16.06.2003 ]
symphony 1.0, translation of performance notes

Symphonie 1.0
For 12 mechanical typewriters

English translations


1) CR = Carriage Return, the left lever is used to „roll“ the carriage from left to right.
2) Type on any letter-key (stems down: left hand, stems up: right hand)

[ 29.09.2004 ]
Text from the american premiere of "Symphony 1.0"

Moritz Eggert
Symphony 1.0

notes by Jane Jaffe

Moritz Eggert’s Symphony 1.0 might be considered in the category of a concerto grosso since it pits four solo instruments (concertino) against an ensemble of eight other instruments (ripieno). There is nothing Baroqu... [mehr]

[ Jane Jaffe , 08.07.2003 ]



First Movement, all typewriters played with overdub by Moritz Eggert

siehe auch Auf der Suche nach dem KlaNNg

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