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Moritz Eggert

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In the box (1996, changed 2001, 2016)
original version for triple trumpet

  Chamber music - Solo

  a) original version: for triple trumpet solo (1993/2001) HV 40a
b) Version für trumpet solo (2016) HV 40b
work list 40a-93-HW

completed 02/15/1993

instruments triple trumpet solo

duration 7'

world premiere 03/10/1996
Malte Burba, triple trumpet
London (GB), Guildhall school

special unusual trumpet construction, artificial prolongation of the trumpet with a garden hose, "remote playing" through a metal box

dedicated Malte Burba

texts In The Box, short text about the piece

In the Box

„In the Box“ was originally written for Malte Burba, who was looking for a showpiece for the specially constructed “triple trumpet”. So it is no surprise that the piece makes a lot of use of the new possibilities of this trumpet, which has two soundcones and two sets of val... [more]

[ Moritz Eggert , 11.4.2010 ]

see also In the box

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