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Moritz Eggert

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The Behr-Khyrsh project (2002)
manuscript for a piece to be performed in a cinema

  Stage Works - Short operas

  Music: Behr-Khyrsh-Interludes, Nemesis (excerpts), Vermilion Sands (excerpt), Sandbox - Variations (excerpt), Auf der Suche nach dem KlaNNg (excerpt)
work list 132a-02-HW

completed 10/28/2002

text text: Moritz Eggert

voices Actor

instruments trumpet (Bb), guitar, percussion, violin, double bass

duration 40'

world premiere 12/05/2002
Ensemble "a rose is", Manfred H. Wenninger, speaker, Lisa Lammel, violin, Ulf Pankoke, trumpet, Christian Buck, guitar, Almut Lustig, percussion, Gregor Schwellenbach, bass, Jule Kracht, costumes, Jan Meyer, stage, Andreas Simon, film
Ensemble Website
Goettingen (Germany), Junges Theater, "Platzende Kometen"


Filmeinspielungen, Toneinspielungen

Ausschnitt aus der UA durch das Ensmeble "aroseis"

uses film and sound clips

Excerpt from the Premiere by the ensemble "aroseis"

see also Behr-Khyrsh-Interludes
Das Behr-Khyrsh-Projekt (textbook)
The search for the KlaNNg
Vermilion Sands
Sandbox - Variations

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