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Moritz Eggert

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der heckser

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Nemesis (1998)

  Chamber music - Solo

  for drumset solo
work list 84-98-HW

completed 08/27/1998

instruments 23-part rock drumset

duration 16'

world premiere 11/18/1998
Richard Moore, perc.
Toronto (Canada), Music Gallery

special geschrieben für 23-teiliges Rockschlagzeug

dedicated Richard Moore



The drumset is quite rarely used in contemporary composition. It still seems to be deeply rooted in popular music, and is mostly identified with the various forms of rock music.
I have listened to and played a lot of rock music - something that seems to be a common factor for all composers of... [more]

[ 13.08.1998 ]
Nemesis, kurzer deutscher Text zum Stück


Das „Drum-Set“, also Jazz- oder Rockschlagzeug, wird in Neuer Musik selten verwendet. Es scheint immer noch fest in der populären Musik verwurzelt zu sein, und wird vornehmlich mit den verschiedenen Formen der Rock-Musik identifiziert.
Ich habe viel Rock-Mu... [more]

[ 05.08.2004 ]



excerpt from the piece, played by Richard Moore

see also The search for the KlaNNg

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