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Moritz Eggert

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Aboriginal / Millennium Dance (1998)

  Chamber music - Duos

  for 2 singing and beating pianists
work list 89a-98-HW

completed 10/24/1998

instruments piano 4 hands

duration 22'

world premiere 11/21/1998
Sigi Mauser, Moritz Eggert, pno.
Munich (Germany), "Killmayer-Nacht", Bavarian Radio

special knocking, singing, 2nd movement was the basis for "Number Nine III: Millennium Dance", movements can also be performed alone

dedicated Klaus Voswinckel (Aboriginal), Sigi Mauser (Millennium Dance)


texts millennium dance short english text

„No! No! There are only 10 of us and there are 10.000.000 fighting somewhere in front of you, so get your onions up and we will throw up the truce flag“ (The last words of Dutch Schultz)

Millenium Dance is very fast throughout, a piece in which I throw a very sarcastic glance at our b... [more]

[ 06.04.2004 ]
zu: "Aboriginal/ Millennium Dance"

Für 4-händiges Klavier
Moritz Eggert

Der berüchtigte Chicagoer Gangster Dutch Schultz stammte aus dem Kreis der Männer um Al Capone. Nachdem er von Unbekannten in einer Herrentoilette angeschossen wurde, bra... [more]

[ 16.04.2003 ]



Aboriginal, gespielt von Martin Zehn und Moritz Eggert


Ausschnitt (Excerpt) Millennium Dance, Martin Zehn, Moritz Eggert, pf.

see also Milennium Shuffle
Millennium Dance Shuffle
Number Nine III

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