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© 1999-2024 by
Moritz Eggert

In English

der heckser

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Encore (1998)
Ouvertüre zu "Wir sind daheim" (neue Version)

  Elektronische Musik

  für Tape
Werkeverzeichnis 79b-98-HW

fertig gestellt 1998

Instrumente Klangcollage (auf DAT-Band)

Dauer 6'

Mannheim, Schnawwl (Nationaltheater)


This sound collage was originally part of my chamber opera "Wir sind Daheim"(We are at home). The opera is the story of three people (two men and a woman) finding shelter in some kind of underground bunker controlled by a mysterious "housekeeper". Outside some kind of catastrophe has taken place, bu... [mehr]

[ 22.07.1998 ]
Encore, short text about the piece


This sound collage was originally part of my chamber opera „Wir sind Daheim“(We are at home). The opera is the story of three people (two men and a woman) finding shelter in some kind of underground bunker controlled by a mysterious „housekeeper“. Outside some kind of ... [mehr]

[ 08.10.2003 ]

siehe auch Wir sind daheim (neue Version)
Breaking The Waves - Call

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